Mengelilingi Dunia dalam Lapan Puluh Hari: Perbezaan antara semakan

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{{infobox Book | <!-- See Wikipedia:WikiProject_Novels or Wikipedia:WikiProject_Books -->
| name = Mengelilingi Dunia dalam Lapan Puluh Hari
| title_orig = Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours
| translator =
| image = [[Image:AroundTheWorldInEightyDaysBookCover.jpg|200px|Kulit buku ''Around the World in Eighty Days''(Mengelilingi Dunia dalam Lapan Puluh Hari)]]
| image_caption = Recent edition cover <!-- would be nice to have 1st edition item sometime-->
| author = [[Jules Verne]]
| illustrator =
| cover_artist =
| country = [[Perancis]]
| language = [[Bahasa Perancis]]
| series =
| genre = [[Adventure novel|Adventure Novel]]
| publisher =
| release_date = 1872
| media_type = Print ([[Hardcover|Hardback]] & [[Paperback]])
| pages =
| isbn = NA
| preceded_by =
| followed_by =
'''''Mengelilingi Dunia dalam Lapan Puluh Hari''''' ([[bahasa Perancis]]: ''Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours'') adalah sebuah buku [[novel pengembaraan]] klasik oleh [[Kesusasteraan Perancis|penulis Perancis]], [[Jules Verne]], yang diterbitkan pada tahun [[1872]]. Dalam cerita ini, [[Phileas Fogg]] dari [[London]] dan [[Passepartout]], [[valet]] [[Orang Perancis|Perancis]] yang baru digajinya mencuba [[mengelilingi]] dunia dalam 80 hari dengan wang pertaruhan sebanyak £20,000 ditetapkan oleh kawan-kawannya di [[Kelab Reformasi]].
==Latar dan analisis==
''Mengelilingi Dunia dalam Lapan Puluh Hari'' ditulis pada tempoh kesusahan bagi kedua-dua Perancis dan Verne. Masa itu [[Perang Perancis-Prusia]] (1870-1871), dan Verne yang dikerah menjadi pengawal pantai menghadapi masalah kewangan (karya-karyanya tidak dibayar [[royalti]]), ayahnya akhir-akhir ini meninggal dunia, dan beliau telah menyaksikan satu pelaksanaan [[hukuman mati]] awam yang membimbangkannya. Walaupun demikian, Vernis amat teruja terhadap kerjanya bagi sebuah buku baru yang ideanya datang pada suatu petang di sebuah kedai kopi di [[Paris]] ketika membaca akhbar (lihat "Asal" di bawah).
Pembaharuan-pembaharuan teknologi [[abad ke-19]] telah menghasilkan kemungkinan [[pelayaran mengelilingi dunia]] yang pantas dan prospek ini mempesonakan Verne serta pembaca-pembacanya. Khususnya, tiga kejayaan teknologi yang cemerlang terjadi pada tahun 1869-70 yang menyebabkan pelancongan mengelilingi dunia merupakan suatu kemungkinan buat pertama kali: penyiapan [[Landasan Kereta Api Rentas Benua Pertama]] di Amerika (1869), [[Sejarah pengangkutan kereta api di India|perhubungan landasan-landasan kereta api India]] merentasi subbenua (1870), serta pembukaan [[Terusan Suez]] (1869). Ia merupakan lagi satu tanda yang penting pada akhir zaman penjelajahan, serta permulaan zaman pelancongan yang benar-benar sejagat yang dapat dinikmati dengan agak selesa lagi selamat. Ia mencetuskan daya imaginasi bahawa sesiapa pun boleh duduk dan membuat jadual, membeli tiket, dan membuat perjalanan di sekeliling dunia, iaitu suatu perbuatan yang menakjubkan dan yang sebelum itu dikhaskan hanya untuk pengembara-pengembara yang paling berani. Dalam beberapa hal, ia dapat dibandingkan dengan [[pelancongan angkasa lepas]] orang awam pada masa kini, suatu wawasan yang biasa dikhaskan untuk beberapa orang profesional elit.
Verne sering dicirikan sebagai seorang [[futuris]] atau penulis [[fiksyen sains]], tetapi tidak terdapat kesan sebarang fiksyen sains dalam karya ini yang merupakan karyanya yang paling popular (sekurang-kurangnya di negara-negara yang menuturkan [[bahasa Inggeris]]). Sebaliknya, ia masih merupakan penggambaran yang tidak dapat dilupakan tentang kemuncak [[Empayar British]] "yang matahari tidak pernah jatuh" yang ditulis oleh seorang luar. Adalah amat menarik untuk memerhatikan bahawa sehingga tahun 2006, tidak pernah adanya sebarang edisi kritis mengenai ''Dunia dalam Lapan Puluh Hari''. Ini diakibatkan sebahagiannya oleh terjemahan yang buruk untuk karya itu, suatu fenomena stereotaip bagi "fiksyen sains" atau "kesusasteraan budak lelaki". Bagaimanapun, karya-karya Vernes telah diperiksa dengan lebih serius pada akhir [[abad ke-20]] dan awal [[abad ke-21]], dengan munculnya terjemahan-terjemahan dan kesarjanaan baru.
Tarikh tutup novel ini, iaitu 22 Disember 1872, adalah tarikh yang sama dengan tarikh penerbitan siri ini. Oleh sebab ia diterbitkan secara bersiri buat pertama kali, para pembaca menganggap bahawa perjalanan itu benar-benar berlaku &mdash; pertarungan dibuat, dan sebilangan syarikat kereta api dan syarikat kapal sebenarnya melobi Verne supaya syarikat mereka muncul dalam bukunya! Tidaklah diketahui adakah Verne menyerah kepada permintaan-permintaan ini, tetapi pemerihalan sebilangan syarikat kereta api dan syarikat kapal menimbulkan rasa syak bahawa beliau dipengaruhi.
Walaupun perjalanan melalui [[belon udara panas]] telah menjadi salah satu imej yang berkait rapat dengan cerita ini, lambang ikonik ini tidak pernah digunakan oleh Verne dalam bukunya ini &mdash; idea ini dikemukakan secara ringkas dalam bab ke-32 tetapi ditolak kerana perjalanan sedemikian "amat berbahaya dan walau bagaimanapun, tidak mungkin". Bagaimanapun, filem ''[[Mengelilingi Dunia dalam Lapan Puluh Hari (filem 1956)|Mengelilingi Dunia dalam Lapan Puluh Hari ]]'', padanan filem 1956 yang popular, mengemukakan idea belon, dan ini telah menjadi sebahagian mitos cerita yang juga muncul dalam kulit buku. Unsur jalan cerita ini terkenang-kenangkan karya Verne, ''[[Lima Minggu Dalam Sebuah Belon]]'', yang memberikannya kemasyhuran sebagai pengarang buat pertama kali.
Menyusul penterjemahan bahasa Inggeris oleh Towle dan d'Anver pada tahun 1873, terdapat beratus-ratus pencari publisiti yang mengikut jejak pelayaran mengelilingi dunia fiksyen Fogg, seringnya dengan kekangan yang dibebankan pada diri sendiri:
* 1889 - [[Nellie Bly]] menjalankan perjalanan mengelilingi dunia dalam 80 hari untuk [[akhbar]]nya, ''[[Dunia New York]]''. Beliau dapat melaksanakan perjalanan ini dalam tempoh 72 hari.
* 1903 – [[James Willis Sayre]], pengkritik teater dan penganjur seni Seattle, mencatat rekod mengelilingi dunia dengan hanya menggunakan pengangkutan awam dan menyiapkan perjalanannya dalam tempoh 54 hari, 9 jam, dan 42 minit.
* 1908 - [[Harry Bensley]] memulakan perjalanan mengelilingi dunia dengan berjalan kaki serta memakai topeng besi kerana bertaruh.
* 1988 - [[Michael Palin]], alumni [[Monty Python]], menerima cabaran untuk mengelilingi dunia tanpa menggunakan [[kapal terbang]] sebagai sebahagian [[Kesusasteraan perjalanan|travelog]] [[televisyen]], ''[[Michael Palin: Mengelilingi Dunia dalam Lapan Puluh Hari ]]''.
* 1993 - Kini - [[Piala Jules Verne]] dipegang oleh kapal yang belayar mengelilingi dunia tanpa berhenti dan tanpa bantuan luar dalam masa yang paling singkat.
Idea tentang sebuah perjalanan mengelilingi dunia dalam jangka masa yang tertentu mempunyai asal luaran yang jelas dan merupakan [[meme]] sebelum Verne menerbitkan bukunya pada tahun [[1872]]. Sebenarnya, judul "Mengelilingi Dunia dalam Lapan Puluh Hari" juga bukannya idea asal Verne. Terdapat lebih kurang enam sumber yang mencadangkan asal cerita yang berikut.
Pengembara Yunani, [[Pausanias (ahli geografi)|Pausanias]] (k.k. [[100|100 Masihi]]) menulis sebuah buku yang diterjemahkan dalam [[bahasa Perancis]] pada tahun [[1797]] sebagai ''Voyage autour du monde'' ("Mengelilingi Dunia"). Kawan Verne, [[Jacques Arago]], pernah menulis sebuah karya yang amat popular, ''Voyage autour du monde'', pada tahun [[1853]]. Bagaimanapun, pada tahun 1869-70, idea mengelilingi dunia telah mencapai perhatian popular yang genting apabila tiga pencapaian teknologi yang cemerlang terjadi: penyiapan [[Landasan Kereta Api Rentas Benua Pertama]] di Amerika (1869), [[Sejarah pengangkutan kereta api di India|perhubungan landasan-landasan kereta api India]] merentasi subbenua (1870), serta pembukaan [[Terusan Suez]] (1869). Pada tahun [[1871]], ''Mengelilingi Dunia Dengan Stim, melalui Kereta Api'', diterbitkan oleh [[Syarikat Kereta Api Kesatuan Pasifik]], dan ''Mengelilingi Dunia dalam Seratus Dua Puluh Hari'' oleh [[Edmond Planchut]]. Antara tahun 1869 dan 1871, [[William Perry Fogg]], seorang Amerika Syarikat mengelilingi dunia dan memerihalkan perjalanannya dalam satu siri surat kepada ''[[Pemimpin Cleveland]]'' yang berjudul ''Mengelilingi Dunia: Surat-surat dari Jepun, China, India, dan Mesir'' (1872).
Pada tahun [[1872]], [[Thomas Cook]] mengendalikan perjalanan mengelilingi dunia yang pertama untuk pelancong. Mereka bertolak pada 20 September 1872 dan kembali tujuh bulan kemudian. Perjalanan itu diperihalkan dalam satu siri surat yang diterbitkan kemudian pada tahun 1873 sebagai ''Surat dari Laut dan Tanah-tanah Asing, Pemerihalan Perjalanan Mengelilingi Dunia''. Para cendekiawan telah menunjukkan persamaan antara pemerian Verne dengan surat-surat Cook, walaupun sesetengah orang memperdebatkan bahawa perjalanan Cook berlaku terlalu lambat untuk mempengaruhi Verne. Verne, menurut pemerian 1898 daripada sumber asal, merujuk kepada iklan Thomas Cook sebagai sumber idea bukunya. Dalam beberapa temu bual antara tahun 1894 dan 1904, Verne sendiri mengatakan bahawa sumbernya adalah "melalui pembacaan pada suatu hari di dalam sebuah kedai kopi di Paris" dan "hanya disebabkan oleh iklan pelancongan yang dilihatnya secara kebetulan dalam ruang akhbar". ''Mengelilingi Dunia'' pada dirinya mengatakan bahawa asalnya ialah sebuah makalah akhbar. Kesemua ini menunjukkan bahawa iklan Cook mungkin mencetuskan idea buku itu.
Tambahan pula, terbitan berkala ''Le Tour du monde'' (3 Oktober 1869) mengandungi sebuah karangan ringkas yang berjudul "Mengelilingi Dunia dalam Lapan Puluh Hari" yang merujuk kepada "140 batu" landasan kereta api yang belum siap antara [[Alahabad]] dan [[Mumbai]], soal pokok karya Verne. Tetapi makalah ''Le Tour de monde'' juga tidak asli pada keseluruhannya dan dalam [[bibliografi]]nya, menyebut ''Nouvelles Annales des Voyages, de la Géographie, de l'Histoire et de l'Archéologie'' (Ogos 1869) yang mengandungi judul ''Mengelilingi Dunia dalam Lapan Puluh Hari'' dalam halaman kandungannya. ''Nouvelles Annales'' ditulis oleh [[Conrad Malte-Brun]] (1775-1826) dan anak lelakinya, [[Victor Adolphe Malte-Brun]] (1816-1889). Para cendekiawan mempercayai bahawa Verne sedar akan makalah ''Le Tour de monde'' atau ''Nouvelles Annales'' (atau kedua-duanya), dan merujukinya &mdash; ''Le Tour du monde'' juga mengandungi jadual perjalanan yang amat serupa dengan versi terakhir Verne.
Lagi satu sumber yang mungkin ialah pengembara [[George Francis Train]] yang membuat empat perjalanan mengelilingi dunia, termasuk satu perjalanan yang berlangsung selama 80 hari pada tahun 1870. Persamaan-persamaan ini termasuk penyewaan sebuah kereta api swasta dan pemenjaraannya. Train kemudian mendakwa bahawa "Verne mencuri guruh saya. Sayalah Phileas Fogg."
Mengenai idea keuntungan sehari, Verne berkata tentang asalnya: "Saya mempunyai banyak barang-barang kecil dan rencam yang saintifik dalam otak saya. Adalah oleh itu bahawa ketika pada suatu hari, saya membaca dalam ''Siècle'' bahawa seorang dapat mengelilingi dunia dalam lapan puluh hari, tiba-tiba terlintas di kepala saya bahawa saya boleh mendapat manfaat melalui perbezaan [[meridian]] dan menyebabkan seorang pengembara mendapatkan atau menghilangkan sehari dalam perjalanannya. Terdapat peleraian yang siap sedia. Cerita tidak ditulis sehingga lama kemudian. Saya membawa idea-idea dalam kepala saya buat bertahun-tahun &mdash; sepuluh atau kekadang lima belas tahun &mdash; sebelum memberikan bentuk kepada idea-idea itu." Dalam syarahannya, "Meridian dan Takwim", pada April 1873, Verne menjawab kepada satu soalan mengenai di mananya pertukaran hari sebenarnya berlaku kerana [[garisan tarikh antarabangsa]] hanya digunakan secara meluas pada tahun [[1880]] dan meridian perdana Greenwich tidak diterimaguna sehingga [[1884]]. Verne memetik sebuah makalah 1872 dalam majalah ''Alam semula jadi'', serta cerpen [[Edgar Allan Poe]], "Tiga Hari Ahad dalam Satu Minggu" (1841), yang juga mendasarkan mengelilingi dunia dan perbezaan sehari yang akhirnya dikaitkan kepada perkahwinan. Verne juga menganalis cerita Poe dalam ''''Edgar Poe dan Karya-karyanya'' (1864).
Pendek kata, terbitan berkala ''Le Tour du monde'' atau ''Nouvelles Annales'', W. P. Fogg, serta kemungkinan iklan Thomas Cook (dan mungkin juga surat-suratnya) merupakan sumber utama Verne bagi buku ini. Tambahan pula, cerpen Poe, "Tiga Hari Ahad dalam Satu Minggu" jelas mengilhami jalan cerita tentang kehilangan sehari.
== Ringkasan jalan cerita ==
The story starts in London on [[October 2]], [[1872]]. Phileas Fogg is a wealthy, solitary, unmarried [[gentleman]] with regular habits. The source of his wealth is not known and he lives modestly. He fires his former valet, James Forster, for bringing him shaving water two degrees too cold. He hires as a replacement Passepartout, a Frenchman of around 30 years of age.
Later that day in the [[Reform Club]], he gets involved in an argument over an article in ''[[The Daily Telegraph]]'', stating that with the opening of a new [[Rail transport in India|railway section in India]], it is now possible to travel around the world in 80 days.
'''The proposed schedule'''
<table border="1" class="wikitable">
<tr><td>[[London]] / [[Suez]]</td><td>rail and [[Steamboat|steamer]]</td><td>7 days</td></tr>
<tr><td>Suez / [[Bombay]]</td><td>steamer</td><td>13 days</td></tr>
<tr><td>Bombay / [[Calcutta]]</td><td>rail</td><td>3 days</td></tr>
<tr><td>Calcutta / [[Hong Kong]]</td><td>steamer</td><td>13 days</td></tr>
<tr><td>Hong Kong / [[Yokohama]]</td><td>steamer</td><td>6 days</td></tr>
<tr><td>Yokohama / [[San Francisco]]</td><td>steamer</td><td>22 days</td></tr>
<tr><td>San Francisco / [[New York]]</td><td>rail</td><td>7 days</td></tr>
<tr><td>New York / London</td><td>steamer</td><td>9 days</td></tr>
<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>total</td><td>80 days</td></tr>
Fogg accepts a wager for £20,000 from his fellow club members, which he will receive if he makes it around the world in 80 days. Accompanied by his manservant Passepartout, he leaves London by train at 8.45 p.m. on October 2, 1872, and thus is due back at the Reform Club at the same time 80 days later, on December 21.
Fogg and Passepartout reach Suez in time. While disembarking in Egypt, he is watched by a [[Scotland Yard]] detective named Fix, who has been dispatched from London in search of a bank robber. Because Fogg matches the description of the bank robber, Fix mistakes Fogg to be the criminal. Since he cannot secure a warrant in time, Fix goes on board of the steamer conveying the travelers to Bombay. During the voyage, Fix gets acquainted with Passepartout, without revealing his purpose.
Still on time, Fogg and Passepartout switch to the railway in Bombay, setting off for Calcutta, Fix now following them undercover. As it turns out, the construction of the railway is not totally finished, so they are forced to get over the remaining gap between two stations by riding an elephant, which Phileas Fogg purchases at the prodigious price of 2,000 pounds.
During the ride, they come across a [[suttee]] procession, in which a young [[Parsi]] woman, Aouda, is led to a sanctuary to be sacrificed the next day. Since the young woman is drugged with the smoke of [[opium]] and hemp and obviously not going voluntarily, the travelers decide to rescue her. They follow the procession to the site, where Passepartout secretly takes the place of Aouda's deceased husband on the [[funeral]] [[pyre]], on which she is to be burned the next morning. During the ceremony, he then rises from the pyre, scaring off the priests, and carries the young woman away.
The travelers then hasten on to catch the train at the next railway station, taking Aouda with them. At Calcutta, they finally board a steamer going to Hong Kong. Fix, who had secretly been following them, has Fogg and Passepartout arrested in Calcutta. But they jump bail and Fix is forced to follow them to Hong Kong. On board, he shows himself to Passepartout, who is delighted to meet again his traveling companion from the earlier voyage.
In Hong Kong, it turns out that Aouda's distant relative in whose care they had been planning to leave her there, has moved, likely to [[Holland]], so they decide to take her with them to Europe. Meanwhile, still without a warrant, Fix sees Hong Kong as his last chance to arrest Fogg on British soil. He therefore confides in Passepartout, who does not believe a word and remains convinced that his master is not a bank robber. To prevent Passepartout from informing his master about the premature departure of [[SS Carnatic|their next vessel]], Fix gets Passepartout drunk and drugs him in an opium den. In his dizziness, Passepartout yet manages to catch the steamer to Yokohama, but neglects to inform Fogg.
Fogg, on the next day, discovers that he has missed his connection. He goes in search of a vessel which will take him to Yokohama. He finds a pilot boat which takes him and his companions (Aouda and Fix) to [[Shanghai]], where they catch a steamer to Yokohama. In Yokohama, they go on a search for Passepartout, believing that he may have arrived there with the original connection. They find him in a circus, trying to earn his homeward journey.
Reunited, the four board on a steamer taking them across the [[Pacific]] to San Francisco. Fix promises Passepartout that now, having left British soil, he will no longer try to delay Fogg's journey, but rather support him in getting back to Britain as fast as possible (to have him arrested there).
In San Francisco, they get on the train to New York. During that trip, the train is attacked by [[Native Americans in the United States|Native Americans]], who take Passepartout and two other passengers hostage. Fogg is now faced with the dilemma of continuing his tour, or going to rescue Passepartout. He chooses the latter, starting on a rescue mission with some soldiers of a nearby fort, who succeed in freeing the hostages. To make up for the lost time, Fogg and his companions hire a sledge, which brings them to [[Omaha, Nebraska]], where they arrive just in time to get on a train to [[Chicago|Chicago, Illinois]], and then another to New York. However, reaching New York, they learn that the steamer for [[Liverpool]] they had been trying to catch has left a short time before.
On the next day, Fogg starts looking for an alternative for the crossing of the [[Atlantic]]. He finds a small steam boat, destined for [[Bordeaux]]. However, the captain of the boat refuses to take the company to Liverpool, wherupon Fogg consents to be taken to Bordeaux. On the voyage, he bribes the crew to mutiny and take course for Liverpool. Going on full steam all the time, the boat runs out of fuel after a few days. Fogg buys the boat at a very high price from the captain, soothing him thereby, and has the crew burn all the wooden parts to keep up the steam.
The companions arrive at [[Cobh|Queenstown]], [[Ireland]], in time to reach London via [[Dublin]] and Liverpool before the deadline. However, once on British soil again, Fix produces a warrant and arrests Fogg. A short time later, the misunderstanding is cleared up--the actual bank robber had been caught several days earlier. In response to this, Fogg, in a rare moment of impulse, punches Fix, who immediately falls to the ground. However, Fogg has missed the train and returns to London five minutes late, assured that he has lost the wager.
In his London house the next day, he apologizes to Aouda for bringing her with him, since he now has to live in poverty and cannot financially support her. Aouda suddenly confesses that she loves him and asks him to marry her, which he gladly accepts. He calls for Passepartout to notify the reverend. At the reverend's, Passepartout learns that he is mistaken in the date, which he takes to be Sunday but which actually is Saturday due to the fact that the party traveled east, thereby gaining a full day on their journey around the globe, by crossing the [[International Date Line]].
Passepartout hurries back to Fogg, who immediately sets off for the Reform Club, where he arrives just in time to win the wager. Thus ends the journey around the world.
==Kepentingan kesusasteraan & kritikan==
Select quotes:
/* disusun secara kronologi */
#"We will only remind readers en passant of ''Around the World in Eighty Days'', that ''tour de force'' of Mr Verne's—and not the first he has produced. Here, however, he has summarized and concentrated himself, so to speak ... No praise of his collected works is strong enough .. they are truly useful, entertaining, poignant, and moral; and Europe and America have merely produced rivals that are remarkably similar to them, but in any case inferior." ([[Henry Trianon]], ''Le Constitutionnel'', December 20, 1873).
#"His first books, the shortest, ''Around the World'' or ''From the Earth to the Moon'', are still the best in my view. But the works should be judged as a whole rather than in detail, and on their results rather than their intrinsic quality. Over the last forty years they have had an influence unequalled by any other books on the children of this and every country in Europe. And the influence has been good, in so far as can be judged today." ([[Léon Blum]], ''L'Humanité'', April 3, 1905).
#"Jules Verne's masterpiece .. stimulated out childhood and taught us more than all the atlases: the taste of adventure and the love of travel. 'Thirty thousand banknotes for you, Captain, if we reach Liverpool within the hour.' This cry of Phileas Fogg's remains for me the call of the sea." ([[Jean Cocteau]], ''Mon premier voyage (Tour du monde en 80 jours)'', Gallimard, 1936).
#"Leo Tolstoy loved his works. 'Jules Verne's novels are matchless', he would say. 'I read them as an adult, and yet I remember they excited me. Jules Verne is an astonishing pst master at the art of constructing a story that fascinates and impassions the reader. ([[Cyril Andreyev]], "Preface to the Complete Works", trans. François Hirsch, ''Europe'', 33: 112-113, 22-48).
#"Jules Verne's work is nothing but a long meditation, a reverie on the straight line—which represents the predication of nature on industry and industry on nature, and which is ''recounted'' as a tale of exploration. Title: the adventures of a straight line ... The train .. cleaves through nature, jumps obstacles .. and continues both the actual journey—whose form is a furrow—and the perfect embodiment of human industry. The machine has the additional advantage here of not being isolated in a purpose-built, artificial place, like the factory or all similar structures, but of remaining in permanent and direct contact with the variety of nature." [[Pierre Macherey]] (1966). <ref>{{cite book | title=''Pour une théorie de la production littéraire| first=Pierre | last=Macherey | authorlink=Pierre Macherey | publisher=Maspero | year=1966 }}</ref>
==Kilasan/rujukan daripada karya lain==
*In 1988 Michael Palin attempted to duplicate Fogg's journey in a BBC documentary miniseries, ultimately returning to London with mere hours to spare.
==Padanan filem, TV dan teater==
The book has been adapted many times for feature films and television.
*A 1919 silent black and white parody by director [[Richard Oswald]] didn't disguise its use of locations in Germany as placeholders for the international voyage; part of the movie's joke is that Fogg's trip is obviously going to places in and around [[Berlin]]. There are no remaining copies of the film available today.
*The best known version was released in 1956, with [[David Niven]] and [[Cantinflas]] heading a huge cast. Many famous performers play [[Cameo role|bit parts]], and part of the pleasure in this movie is playing "spot the star". The movie earned five [[Academy Awards|Oscars]], out of eight nominations. See [[Around the World in Eighty Days (1956 film)|''Around the World in Eighty Days'']] for details.
*1963 saw the release of ''[[The Three Stooges Go Around the World in a Daze]]''. In this [[parody]], the Three Stooges ([[Moe Howard]], [[Larry Fine]], and [[Joe DeRita]]) are cast as the menservants of Phileas Fogg III ([[Jay Sheffield]]), great-grandson of the original around-the-world voyager. When Phileas Fogg III is tricked into replicating his ancestor's feat of circumnavigation, Larry, Moe, and Curly-Joe dutifully accompany their master. Along the way, the boys get into and out of trouble in typical Stooge fashion.
*In 1983 the basic idea was expanded to a galatic scope in Japan's [[Ginga Shippu Sasuraiger]], where a team of adventurers travel through the galaxy in a train-like ship that can transform into a giant robot. The characters are traveling to different planets in order to return within a certain time frame and win a bet.
*A 1989 three-part TV mini-series starred [[Pierce Brosnan]] as Fogg, [[Eric Idle]] as Passepartout, [[Peter Ustinov]] as Fix and several TV stars in cameo roles, e.g. [[Patrick Macnee]] and [[Christopher Lee]] as members of the Reform Club. The heroes travel a slightly different route than in the book and the script makes several contemporary celebrities part of the story who were not mentioned in the book, such as [[Sarah Bernhardt]], [[Louis Pasteur]], [[Jesse James]] and [[Victoria of the United Kingdom|Queen Victoria]].
*The story was again adapted for the screen in 2004 starring [[Jackie Chan]] as Passepartout and [[Steve Coogan]] as Fogg. This version is a parody of the other ''Around the World in 80 Days'' films loosely based on Jules Verne's story. It makes Passepartout the hero and the thief of the Bank's treasure. Fogg's character is an absent-minded crackpot inventor who bets with a rival scientist that he can travel the world with (then) modern means of transportation. Like the 1919 version, This film was also filmed in [[Berlin]], but tried to hide it this time: The [[Gendarmenmarkt]]'s German Cathedral was redressed as the Bank of England and several other locations in and around the city were used as historic London. {{Citeneeded}} See ''[[Around the World in 80 Days (2004 film)]]''
*Several animated films and cartoon series were made based on Verne's book.
**''An Indian Fantasy Story'' is an unfinished French/English co-production from 1938, featuring the wager at the Reform Club and the rescue of the Indian Princess. It was never completed as a full feature film.
**''Around the World in 79 Days'', a serial segment on the [[Hanna-Barbera]] show ''[[The Cattanooga Cats]]'' from 1969 to 1971.
**''Around the World in 80 days'' from 1972 by Canadian studio [[Rankin-Bass]] with Japanese [[Mushi]] productions as part of the ''Festival of Family Classics'' series.
**A one-season cartoon series ''Around the World in 80 days'' from 1972 by Australian Air Programs International.
**''[[Around the World with Willy Fog]]'' by Spanish studio [[BRB Internacional]] from 1981 with a second season produced in 1993. This series depicts the characters as talking animals and takes several liberties with the original story, but still remains faithful to the basic ideas. This show has gained something of a cult following in Britain and Germany. The first season is "Around the World in 80 Days", and the second season is "[[Journey to the Center of the Earth]]" and "[[Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea]]"; all three books are by Jules Verne.
**''Tweety's High Flying Adventure'' is a [[direct-to-video]] cartoon by [[Warner Brothers]] from 2000 starring the [[Looney Tunes]] characters. It takes a great many liberties with the original story, but the central idea is still there - indeed, one of the songs in this film is entitled ''Around the World in Eighty Days''. This movie frequently appears on various US-based cable TV networks.
**''[[Around the World in 80 Narfs]]'' is a [[Pinky and the Brain]] episode where the Brain claims to be able to make the travel in less than 80 days and the Pompous Explorers club agrees to make him their new president. With this, the Brain expects to be [[UK]]'s new [[Prime Minister]], what he considers back at that time, the fastest way to take over the world.
=== Rujukan Kebudayaan ===
Ada sekurang-kurangnya empat [[permainan papan]] dengan nama ini [].
==Perincian penerbitan==
: Himpunan yang dipilih dengan amat teliti:
*1872, Perancis, ? (ISBN NA), Pub date ? ? 1872, edisi berkulit tebal (Edisi pertama - bahasa Perancis)
*1984, Amerika Syarikat, Bantam Classic (ISBN 0-553-21145-5), diterbitkan pada 1 Mei 1984, edisi berkulit lembut
*1994, UK, Penguin Books (ISBN 0-14-062032-X), diterbitkan pada 24 Februari 1994, edisi berkulit lembut
*1999, UK, Oxford World's Classics (ISBN 0-19-283778-8), diterbitkan pada 25 Mac 1999, edisi berkulit lembut (William Butcher, ed.)
*William Butcher, ed. (1999). ''Around the World in Eighty Days''. Oxford World's Classics. ISBN 0-19-283778-8
==Nota kaki==
== Pautan luar ==
* {{gutenberg|no=103|name=Around the World in Eighty Days}} (terjemahan bahasa Inggeris)
* {{gutenberg|no=3456|name=Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours}}
* ''[ Around the World in 80 Days]'' &ndash; versi HTML lengkap, dengan kandungan tambahan
* [ ''Mengelilingi Dunia dalam Lapan Puluh Hari''] - terjemahan bahasa Inggeris oleh [[George Makepeace Towle]] (1873). Format HTML dan gambar.
* [ ''Mengelilingi Dunia dalam Lapan Puluh Hari''] &ndash; edisi Amerika dari tahun 1887 yang disediakan untuk muat turun percuma dalam format .pdf oleh buku-buku Google.
* ''[ Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingt jours]'' &ndash; (versi PDF daripada Gallica (Bibliothèque nationale de France)
* ''[ Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingt jours]'' &ndash; versi PDF daripada Gallica (Bibliothèque nationale de France)
* [ Analisis kesusasteraan novel-novel Jules Verne] (teks bahasa Perancis)
[[Kategori: Novel Perancis]]
[[Kategori: Novel Jules Verne]]
[[cs:Cesta kolem světa za osmdesát dní]]
[[da:Jorden rundt i 80 dage]]
[[de:Reise um die Erde in 80 Tagen]]
[[en:Around the World in Eighty Days]]
[[es:La vuelta al mundo en ochenta días]]
[[fa:دور دنیا در هشتاد روز]]
[[fr:Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours]]
[[it:Il giro del mondo in 80 giorni (romanzo)]]
[[he:מסביב לעולם בשמונים יום]]
[[nl:De reis om de wereld in tachtig dagen]]
[[pl:W osiemdziesiąt dni dookoła świata]]
[[pt:A volta ao mundo em oitenta dias]]
[[fi:Maailman ympäri 80 päivässä]]
[[sv:Jorden runt på 80 dagar]]