Hans si Bijak (dalam bahasa Jerman, der Kluge Hans) merupakan seekor kuda ligas Orlov yang didakwa mampu melalukan aritmetik dan tugas intelektual lain.

Hans Bijak.

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Sumber sunting

  •   Hothersall, David. History of Psychology. McGraw-Hill. 2004.
  • Pfungst, O. (1911). Clever Hans (The horse of Mr. von Osten): A contribution to experimental animal and human psychology (Trans. C. L. Rahn). New York: Henry Holt. (Originally published in German, 1907).
  • The London Standard (2 Oktober 1904). ""CLEVER HANS" AGAIN.; Expert Commission Decides That the Horse Actually Reasons" (PDF). The New York Times. Dicapai pada 2 Februari 2008.

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