Alexis Carrel
Alexis Carrel (28 Jun 1873 - 5 November 1944) ialah ahli bedah dan ahli biologi Perancis yang dianugerahkan Hadiah Nobel dalam Fisiologi atau Perubatan pada tahun 1912 untuk merintis teknik suturing vaskular. Dia mencipta pam perfusi pertama dengan Charles A. Lindbergh membuka jalan ke pemindahan organ. Seperti kebanyakan intelektual zamannya, beliau mempromosikan eugenik. Beliau adalah seorang bupati untuk Yayasan Perancis untuk Kajian Masalah Manusia semasa Vichy Perancis yang melaksanakan kebijakan eugenik di sana; hubungannya dengan Yayasan dan dengan ultra-nasionalis Jacques Doriot Parti Populaire Français menyebabkan siasatan bekerjasama dengan Nazi, tetapi dia meninggal sebelum sebarang percubaan dapat diadakan.[1][2][3][4] Beliau menghadapi serangan media menjelang akhir hayatnya kerana didakwa terlibat dengan Nazi.

Pemenang Hadiah Nobel pada tahun 1912, Alexis Carrel juga dipilih dua kali, pada tahun 1924 dan 1927, sebagai ahli kehormat Akademi Sains USSR.[5][6]
sunting- ^ Sade, Robert M. MD. Alexis Carrel, Pioneer Surgeon Diarkibkan 2013-10-29 di Wayback Machine Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina.
- ^ Reggiani, Andrés Horacio. God's Eugenicist. Alexis Carrel and the Sociobiology of Decline. Berghahn Books, Oxford 2007.
- ^ Schneider William H.. Quality and Quantity: The Quest for Biological Regeneration in Twentieth-Century France. Cambridge UP 1990, pp. 272-282.
- ^ (see Reggiano (2002) as well as Caillois, p. 107
- ^ Информационная система «Архивы Российской академии наук»
- ^ [1] Official website of the Russian Academy of Sciences
sunting- Carrel, Alexis. Man, The Unknown. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1939.
- Szasz, Thomas. The Theology of Medicine. New York: Syracuse University Press, 1977.
- Feuerwerker, Elie. Alexis Carrel et l'eugénisme. Le Monde, 1er Juillet 1986.
- Schneider, William. Quality and Quantity: The Quest for Biological Regeneration in Twentieth-Century France, Cambridge UP 1990.
- Bonnafé, Lucien and Tort, Patrick. L'Homme, cet inconnu? Alexis Carrel, Jean-Marie le Pen et les chambres a gaz Editions Syllepse, 1996. ISBN 2-907993-14-3
- David Zane Mairowitz. "Fascism à la mode: in France, the far right presses for national purity", Harper's Magazine; 10/1/1997
- Reggiani, Andrés Horacio. Alexis Carrel, the Unknown: Eugenics and Population Research under Vichy French Historical Studies, Spring 2002; 25: pp. 331–356.
- Wallace, Max. The American Axis: Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, and the Rise of the Third Reich St. Martin's Press, New York, 2003.
- Berman, Paul. Terror and Liberalism W. W. Norton, 2003.
- Walther, Rudolph. Die seltsamen Lehren des Doktor Carrel, DIE ZEIT, 31.07.2003 Nr. 32
- Terrenoire, Gwen, CNRS. Eugenics in France (1913-1941) : a review of research findings Joint Programmatic Commission UNESCO-ONG Science and Ethics, March 24, 2003 (Comité de Liaison ONG-UNESCO)
- Reggiani, Andrés Horacio. God's Eugenicist. Alexis Carrel and the Sociobiology of Decline. Berghahn Books, Oxford 2007.
- Friedman, David M. The Immortalists: Charles Lindbergh, Dr. Alexis Carrel, and Their Daring Quest to Live Forever. HarperCollins, NY 2007.
- Borghi L. (2015) "Heart Matters. The Collaboration Between Surgeons and Engineers in the Rise of Cardiac Surgery". In: Pisano R. (eds) A Bridge between Conceptual Frameworks. History of Mechanism and Machine Science, vol 27. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 53-68
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suntingWikipetik mempunyai koleksi petikan mengenai: Alexis Carrel |
Wikimedia Commons mempunyai media berkaitan Alexis Carrel |
- Nobel Prize presentation speech to Dr. Carrel
- Nobel Prize biography of Dr. Carrel
- Research Foundation entitled to Alexis Carrel
- "Data from France". Time. 1944-10-16. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 2008-12-14. Dicapai pada 2008-08-10. Time, October 16, 1944
- Death of Alexis Carrel Diarkibkan 2008-12-14 di Wayback Machine, Time, November 13, 1944