Islam di Denmark: Perbezaan antara semakan

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Fantastic4boy (bincang | sumb.)
Aurora (bincang | sumb.)
Baris 1:
{{islamIslam ikut negara}}
{{islam ikut negara}}
Kira-kiranyakira 2%<ref>[ CIA World Factbook]</ref> - 5%<ref>[ United States State Department]</ref> dari jumlah penduduk [[Denmark]] adalah [[Muslim]]. [[Islam]] adalah agama minoriti terbesar di Denmark. <ref name="Islam_Denmark"></ref>. Denmark mempunyai sebuahKebanyakan penduduk penganutDenmark majoritimenganut [[agama Kristian]] yang significant, dengan [[ProtestantProtestan]] membentukkanmembentuk sebanyak 92% dari orang DaneDenmark {{Fact|date=February 2007}} dengandan Gereja [[Evangelical Lutheran]] menjadimerupakan gereja kebangsaan. Pada 2005, 83,.5% dari penduduk negara ini adalah ahli ''[[Folkekirken]]'', gereja Kristian kebangsaan. [].
Kebebasan agama adalah sebahagian dari undang-undang di Denmark, dan pada 2005, sembilan belas masyarakat-masyarakat Muslim telahmempunyai ada statustatus sebagai masyakarat-masyarakatpersatuan keagamaan, yang memberikan mereka kelebihanmanfaat dari padasegi cukai. Akan tetapi, bukantidak seperti kebanyakan negara-negara Barat, Denmark lacktidak separationmemisahkan ofgereja churchdari and statekerajaan, resultingini inmemberikan economickelebihan andekonomi culturaldan privilegesbudaya forkepada ''Folkekirken'' bukanyang tidak dapat dikongsi oleh Muslimorang Islam atau masyarakat-masyarakat minoriti lain.
<ref>{{da icon}}</ref>.
Kebanyakan orang Iskam yang tinggal di Denmark merupakan pendatang generasi pertama dari [[Demografi Islam|negara-negara majoriti Muslim]]. Perpindahan ini berlaku dengan tiga cara; pekerja asing, pencari perlindungan politik dan mereka yang berkahwin dengan penduduk tempatan.
kebanyakan orang Muslim yang tinggal di Denmark are first-generation immigrants from [[Demographics of Islam|Muslim-majority countries]].
Semasa awal [[1970-an]], ramai orang Islam berpindah dari [[Turki]], [[Pakistan]], [[Maghribi]] atau [[Yugoslavia]] untuk mencari kerja di Denmark. Denmark kemudian menyekat imigrasi bebas pada 1973.
There are three phases to the Muslim immigration to Denmark: the foreign workers, the asylum seekers and those coming through marriage.
Pada 1980-an dan 90-an, ramai orang Islam datang ke Denmark mencari perlindungan politik. Semasa 1980-an, kebanyakannya dari [[Iran]], [[Iraq]], [[Gaza]] dan [[Tebing Barat]] manakala pada 1990-an, kebanyakannya dari [[Somalia]] dan [[Bosnia dan Herzegovina|Bosnia]]. Sebahagian dari mereka yang mencari perlindungan politik ini telah didakwa melakukan keganasan di negara sendiri <ref>[ Jihad in Denmark], Danish Institute for International Studies</ref>. Golongan pencari suaka ini merupakan 40% dari jumlah penduduk Muslim Denmark <ref name="Islam_Denmark"/>.
During the early [[1970]]s, many Muslims emigrated from [[Turkey]], [[Pakistan]], [[Morocco]], or [[Yugoslavia]] in order to find work in Denmark. Denmark stopped free immigration in 1973.
Kini, hampir semua Muslim yang berpindah ke Denmark berhijrah untuk menghubungkan semula tali persaudaraan, dengan mengahwini warganegara Denmark. Baru-baru ini, Denmark telah mewartakan undang-undang baru yang menyusahkan proses ini. Ia memerlukan kedua-dua pasangan berumur lebih 24 tahun, dan memerlukan bukti bahawa pasangan rakyat Denmark itu dapat menyara pasangan yang akan dikahwininya.
In the 1980's and 1990's Muslim asylum seekers came to Denmark. In the 1980's mostly from [[Iran]], [[Iraq]], [[Gaza]] and the [[West Bank]] and in the 1990's mostly from [[Somalia]] and [[Bosnia and Herzegovina|Bosnia]]. Some of those who sought asylum had been charged with terrorism in their home countries<ref>[ Jihad in Denmark], Danish Institute for International Studies</ref>.
The asylum seekers compromise about 40% of the Danish Muslim population. <ref name="Islam_Denmark"/>
Currently almost all Muslims who emigrate to Denmark do so as part of [[family reunification]], by marrying a Danish resident. Denmark has passed a law in recent years making family reunification harder. The new law requires the couple to both be above the age of 24 and requires the Danish spouse to show that they are capable of supporting both themselves and the new immigrant.
==Isu-isu Keagamaan==
==Isu keagamaan==
{{terjemahan|Islam in Denmark}}
In 1967 the [ Nusrat Djahan Mosque ] the first Mosque in [[Scandinavia]], was built in [[Hvidovre]], a suburb of [[Copenhagen]]. It is used by [[Qadianism|Ahmadi]] believers, but is not regarded as Muslim by many [[shia]]- and [[sunni]] Muslims, who see the movement as heretical.
Baris 30 ⟶ 23:
Seven Danish cemeteries have separate sections for Muslims. Most of the Danish Muslims are buried in those cemeteries, with about 70 being flown abroad for burial in the homeland. A separate Muslim cemetery was opened in [[Brøndby]] near [[Copenhagen]] in September 2006<ref>[ After 15 years of wrangling, Muslims get their own burial grounds in Brøndby], Copenhagen Post</ref>.
== Sekolah-sekolah ==
The first Muslim private school was founded in 1978 - Den [[Islamisk Arabiske Skole]] and accepted students from any country. Today there are about 20 Muslim schools, most of which are located in the major cities. The Muslims schools are big enough today to enable catering to students according to their country of origin. In the 1980s schools for Pakistani, Turkish and Arabic speakers were founded. In the 1990s Somali, Palestinian and Iraqi schools were founded. Today 6 or 7 nationalities dominate the Muslim schools.
Baris 45 ⟶ 38:
A Danish newspaper, [[Jyllands-Posten]] printed [[Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy|12 caricatures]] of the Islamic prophet Muhammad in September of 2005. Those cartoons sparked an international controversy, ultimately resulting in the scorching of two Danish diplomatic missions, a boycott of Danish goods in several countries, and a large number of protests in the Muslim world. The violent protests abroad have caused rising support of the anti-immigration Danish People's Party and, by some accounts, a more critical approach towards Islam in Denmark. Public protests by Danish Muslims were few and peaceful, and there were no reports of torched diplomatic missions by Ethnic Danes.
==Pengganasan Keganasan ==
Denmark's first terrorism trial ended in Feb. 2007. Of four people suspected of planning terror attacks in Copenhagen, three were freed due to insufficient evidence and one was sentenced to 7 years due to being a minor.-->
== Pertubuhan-pertubuhan ==
* ''[[Democratic Muslims in Denmark|Foreningen af Demokratiske Muslimer]]'' (''The organization of democratic Muslims'') [] is a newly established organization.
* ''[[Forum For Kritiske Muslimer]]'' (''Forum for critical Muslims'') [] with a membership below 50 <ref>{{da icon}} [[Naser Khader]], "[ Demokratisk lakmusprøve]," ''[[Politiken]]'', 2006 February 18.</ref>
Baris 56 ⟶ 49:
* ''[[Muslimer i Dialog]]'' (Muslims in Dialoge) [] which is run by [[Noman Malik]] and [[Abdul Wahid Pedersen]]. Their [[spokesman]] is [[Zubair Butt Hussain]].
== Muslim Denmark Terkenalterkenal ==
* [[Ahmad Abu Laban]]
== Lihat pulajuga ==
* [[Islam mengikut negara]]
* [[Kontroversi kartun Muhammad Jyllands-Posten]]
Baris 67 ⟶ 60:
<references />
{{Europe in topic|Islam indi}}
[[Kategori:Islam di Denmark| ]]
[[Kategori:Islam mengikut negara]]
[[Kategori:Islam di Denmark| ]]
[[en:Islam in Denmark]]