Tariq ibn Ziyad: Perbezaan antara semakan

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Baris 35:
Atas kejayaannya menewaskan tentera [[Visigoth]], beliau dilantik oleh khalifah sebagai gabenor di daerah [[Hispania]]. Selepas beberapa tahun mentadbir wilayah tersebut, Tariq dipanggil untuk pulang semula ke [[Damsyik]] atas arahan khalifah [[Al-Walid bin Abdul Malik]].
{{sedang disunting}}
== Jasa dan Sumbangannya ==
Atas perintah [[Musa ibn Nusair]], Tariq berjaya menyebarkan Islam di negara Sepanyol seterusnya sebagai perintis pembukaan Islam di [[Eropah]].
About April 29 711, the army of Tariq, composed of recent converts to Islam, was landed at [[Gibraltar]] by Julian<ref>There is a legend that Tariq ordered the the ships he arrived in be burnt, to prevent any cowardice. This is first mentioned over 400 years later by the geographer [[Muhammad al-Idrisi|al-Idrisi]], fasc. 5 p. 540 of Arabic text ({{lang-ar|فٱمر بإحراق المراكب}}), vol. 2 p. 18 of French translation. Apart from a mention in the slightly later ''Kitāb al-iktifa fī akhbār al-khulafā'' (English translation in Appendix D of Gayangos, ''The History of the Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain'') this legend was not sustained by other authors.</ref> (the name ''Gibraltar'' is derived from the [[Arabic language|Arabic]] name ''Jabal at Tariq'', which means ''mountain of Tariq'').
Tariq's army contained about 7000 men, and Musa is said to have sent an additional 5000 reinforcements<ref>''Akhbār majmūa'', p. 21 of Spanish translation, p. 6 of Arabic text.</ref>. [[Roderic]], to meet the threat, assembled an army said to number 100,000, but even if that number is correct, it was illusory. Most of the army was commanded by, and loyal to, the sons of [[Wittiza]], whom [[Roderic]] had brutally deposed, and they had secretly entered into a treaty with Tariq to desert at a crucial moment<ref>''Akhbār majmūa'', p. 22 of Spanish translation, p. 8 of Arabic text.</ref>. This came to pass, and Tariq won a decisive victory when the Visigothic king, [[Roderic]], was defeated and killed on July 19 at the [[Battle of Guadalete]].
On the advice of Julian, Tariq split his army into various divisions which went on to capture Cordoba, Granada and other places, while he remained at the head of the division which captured [[Toledo, Spain|Toledo]] and [[Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha|Guadalajara]]. Tariq was de facto governor of [[Hispania]] until the arrival of Musa a year later.
Ketika pertama kali mendarat di pantai semenanjung Iberia, Tariq mengarahkan para tenteranya membakar semua kapal laut dan membuatkan tenteranya bingung. Namun perintah ketua [[wajib]] diikuti dan kesemua kapal pengangkutan tentera [[Islam]] habis dibakar menyebabkan tenteranya buntu dengan keadaan tersebut.