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Fantastic4boy (bincang | sumb.)
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Fantastic4boy (bincang | sumb.)
Baris 16:
The majority of all mathematical study revolves around formulae in many different forms from [[quadratic equations]] to the equations of motion (mainly used in mechanical mathematics and [[physics]]). In a general context, formulae are applied to provide a mathematical problem for real world problems. Some may be general formulae designed to explain a phenomena experienced everywhere - an example is force = mass x acceleeration. It is a formula which applies anywhere in the universe. Other formulae may be specially created to solve a particular problem - for example using the equation of a [[sine curve]] to model the movement of the tides in a bay. In all cases however, formulae form the basis for all calculations.
==FormulaeRumus indalam computingkomputer==
InDalam [[computingkomputer]], asebuah formularumus typicallybiasanya describesmenjelaskan asebuah calculationperngiraan, suchseperti as additionpenambahan, tountuk bedilakukan performedpada ondua twoatau orlebih more variablesvariasi. ASebuah formularumus is oftensering implicitly providedmemberikan indalam thebentuk form of asebuah [[computeraraham]] [[instructionkomputer]] such asseperti
'''TotalJumlah fruitbuah-buahan = numberbilangan of ApplesEpal + number ofbilangan OrangesOren.'''
InDalam [[computerkomputer]] [[spreadsheet]] terminology, asebuah formularumus isyang usuallybiasanya asebuah [[text string]] ofdalam the formbentuk
'''= A1 + A2'''
wheredi bothmana keduanya A1 anddan A2 describemenggambarkan "cellssel" (columnlajur A, rowbaris 1 oratau 2) within thedalam spreadsheet. ThePenilaian resultmuncul appearsdi withindalam thesel cellmengandungi containingrumusnya the formula itselfsendiri (possiblykumungkinan A3, at enddi ofhujung valuesnilai-nilai indalam columnlajur A).
==Formula in manufacturing==