Raja mutlak: Perbezaan antara semakan

Kandungan dihapus Kandungan ditambah
Tiada ringkasan suntingan
Baris 5:
== Sejarah dan teori yang berkaitan ==
=== Hak Ketuhanan Raja ===
Teori monarki mutlak mula berkembang pada akhir Zaman Pertengahan bermula dari feudalisme di mana raja masih dianggap first among equals di kalangan golongan [[bangsawan]]. Early Absolutists advocated the theory of Divine Right of Kings to justify their position. In the 16th century, monarchs took advantage of the clergy's weakness during the Reformation to impose their will. They declared to have the ability to decide the religion of their subjects. Henry VIII of England seized the property of the Catholic church while France claimed "Gallican liberties". These new monarchs claimed to be responsible solely to God. They attempted to eliminate or marginalize customs, institutions, and laws that held their predecessors in check. They believed that God gave them the right to supreme rule and sovereignty over their land. Those that claimed to have the divine right of kings often ruled in an unfair and egotistical manner, much like a modern dictator, and many were overthrown. One of the most famous examples of a monarch claiming his divine right to rule was Louis XIV of France.
=== Teori Hobbes mengenai Kedaulatan Raja ===
=== Enlightened despotism ===
== Senarai Negara-Negara Monarki Mutlak ==