Bahasa Na'vi: Perbezaan antara semakan

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Baris 48:
Na’vi tidak mengandungi [[hentian bersuara]] seperti {{IPA|[b d ɡ]}}, tetapi mengandungi [[konsonan ejektif]] {{IPA|[pʼ tʼ kʼ]}}, yang dieja ''px, tx, kx.'' It also has the [[syllabic consonant]]s ''ll'' and ''rr''. Terdapat tujuh vokal, ''a ä e i ì o u.'' Although all the sounds were designed to be pronounceable by the human actors of the film, there are unusual [[consonant cluster]]s, as in ''fngap'' {{IPA2|fŋap|}} "logam".<ref>[ "Na'vi, la langue d'Avatar"], ''L'express,'' 1 December 2009</ref>
Suku kata Na’vi mungkin semudah sebuah vokal, oratau as complex assekompleks ''skxawng'' "moron" or ''fngap'' seperti di atas (kedua-duanya [[konsonan|K]]K[[vokal|V]]K).
Bahasa cereka Pandora, Na’vi tidak bertulis. HoweverWalaubagaimanapun, the actualbahasa (studio) languagesebenar isditulis written in themenggunakan [[Abjad Latin alphabet]] for the actorsuntuk ofpelakon ''Avatar.'' Perkataan contoh: ''zìsìt'' "tahun", ''fpeio'' "cabaran berupacara", ''nì'awve'' "pertama" (''’aw'' "satu"), ''muiä'' "adil", ''tiréa-ióang'' "haiwan roh", ''tskxe'' "batu", ''kllpxìltu'' "territorywilayah", ''unil-tìran-tokx'' "avatar" (dream-walk-body).<ref>[]</ref>
Baris 69:
|''ä'' [æ] || ''a'' [a]
dan juga empat diftong: aw [aw], ew [εw], ay [aj], ey [εj], anddan twodua syllabickonsonan consonantsbersuku kata: ll [l̩] and rr [r̩], which mostly behave as vowels.
Note that the ''e'' is open-mid while the ''o'' is close-mid, and that there is no ''*oy.'' TheKonsonan ''rr'' is strongly [[trillkonsonan getaran|digetar]]ed dengan kuat, anddan thekonsonan ''ll'' isadalah "lightringan", nevertidak sesekali apun "darkgelap" ([[velarisation|velarized]]) {{IPA|*[ɫ̩]}}.
These vowels may occur in sequences, seperti dalam [[bahasa Polynesia]] and [[bahasa Jepun]]. Setiap vokal dikira satu suku kata, jadi ''tsaleioae'' ada enam suku kata, {{IPA|[tsa.le.i.o.a.e]}}, manakala ''meoauniaea'' terdapat lapan, {{IPA|[]}}.
Baris 78:
ThereTerdapat aredua puluh twentybuah consonantskonsonan. There are two Latin transcriptions: one that more closely approaches the ideal of one letter per [[phoneme]], with the ''c'' and ''g'' for {{IPA|[ts]}} and {{IPA|[ŋ]}} (the values they have in much of Eastern Europe and Polynesia, respectively), and a modified transcription used for the actors, with the digraphs ''ts'' and ''ng'' used for those sounds. In both transcriptions, the [[ejectivekonsonan consonantejektif]]s are written with digraphs in ''x,'' a convention that appears to have no external inspiration.
{| class="wikitable IPA"
![[labialkonsonan consonantbibir|LabialBibir]]
![[alveolarkonsonan consonantletusan|AlveolarLetusan]]
![[palatalkonsonan consonantlelangit|PalatalLelangit]]
![[velarkonsonan consonantvelar|Velar]]
![[glottalkonsonan consonantglottal|Glottal]]
! [[konsonan ejektif|Ejektif]]
Baris 102:
| ''’'' ([[ʔ]])
! [[AffricateLetusan]]
| &nbsp;
| ''ts (c)'' [ts]
Baris 109:
| &nbsp;
! [[FricativeKonsonan consonantgeseran|FricativeGeseran]]
| ''f'' [f]<br>''v'' [v]
| ''s'' [s]<br>''z'' [z]
Baris 116:
| ''h'' [h]
! [[konsonan sengausengauan|Sengau]]
| ''m'' [m]
| ''n'' [n]
Baris 123:
| &nbsp;
! [[ApproximantKonsonan consonantmalaran|Liquid/glide]]
| ''w'' [w]
| ''r'' [ɾ]<br>''l'' [l]
Baris 130:
TheGeseran fricativesdan and the affricateletusan, ''f v ts s z h'', arehanya restrictedbermula topada thesuku onsetkata of a syllableawal; the others may occur at the beginning or at the end (though ''w y'' in final position are considered parts of diphthongs, as they only occur as ''ay ey aw ew'' and may be followed by another final consonant, as in ''skxawng'' "moronbodoh"). However, in addition to appearing before vowels, ''f ts s'' may form [[consonant cluster]]s with any of the unrestricted consonants (the [[stopkonsonan consonanthentian|stops]] and [[approximant|liquids/glides]]) apart from ''’'', making for 39 clusters. Other sequences occur across syllable boundaries, such as ''Na’vi'' {{IPA|[naʔ.vi]}} and ''ikran'' {{IPA|[ik.ɾan]}} "banshee".
Konsonan letupan ''p t k'' dan letusan ''ts'' adalah [[konsonan tenuis|tenuis]], seperti Bahasa Spanish atau Perancis. In final position, they are [[unreleased stop|unreleased]], as in [[Bahasa Indonesia]] dan bahasa Asia Tenggara lain. Konsonan ''r'' [[konsonan tamparan|ditampar]], asseperti indalam Bahasa Spanish anddan IndonesianIndonesia; it sounds a bit likebunyinya theseolah-olah ''tt'' or ''dd'' in the American pronunciation of the words ''latter / ladder''.
===Perubahan bunyi===
The stop consonants undergo [[lenition]] after certain [[prefiximbuhan awalan]]es anddan [[preposition]]s. The ejectiveKonsonan consonantsejektif ''px tx kx'' becomedilemahkan themenjadi correspondingkonsonan plosivesletupan ''p t k''; theletupan plosives anddan affricateletusan ''p t ts k'' becomemenjadi the corresponding fricativesgeseran ''f s h''; and thehentian glottal stop ''’'' disappearslenyap entirelysepenuhnya. For exampleContohnya, the plural form of ''po'' "sdia (lelaki/heperempuan)" isadalah ''ayfo'' "theymereka", with thedengan ''p'' weakeningdilemahkan into anmenjadi ''f'' afterselepas theimbuhan prefixawalan ''ay-.''