Usage sunting

Template description: Infobox for Academy Awards ceremonies

Infobox code

{{Infobox Academy Awards
| name     = 
| image    = 
| caption  = 
| date     = 
| site     = 
| preshow  = 
| host     = 
| producer = 
| director = 
| duration = 
| network =
| best_picture=
| most_awards=
| most_nominations=
| last=
| next=
  • name Name of the Academy Awards ceremony, in the form Xth
  • image [OPTIONAL] The image of event poster of the Academy Awards ceremony.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: Adding a film poster of the Best Picture winner violates rule #8 of Wikipedia's fair use criteria.
  • caption [OPTIONAL] The image caption
  • date Date of the ceremony
  • site The site of the ceremony, in the form building, city. For multiple sites: building_1, city_1 and building_2, city_2
  • preshow [OPTIONAL] The host(s) of the preshow
  • host The ceremony's host(s)
  • producer [OPTIONAL] The producer
  • director [OPTIONAL] The director
  • duration [OPTIONAL] How long was the ceremony, in the form of X hours, Y minutes
  • network [OPTIONAL] Which network in the United States telecasted the ceremony.

See also sunting