Islam di Thailand: Perbezaan antara semakan

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Baris 49:
[[File:Chiang Rai Mosque1.jpg|thumb|right|180px|The [[Darunaman Mosque]].]]
{{anchor|Chularatchamontri}}<!-- [[Chularatchamontri]] redirects here-->'''Chularatchamontri''' (จุฬาราชมนตรี) ismerupakan thegelaran title ofuntuk [[ShaykhSheikhul al-IslāmIslam]] inatau Mufti di Thailand. TheGelaran titleini waspertama firstkali useddigunakan in thedalam [[Kerajaan Ayutthaya Kingdom]] whenapabila KingRaja [[Songtham]] (1611–1628) appointedmelantik [[Bunnag#Sheikh Ahmad|Sheikh Ahmad]]untuk tomenyandangi thejawatan officeini. PursuantMenurut toundang-undang thedi currentnegara Islamic Organ Administration Act, BE 2540 (1997)itu, ''Chularatchamontri'' isdilantik appointedoleh byRaja theatas Kingnasihat uponPerdana adviceMenteri. ofBeliau themempunyai Primekuasa Minister.atas Hesegala hasurusan theyang authorityberkaitan todengan administeragama allIslam Islamicdi affairsnegara initu thedan Nationjuga andmenjadi topenasihat providekepada advicekerajaan ondan Islamicbadan-badan affairs to government agenciespemerintah. ChularatchamontriSheikhul vacatesIslam hisThailand officeyang uponterkini death,ialah resignationAziz andPhitakkumpon removal([[Bahasa byThai]]: theอาซิส King<ref>[ uponPejabat adviceSheikhul ofIslam the Prime Minister.Thailand]</ref>
There is also a '''Central Islamic Council of Thailand''' (คณะกรรมการกลางอิสลามแห่งประเทศไทย) or '''CICOT''' (กอท.), consisting of at least five Councillors appointed by the King from amongst Muslims. The CICOT advises the Minister of Education and the Minister of Interior on Islamic matters. Its presiding officer is Chularatchamontri. Provincial Islamic Councils (คณะกรรมการอิสลามประจำจังหวัด) exist in the provinces that had substantial Muslim minorities. There are other links between the government and the Muslim community, including government financial assistance to Islamic education institutions, assistance with construction of some of the larger mosques, and the funding of pilgrimages by Thai Muslims to [[Mecca]], both [[Bangkok]] and [[Hat Yai]] being primary gateway cities.
Thailand also maintains several hundred Islamic schools at the primary and secondary levels, as well as Islamic banks, including the [[Islamic Bank of Thailand]], shops and other institutions. Much of the packaged food marketed is tested and labelled [[halal]] (unless it has pork), regardless of who eats it.
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