Senarai khalifah: Perbezaan antara semakan

Kandungan dihapus Kandungan ditambah
Zamwan (bincang | sumb.)
Zamwan (bincang | sumb.)
Baris 1,142:
* [[Idris II, Khalifah Almohad|Idris II]] (1266–1269)
==Pelbagai kekhilafan yang diistiharkan selepas tahun 1900==
==Various caliphates declared after 1900==
Sejak pembubaran Empayar Uthmaniyyah, tiada sistem khilafah "perpaduan" yang diakui.
Since the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, there has been no single recognized, "ecumenical" caliphate.
===SharifianKhilafah CaliphateSharif (1924)===
{{Main|SharifianKhilafah CaliphateSharif}}
[[File:Hijaz.png|200px|thumbnail|right|MapPeta withdengan thekerajaan kingdomberaja indalam greenwarna andhijau thedan currentsempadan regionwilayah insekarang reddalam warna merah.]]
ASatu lastcubaan attemptterakhir atuntuk restoringmemulihkan thesemula caliphalsistem officekhilafah andyang stylediakui withtelah ecumenicaldilakukan recognition was made byoleh [[Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca|Hussein bin Ali]], [[KingdomKerajaan ofBeraja Hejaz|KingRaja]] of [[Hejaz]] anddan [[Sharif of MeccaMekah]], who assumed both onpada 11 MarchMac 1924 and held them untilsehingga 3 OctoberOktober 1924, whenapabila hebeliau passedmelepaskan thegelaran kingshipkepada toanak hislelaki sonbeliau [[Ali ofdari Hejaz|`Ali ibn al-Husayn al-Hashimi]], whoyang didmana nottidak adoptmemakai thesistem caliphaldan officegaya and stylekhalifah.<ref>[[#Bos04|Bosworth 2004]], [ p. 118]</ref> Hussein'sWalaubagaimanapun, claimtuntutan forHussein caliphateakan wasgelaran notkhalifah acceptedtidak howeverditerima, anddan inpada tahun 1925 hebeliau wastelah drivendihalau fromkeluar Hejazdaripada by theHejaz forcesoleh oftentera [[Ibn Saud]] duedi tosebabkan histidak lack of support formenyokong Shari'ah. HeBeliau continuedterus tomenggunakan usegelaran thekhalifah titlesemasa ofhayat caliphbeliau duringdalam hisbuangan remaining life in exile,sehingga untilkematian hisbeliau deathpada intahun 1931.
===AhmadiyyaKhilafah Muslim CaliphateAhmadiyya (1908–present1908–kini)===
{{Main|Khalifatul Masih#ListSenarai ofkhalifah Ahmadiyya CaliphsAhmadiyyah}}
[[File:Liwa-e-Ahmadiyya 1-2.svg|200px|thumbnail|left|AhmadiyyaBendera Muslimkomuniti CommunityMuslim FlagAhmadiyyah.]]
'''Khalīfatul Masīh''' ({{lang-ar|خليفة المسيح}}; {{lang-ur|خلیفہ المسیح}}; {{lang-en|Successor of the Messiah}}) oratau Khalifa ofKhalifah Islam (Caliph of Islam)<ref></ref> sometimeskadang simplykala referreddirujuk to assebagai ''Khalifah'' (i.e.merupakan Caliph,pemimpin successor)pertubuhan isdan theagama electedyang spiritualdipilih and organizational leader of the worldwidedari [[Ahmadiyya|AhmadiyyaKomuniti Muslim CommunityAhmadiyya]] anddi isseluruh thedunia successordan ofmerupakan penganti kepada [[Mirza Ghulam Ahmad]] ofdari [[Qadian]] whoyang hadmendakwa claimedadalah to be theImam [[Mahdi]] anddan [[Messiah]] indalam Islam. TheKhalifah Caliphdipercayai ismerupakan believedpemimpin terpilih todan bedirujuk divinelyoleh guidedKomuniti and is also referred to by members of theMuslim Ahmadiyya Muslim Community assebagai [[Amir al-Mu'minin]] (LeaderPemimpin ofYang the FaithfulBenar). TheKhalifatul fifthMasih andke-5 currentdan Khalifatul Masihterkini isadalah [[Mirza Masroor Ahmad]].
AfterSelepas the death ofkematian Ghulam Ahmad, hispenganti successorsbeliau directedmemimpin theKomuniti Ahmadiyya Community fromdaripada [[Qadian]] whichyang remainedkekal themenjadi headquartersibupejabat ofkomuniti theini communitysehingga untiltahun 1947 with the creation ofapabila [[Pakistan]] ditubuhkan. FromSelepas thisini, timeibupejabat ondipindahkan the headquarters remained inke [[Rabwah]], asebuah bandar yang dibina townpada builtsebidang ontanah landyang boughtdibeli indi Pakistan byoleh thekomuniti communityini inpada tahun 1948. InPada tahun 1984, [[OrdinanceOrdinans XX]] wastelah promulgateddiistiharkan byoleh the government ofkerajaan Pakistan whichyang renderedmana themendakwa Khalifatul Masih unabletidak toboleh performmelakukan histigas-tugas dutiesmereka anddan putini themeletakan veryinstitusi institutionini indalam jeopardybahaya. DueDi tosebabkan thesekeadaan circumstancesini, [[Mirza Tahir Ahmad|Khalifatul Masih IVKe-4]] leftmeninggalkan Pakistan anddan migratedberpindah toke [[London]], [[England]], provisionallydan movingmemindahkan theibupejabat headquarters to theke [[Masjid Fazl Mosque, London|Masjid Fazl Mosque]].<ref>[ Khilafat, the Successorship of Prophethood – The Guided Khilafat – Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya]</ref>
===ISIL/ISIS claim (2014–present)===
{{further|Worldwide Caliphate}}
On 29 June 2014, the [[Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant]] (ISIL) started to call itself "Islamic State" and call its leader [[Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi]] "caliph Ibrahim".<ref>{{cite news|author=Adam Withnall |url= |title=Iraq crisis: Isis declares its territories a new Islamic state with 'restoration of caliphate' in Middle East - Middle East - World |publisher=The Independent |date=2014-06-30 |accessdate=2014-07-04}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=|title=ISIS Spokesman Declares Caliphate, Rebrands Group as "Islamic State"|date=29 June 2014|accessdate=29 June 2014|publisher=''SITE Institute''}}</ref> The validity of this caliphate has not been recognized by any Islamic authority outside of the 10-million-people territory<ref></ref> under control of Islamic State.<ref>[[Yusuf al-Qaradawi]] stated: "[The] declaration issued by the Islamic State is void under [[sharia]] and has dangerous consequences for the Sunnis in Iraq and for the revolt in Syria", adding that the title of caliph can "only be given by the entire Muslim nation", not by a single group. {{cite news|last=Strange|first=Hannah|title=Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi addresses Muslims in Mosul|url=|accessdate=6 July 2014|work=The Telegraph |date=5 July 2014}}</ref>
On 24 August 2014, the leader of [[Boko Haram]] in [[Nigeria]], [[Abubakar Shekau]], likewise declared a caliphate. Apparently, it remained unclear whether Shekau declared his group to be part of ISIL or if he was declaring a separate caliphate in Nigeria.<ref>[ Boko Haram leader declares Islamic caliphate in Nigeria ], Washington Times, 24 August 2014.</ref> On 7 March 2015, Shekau pledged allegiance to ISIL via an audio message posted on the organisation's Twitter account.<ref>{{Cite news|url =|title = Nigeria's Boko Haram pledges allegiance to Islamic State|date = 2015-03-07 |accessdate = 2015-03-07|website = BBC news|publisher = BBC|last = |first = }}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url= |title=The Islamic State of Boko Haram? :The terrorist group has pledged its allegiance to ISIS. But what does that really mean? |author=Adam Chandler |date=March 9, 2015|publisher=The Atlantic}}</ref> Afterwards, Boko Haram assumed the name "Wilāyat al Sūdān al Gharbī" ({{lang-ar|ولاية السودان الغربي}}, "West Africa Province") or "Islamic State in West Africa" (Iswap).<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Africa blog: Islamic State strengthens ties with Boko Haram|work=BBC News|accessdate=25 April 2015}}</ref>
<gallery widths="200px" heights="200px">
File:AQMI Flag.svg|ISIL Flag ([[Black Standard]]).
File:Territorial control of the ISIS.svg|{{leftlegend|#c12838|Areas controlled by ISIL&nbsp; (as of 21 October 2015)|outline=black}} {{leftlegend|#fefee9|Areas in which ISIL has claimed to have presence or control <ref name=BBCmaps>{{cite news|title=Battle for Iraq and Syria in maps|url=|accessdate=5 December 2014|publisher=BBC News|date=3 December 2014}}</ref>|outline=black}}
File:Wilāyat al Sūdān al Gharbī.svg|Areas controlled by Wilāyat al Sūdān al Gharbī&nbsp; (as of 10 April 2015)
File:The Greatest Extent of Wilāyat al Sūdān al Gharbī.svg|The greatest extent of Wilāyat al Sūdān al Gharbī (in January 2015)
==See also==