Sejarah Afrika Selatan: Perbezaan antara semakan

Kandungan dihapus Kandungan ditambah
Baris 51:
== Detik Terakhir Regim Apartheid ==
Protes dan tentangan secara besar-besaran ini akhirnya mengugat regim apartheid dan pada awal 1980an kerajaan membuat beberapa siri reformasi seperti mengiktiraf "black trade unions".
Shaken by the scale of protest and opposition, the Government embarked on a series of reforms in the early 1980s, an early example being the recognition of black trade unions.
Pada 1983, Perlembagaan dipinda untuk membenarkan kaum berwarna ''coloured'' dan minoriti berbangsa India untuk pembabitan terhad di Parlimen.
In 1983, the Constitution was reformed to allow the coloured and Indian minorities limited participation in separate and subordinate Houses of Parliament, a development which enjoyed limited support.
Pada 1986, undang-undang buku "pass" telah ditarik balik. Sementara itu masyarakat antarabangsa telah memberi sokongan padu terhadap penentang anti-apartheid melalui pemulauan dan sekatan yang lain.
In 1986, the pass laws were scrapped. At this time the international community strengthened its support for the antiapartheid cause. Sanctions and boycotts were instituted by individual countries and through the United Nations.
InPada FebruaryFebruari 1990, newlyPresiden electedyang Presidentbaru [[FW de Klerk]] announcedmengumumkan thepenarikan unbanningbalik ofpengharaman thekeatas liberationgerakan movementskebebasan anddan thepembebasan releasetahanan ofpolitik political prisoners, notablytermasuk [[Nelson Mandela]].
== Lahirnya Demokrasi ==