Liga Bangsa: Perbezaan antara semakan

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Baris 27:
== Struktur ==
The League had three principal organs: a [[secretariat]] (headed by the [[general secretary|General Secretary]] and based in [[Geneva]]), a Council and an Assembly, and many Agencies and Commissions. Authorisation for any action required both a unanimous vote by the Council and a majority vote in the Assembly.
=== Sekretariat ===
The staff of the League's secretariat was responsible for preparing the agenda for the Council and Assembly and publishing reports of the meetings and other routine matters, effectively acting as the [[civil service]] for the League.
Over the life of the League from 1920–1946, the three Secretaries General were:
* Sir [[James Eric Drummond, 16th Earl of Perth]] (U.K.) (1920-1933)
* [[Joseph 約瑟夫Avenol]] (France) (1933-(法國)(1933年至1940)年)
* [肖恩·萊斯特](愛爾蘭)(1940-1946)
* [[Seán Lester]] (Ireland) (1940-1946)
The General Secretary wrote annual reports on the work of the League.
The first president was Paul Hymans, a well-known Belgian politician.
=== Majlis ===
The League Council had the authority to deal with any matter affecting [[world peace]]. The Council began with four permanent members (the [[United Kingdom]], [[France]], [[Italy]], [[Japan]]) and four non-permanent members elected by the Assembly every three years. The first four non-permanent members were [[Belgium]], [[Brazil]], [[Greece]] and [[Spain]]. [[United States]] was meant to be the fifth permanent member, but the [[United States Senate]] was dominated by the [[Republican Party (United States)|Republican Party]] after the [[U.S. Senate election, 1918|1918 election]] and voted on [[March 19]], [[1920]] against the [[ratification]] of the [[Treaty of Versailles]], so the fifth permanent seat was taken by [[Republic of China|China]]. The composition and the number of members of the Council subsequently, with the number of non-permanent members increasing to six on [[September 22]] [[1922]] and to nine on [[September 8]] [[1926]]. [[Weimar Republic|Germany]] joined the League and became a sixth permanent member of the Council on [[September 8]] [[1926]], taking the Council to a total of fifteen members. With the departure of Germany and Japan from the League, their places were taken by new non-permanent members.
聯盟理事會有權力處理任何事影響[世界和平]。安理會四個常任理事國(開始[英國]],[[法國]],[[意大利]],[[日本]])和4個非選舉產生的非常任理事國由大會每三年一次。前四個非常任理事國[比利時]],[[巴西]],[[希臘]]和[[西班牙]。 [[美國]]的意思是第五個常任理事國,但[美國參議院][共和黨(美國)共和黨]後,[美國佔主導地位的|1918年競選參議院選舉,1918年],[3月19日投票]],[[1920]]對[[批准]][[凡爾賽條約“],所以第五個常任理事國席位,所採取的[[中華人民共和國]。隨後,理事會成員的組成和數量,與非常任理事國的數量增加至6[[22]][[1922]]九[9月8日[]][[1926]] 。 [魏瑪共和國|德國]加入聯盟,成為第六個安理會常任理事國[[9月8日]][[1926]]的15名成員組成的總理事會。離開德國和日本的聯賽,他們的地方,採取新的非常任理事國。
The Council met in ordinary sessions four times a year, and in extraordinary sessions when required. In total, 107 public sessions were held between 1920 and 1939.
=== Perhimpunan ===
Each member was represented and had one vote in the League Assembly. Individual member states did not always have representatives in [[Geneva]]. The Assembly held its sessions once a year in September.
[埃蒙德瓦勒拉]國聯理事會第68屆特別會議在9月和1932年10月,總統和總統的國聯大會於1938年。 [C.J. Hambro]在1939年和1946年的總統任期。
[[Eamon de Valera]] was the President of the Council of the League of Nations at its 68th and Special Sessions in September and October 1932, and President of the Assembly of the League of Nations in 1938. [[C.J. Hambro]] was President in 1939 and 1946.
=== Perbadanan lain ===
該聯盟負責[常設國際法院]和其他一些機構及佣金處理緊迫的國際問題。這些是[[軍控裁軍]]委員會,[世界衛生組織|世界衛生組織]],[[國際勞工組織]],[[#授權|授權委員會,常設中央[鴉片戰爭委員會,委員會[難民]] S,[奴隸制委員會。而聯賽本身是一般的品牌是失敗的,其機構和委員會在其各自的職權範圍內取得了一些成功。
The League oversaw the [[Permanent Court of International Justice]] and several other agencies and commissions created to deal with pressing international problems. These were the [[arms control|Disarmament]] Commission, the [[World Health Organization|Health Organization]], the [[International Labour Organization]], the [[#Mandates|Mandates]] Commission, the Permanent Central [[Opium]] Board, the Commission for [[Refugee]]s, and the [[Slavery]] Commission. While the League itself is generally branded a failure, several of its Agencies and Commissions had successes within their respective mandates.
'''裁軍審議委員會“,”委員會取得了初步的協議,意大利,日本,法國和英國的大小限制其[[海軍|海軍]。然而,英國拒絕簽署了1923年的裁軍條約,[凱洛格 - 白裡安公約],促進了該委員會於1928年取締戰爭的目標,失敗。最後,委員會沒有停止在20世紀30年代由意大利,德國和日本的軍事集結。
; '''Disarmament Commission''' : The Commission obtained initial agreement by France, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom to limit the size of their [[navy|navies]]. However, the UK refused to sign a 1923 disarmament treaty, and the [[Kellogg-Briand Pact]], facilitated by the commission in 1928, failed in its objective of outlawing war. Ultimately, the Commission failed to halt the military buildup during the 1930s by Italy, Germany and Japan.
'''健康組織“:該機構專注於結束[麻風病]]和[[瘧疾],後者由開始的國際運動,以消滅[蚊子] ES。世界衛生組織還成功地防止疫情[斑疹傷寒]擴展到整個歐洲,由於其早期干預[蘇聯]。
; '''Health Organization''' : This body focused on ending [[leprosy]] and [[malaria]], the latter by starting an international campaign to exterminate [[mosquito]]es. The Health Organization also succeeded in preventing an epidemic of [[typhus]] from spreading throughout Europe due to its early intervention in the [[Soviet Union]].
'''授權委員會“,該委員會監督國際聯盟[#授權|授權],並還舉辦了[全民公決]] S在有爭議的領土,使居民可以決定,他們將加入哪個國家,最顯著的[薩爾]在1935年的公民投票中。
; '''Mandates Commission''' : The Commission supervised League of Nations [[#Mandates|Mandates]], and also organised [[plebiscite]]s in disputed territories so that residents could decide which country they would join, most notably the plebiscite in [[Saarland]] in 1935.
“國際勞動組織”:這個身體的帶領下阿爾伯特·托馬斯(法國)|阿爾伯特·托馬斯]。它成功地禁止除[鉛]至[塗料#顏料|油漆],並說服幾個國家採用[8小時工作制| 8小時工作制]和48小時的工作週。工作結束[童工童工]],增加了[女權主義婦女權利的]在工作場所,並作出[航運|船東]涉及海員的意外承擔責任。
; '''International Labour Organization''' : This body was led by [[Albert Thomas (France)|Albert Thomas]]. It successfully banned the addition of [[lead]] to [[paint#Pigment|paint]], and convinced several countries to adopt an [[eight hour day|eight-hour work day]] and forty-eight-hour working week. It also worked to end [[child labor|child labour]], increase the [[feminism|rights of women]] in the workplace, and make [[shipping|shipowners]] liable for accidents involving seamen.
'''常設中央鴉片委員會''':董事會成立監督的統計控制系統推出的第二個[國際鴉片公約“]]介導的生產,製造,貿易,零售[鴉片]和它的副產品。董事會還建立了一個系統的進口證書和出口許可證的法律[國際貿易] [[麻醉]。
; '''Permanent Central Opium Board''' : The Board was established to supervise the statistical control system introduced by the second [[International Opium Convention]] that mediated the production, manufacture, trade and retail of [[opium]] and its by-products. The Board also established a system of import certificates and export authorizations for the legal [[international trade]] in [[narcotic]]s.
'''難民委員會'''的帶領下,南森],該委員會負責遣返,並在必要時安置,40萬難民和前[戰俘戰俘],其中大部分被滯留在[俄羅斯]]在第一次世界大戰結束的營地[土耳其]於1922年在該國的難民危機處理,並有助於防止疾病和飢餓。還設立了[南森護照]] [[無狀態]人民作為一種識別手段。
; '''Commission for Refugees''' : Led by [[Fridtjof Nansen]], the Commission oversaw the repatriation and, when necessary the resettlement, of 400,000 refugees and ex-[[prisoner of war|prisoners of war]], most of whom were stranded in [[Russia]] at the end of World War I. It established camps in [[Turkey]] in 1922 to deal with a refugee crisis in that country and to help prevent disease and hunger. It also established the [[Nansen passport]] as a means of identification for [[stateless]] peoples.
; '''Slavery Commission''' : The Commission sought to eradicate slavery from the world, and fought forced [[prostitution]] and [[illegal drugs trade|drug trafficking]], particularly in opium. It succeeded in gaining the emancipation of 200,000 slaves in [[Sierra Leone]] and organized raids against slave traders in its efforts to stop the practice of forced labour in [[Africa]]. It also succeeded in reducing the death rate of workers in [[Tanganyika]] from 55% to 4%. In other parts of the world, the Commission kept records on slavery, prostitution and drug trafficking in an attempt to monitor those issues.
Several of these institutions were transferred to the United Nations after the [[Second World War]]. In addition to the International Labour Organisation, the Permanent Court of International Justice became a UN institution as the [[International Court of Justice]], and the Health Organization was restructured as the [[World Health Organization]].
== Mandat-mandat ==