Ekonomi Kepulauan Falkland: Perbezaan antara semakan

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Baris 298:
Most of the fish that are harvested in the Falkland Islands waters are either squid or finfish. Other types of fish form an insignificant part of the Falkland Islands' catch. A significant number of the fish that are taken are migratory with the spawning grounds and feeding grounds of some species being highly dependent on the water temperature.
The [[squidCumi-cumi|Illex squid]] (''Illex argentinus'') whichyang typicallybiasanya hasmempunyai apanjang mantle length ofmantel {{convert|20|to|28|cm}} anddan a weight ofberat {{convert|150|to|500|g}} isadalah theikan mostterpenting importantpada fishekonomi to the Falkands economyFalkland followeddiikuti byoleh itssepupu smallerlebih cousinkecilnya, thecumi-cumi patagonian squidpatagonia (''Loligo gahi'') which typically hasyang abiasanya mantlemempunyai lengthpanjang ofmantel {{convert|10|to|15|cm}} and a weight of {{convert|75|to|150|g}}.<ref name=FishReport/>
TheCumi-cumi lllex squidmempunyai hasasas itsyang spawningbertelur groundsdi at the mouth of themulut [[Río de la Plata]] anddan apola migratorypenghijrahan patternyang thatmembawanya takeske itarah southwardsselatan alongsepanjang theShelf Patagonian Shelf as far as thesejauh FICZ todengan itssyarikat feedingpakan groundsasas. Kemudian It then returns tokembali itske spawningtempat groundsyang viapemijahan amelalui routelaluan thatyang liesterletak offdi thelepas continentallandas shelfkontinen.<ref>{{Cite web
|url = http://www.falklands.gov.fk/forum2007_new//documents/w280d320.ppt
|title = The Offshore Fishery; balancing commercial activities & conservation
Baris 307:
|author = John Barton
|date = 18 April 2007
|accessdate = 2010-06-17}}</ref> InDalam somebeberapa yearstahun, such asseperti 2007, it enters thememasuki FICZ withdengan apanen resultantyang goodbaik harvestresultan, ititu othertahun yearsyang lain, such asseperti 2009, it does not migrate astidak farberhijrah southsejauh asselatan thesebagai FICZ atsama allsekali.<ref name=FishReport>{{Cite web
|url = http://fis.com/falklandfish/FisheriesBulletin14.pdf
|title = Fisheries Department Fisheries Statistics, Volume 14, 2009:
|publisher = Falkland Islands Government
|year = 2010
|accessdate = 2010-06-14}}</ref> TheTangkapan catchdengan for themusim 2010 seasondi inFalkland thepulih Falklands recovered todengan {{convert|12105|t}}, buttetapi stillmasih theterendah fourthkeempat lowestsejak sinceawal thesistem beginning of the licencing systemperizinan. Ia This hastelah beendikaitkan attributeddengan tosuhu theair lowerlaut thanlebih usualrendah seadari temperaturesbiasanya duringselama themusim feedingmakan seasonpada inbulan February–MayFebruari-Mei.<ref>{{Cite web
|title =Illex 2010: the case for improved conservation
Baris 318:
|publisher = Fisheries Information & Services}}</ref>
''Cumi-Cumi Patagonia'', tidak seperti ''Illex'', tetap di perairan Pulau Falkland sepanjang tahun dan tertumpu di ''tempat Loloigo'' - wilayah di Dataran Tinggi Malvinas ke timur dan selatan-timur pulau dan dituai selama kedua-dua musim semi dan musim gugur selatan.
The ''Patagonian squid'', unlike the ''Illex'', remain in Falkland Island waters all year and are concentrated in the ''Loloigo box'' - an area within the Falklands Plateau to the east and south-east of the islands and are harvested during both the austral spring and autumn.