Astrolab: Perbezaan antara semakan

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Baris 11:
=== Dunia purba ===
Astrolab terawal dicipta di [[dunia Yunani]] pada 150&nbsp;SM dan sering disandarkan kepada [[Hipparchus]]. Merupakan gabungan [[planisfera]] dan [[dioptra]], astrolab sebenarnya adalah sebuah kalkulator analog yang berupaya menyelesaikan pelbagai masalah dalam astronomi sfera. [[Theon dari Alexandria]] menulis karya mendalam mengenai astrolab, dan {{Harvcoltxt|Lewis|2001}} berhujah bahawa [[Ptolemy]] menggunakan astrolab untuk melakukan cerapan astronomi yang tercatat di dalam ''[[Tetrabiblos]]''.<ref>{{Harvcoltxt|Evans|1998|pp=155}} "The astrolabe was in fact an invention of the ancient Greeks."<br>{{Harvcoltxt|Krebs|Krebs|2003|p=56}} "It is generally accepted that Greek astrologers, in either the first or second centuries BC, invented the ''astrolabe'', an instrument that measures the altitude of stars and planets above the horizon. Some historians attribute it's invention to Hipparchus"</ref>
Astrolab terus digunakan di dunia ber[[bahasa Yunani]] sepanjang Era [[Bizantin]]. Kira-kira 550&nbsp;M ahli falsafah Kristian [[John Philoponus]] menulis sebuah karya tentang astrolab dalam bahasa Yunani, yang merupakan karya berbahasa Yunani terawal mengenai alat ini yang masih wujud.<ref>Modern editions of [[John Philoponus]]' treatise on the astrolabe are ''De usu astrolabii eiusque constructione libellus'' (On the Use and Construction of the Astrolabe), ed. Heinrich Hase, Bonn: E. Weber, 1839, {{OCLC|165707441}} (or id. Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 6 (1839): 127–71); repr. and translated into French by Alain Philippe Segonds, ''Jean Philopon, traité de l'astrolabe,'' Paris: Librairie Alain Brieux, 1981, {{OCLC|10467740}}; and translated into English by H.W. Green in R.T. Gunther, ''The Astrolabes of the World'', Vol. 1/2, Oxford, 1932, {{OL|18840299M}} repr. London: Holland Press, 1976, {{OL|14132393M }} pp. 61–81.</ref> Di samping itu, [[Severus Sebokht]], seorang [[biskop]] yang tinggal di [[Mesopotamia]], juga menulis sebuah karya tentang astrolab dalam [[bahasa Suryani]] pada pertengahan kurun ke-7.<ref>{{cite book| publisher = Routledge and Kegan Paul| last = O'Leary| first = De Lacy|authorlink=De Lacy O'Leary| title = How Greek Science passed to the Arabs| date = 1948 |url=}} "The most distinguished Syriac scholar of this later period was [[Severus Sebokht]] (d. 666-7), Bishop of Kennesrin. [...] In addition to these works [...] he also wrote on astronomical subjects (Brit. Mus. Add. 14538), and composed a treatise on the astronomical instrument known as the astrolabe, which has been edited and published by F. Nau (Paris, 1899)." <br/>Severus' treatise was translated by Jessie Payne Smith Margoliouth in R.T. Gunther, ''Astrolabes of the World'', Oxford, 1932, pp. 82–103.</ref> Severus Sebokht, di dalam mukadimah karyanya, merujuk pada astrolab sebagai sesuatu yang dibuat daripada loyang, menunjukkan bahawa astrolab logam telah pun dikenali di kalangan Kristian Timur sebelum ia dimajukan di dunia Islam atau Barat Latin.<ref>{{cite web |first=Severus |last=Sebokht |title=Description of the astrolabe |url= |}}</ref>