Islam di Moldova: Perbezaan antara semakan

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Fantastic4boy (bincang | sumb.)
Laman baru: {{terjemahan}} {{islam ikut negara}} According to the US Department of State, there is a small community of Muslims in Moldova, probably numbering a few thousand.<ref>[http://www.sta...
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Baris 3:
According to the US Department of State, there is a small community of Muslims in [[Moldova]], probably numbering a few thousand.<ref>[ US department of state ]</ref>
== CurrentKeadaan situationterkini ==
ThePenolakan denialapplication ofpendaftaran amasyarakat Muslim community's registration application onpada [[11 JulyJulai]] [[2005]] cametiba despite ansatu appeal toke Moldova'stimbalan deputyperdana primementeri ministerMoldova from thedari Mission toke Moldova of thePertubuhan Organisationitu foruntuk SecurityPengawalan anddan CooperationKerjasama indi EuropeEropah. TheDuta OSCE ambassador, William Hill, wrotemenulis toke Andrei Stratan onpada [[28 JuneJun]], thehari sameyang daysama thatPertubuhan theRohaniah SpiritualMuslim Organisation of Muslims indi Moldova headeddiketuai byoleh Talgat Masaev lodged its applicationapplicationnya, OSCEjurucakap mission spokespersonOSCE Claus Neukirch toldmemberitahu Forum 18 News Service fromdari theibu capitalnegaranya Chişinău onpada [[26 JulyJulai]]. HeDia said theberkata OSCE mission has receivedtidak nomenerima replyjawapan. "The Mission has beentelah monitoring severalbeberapa attempts byoleh themasyarakat-masyarakat Muslim communities to seek official recognition ofuntuk themendapatkan Islamicpengakuan faithkepercayaan andIslam registrationdan ofpendaftaran theirmasyarakat communitiesmereka sincesejak 2002, anddan allkesemuanya ofmereka themtelah have failedgagal," Neukirch toldmemberitahu Forum 18. "Moldova shouldseharunya registermendaftarkan themasyarakat Muslim communities, in thedalam samecara waysama asyang othermasyarakat-masyarakat religiousagama communitieslain aretelah registereddidaftarkan." <ref>[]</ref><!--and this is not WikiNews-->
{{Europe in topic|Islam indi}}
[[CategoryKategori:Islam bymengikut countrynegara|Moldova]]
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