Gerhana matahari: Perbezaan antara semakan

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Baris 192:
Melihat secara langsung pada [[fotosfera]] Matahari (cakera terang Matahari), walaupun hanya beberapa saat, boleh menyebabkan kerosakan kekal pada [[retina]] mata, kerana sinaran melampau yang boleh dilihat dan tidak dapat dilihat yang fotosfera pancarkan. Kerosakan ini boleh mengakibatkan kerosakan kekal pada penglihatan, sehingga dan termasuklah [[buta]]. Retina ini tidak mempunyai sensitiviti terhadap kesakitan, dan kesan-kesan kerosakan retina tidak akan muncul selama beberapa jam, maka tidak ada amaran bagi kecederaan yang berlaku.<ref>{{cite web |author=F. Espenak |title=Eye Safety During Solar Eclipses |url=}}</ref>
Under normal conditions, the Sun is so bright that it is difficult to stare at it directly, so there is no tendency to look at it in a way that might damage the eye. However, during an eclipse, with so much of the Sun covered, it is easier and more tempting to stare at it. Unfortunately, looking at the Sun during an eclipse is just as dangerous as looking at it outside an eclipse, except during the brief period of totality, when the Sun's disk is completely covered (totality occurs only during a total eclipse and only very briefly; it does not occur during a partial or annular eclipse). Viewing the Sun's disk through any kind of optical aid (binoculars, a telescope, or even an optical camera viewfinder) is extremely hazardous.<ref>{{cite web |author=A. M. MacRobert |title=How to Watch a Partial Solar Eclipse Safely |publisher=Sky & Telescope magazine |url= |accessdate=2007-08-04}}</ref>
Di bawah keadaan biasa, Matahari begitu terang sehingga adalah sukar untuk ditenung secara langsung, maka tidak ada kecenderungan untuk melihatnya dengan cara yang mungkin akan merosakkan mata. Walau bagaimanapun, semasa gerhana, dengan begitu banyak Matahari dilindungi, ia adalah lebih mudah dan lebih menarik untuk ditenung. Malangnya, melihat Matahari semasa gerhana adalah sama bahaya seperti melihatnya di luar gerhana, kecuali dalam tempoh kepenuhan yang singkat, apabila cakera Matahari benar-benar dilindungi (kepenuhan berlaku hanya semasa gerhana penuh dan hanya seketika sahaja; ia tidak berlaku semasa gerhana separa atau cincin). Melihat cakera Matahari melalui apa-apa jenis alat bantuan optik (teropong, teleskop, atau pun kamera pemidang tilik optik) amat berbahaya.<ref>{{cite web |author=A. M. MacRobert |title=How to Watch a Partial Solar Eclipse Safely |publisher=Sky & Telescope magazine |url= |accessdate=2007-08-04}}</ref>
Glancing at the Sun with all or most of its disk visible is unlikely to result in permanent harm, as the pupil will close down and reduce the brightness of the whole scene. If the eclipse is near total, the low average amount of light causes the pupil to open. Unfortunately the remaining parts of the Sun are still just as bright, so they are now brighter on the retina than when looking at a full Sun. As the eye has a small [[Optic fovea|fovea]], for detailed viewing, the tendency will be to track the image on to this best part of the retina, causing damage.