Gaius Marius: Perbezaan antara semakan

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Baris 3:
== Sejarah awal ==
Berbanding dengan Caesar, keluarga Gaius Marius tidak mempunyai ikatan dengan ahli [[Senator]]. Beliau berasal dari golongan ''plaebian'' dan dianggap sebagai ''novus homo'' ("manusia baru"), iaitu seorang yang tidak berasal dari keturunan bangsawan atau Senator. Beliau dilahirkan pada sekitar [[157 SM]] disebuah desa di [[Itali]] iaitu di [[Arpinum]], yang terletak selatan [[Latium]]. Walaupun beliau bukan dari keluarga bangsawan, keluarganya agak berada dan mempunyai perhubungan [[perniagaan]] dengan keluarga bangsawan di Rom. Ini memberi peluang kepada beliau sebagai orang luar untuk menembusi kumpulan berpengaruh di [[Republik Rom]] tersebut.

=== Marius sebagai tentera pasukan berkuda ==
Langkah pertama beliau untuk mencapai cita-citanya ialah dengan memasuki pasukan [[tentera Romberkuda]] Rom pada 134 SM. Dedikasi beliau sebagai seorang tentera di Numantia telah menarik minat tokoh Rom terkenal iaitu [[Scipio Aemilianus]], cucu kepada [[Scipio Africanus]] iaitu orang yang paling berkuasa di Rom pada ketika itu. Oleh yang demikian, Scipio menganugerahnya dengan berbagai pingat dan penghormatan sehinggakan dia memberitahu orangramai bahawa Marius bakal menjadi penggantinya.
After these events, Marius ran for tribune and won. Right away, he showed the mettle of a much more experienced magistrate in a confrontation in the Senate with the consul Cotta about a law on the method of voting, confrontation that Marius won by standing his ground. He became known as a defender of the people, a popularis.[10] He was quaestor in 122 and was posted in Transalpine Gaul under Q. Fabius Maximus, Scipio Aemilius’ son.[11] He then lost two elections in the same day as curule and plebeian aedile and barely won an election as praetor in 116-115, and he was also prosecuted for bribing people in this last election.[12] After his praetorship, he was sent to Outer Spain and fought bandits in the province. When he returned to Rome, he made a political alliance by marrying Julia from the family of the Caesars: his bride was the aunt of the future dictator Julius Caesar.[13] This alliance must have helped Marius regain some countenance in the political arena.[14]
He returned to army service during the Jugurthine war under Caecilius Metellus, where he did all he could to upstage his commander and take advantage of all the opportunities for glory that were presented to him. He also made sure he was loved by his own men and shared in all their work, meals and accommodations. He made a lot of friends in the army that way and his name became famous in Libya then Rome. His soldiers even wrote home stating that he should be elected consul to end the war they were involved in and Metellus was not too pleased with this and eventually became hostile to Marius.[15] Marius knew the Metelli and the rest of the nobles were set against his obtaining the consulate and he resented that and wanted to win despite their lack of support towards him for the attainment of that magistrature.[16] Marius then sailed back to Rome and asked for the consulship after attacking Metellus in the Senate and promising that he would return with Jugurtha alive or kill the Numidian leader.[17]
== Rujukan ==