Pulau haba bandar: Perbezaan antara semakan

Kandungan dihapus Kandungan ditambah
Polar (bincang | sumb.)
Tiada ringkasan suntingan
Polar (bincang | sumb.)
Tiada ringkasan suntingan
Baris 6:
Tidak semua bandar mempunyai pulau haba bandar yang jelas. Pengurangan kesan pulau haba bandar boleh dicapai melalui penggunaan [[bumbung hijau]] dan penggunaan permukaan berwarna cerah di kawasan bandar, yang mencerminkan lebih banyak cahaya matahari dan kurang menyerap haba.
Terdapat kebimbangan yang dibangkitkan mengenai sumbangan dilakukan dari pulau-pulau haba bandar kepada pemanasan global. Penyelidikan ke atas China<ref>Huang, Q., & Lu, Y. (2015). The Effect of Urban Heat Island on Climate Warming in the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12(8), 8773-8789.</ref><ref>Ren, Y., Parker, D., Ren, G., & Dunn, R. (2015). Tempo-spatial characteristics of sub-daily temperature trends in mainland China. Climate Dynamics, 1-12.</ref> dan India<ref>Joshi, R., Raval, H., Pathak, M., Prajapati, S., Patel, A., Singh, V., & Kalubarme, M. H. (2015). Urban Heat Island Characterization and Isotherm Mapping Using Geo-Informatics Technology in Ahmedabad City, Gujarat State, India. International Journal of Geosciences, 6(03), 274.</ref> menunjukkan bahawa kesan pulau haba bandar menyumbang kepada pemanasan iklim dengan kira-kira 30%.<ref>Z.-C. Zhao (2011) Impacts of urbanization on climate change , 10,000 Scientific Difficult Problems: Earth Science (in Chinese), 10,000 scientific difficult problems Earth Science Committee Eds, 2011, Science Press, pp. 843–846</ref> Sebaliknya, satu perbandingan tahun 1999 antara kawasan bandar dan luar bandar mencadangkan bahawa kesan pulau haba bandar mempunyai sedikit pengaruh mengenai trend suhu min global.<ref>{{cite journal | doi = 10.1029/1998GL900322 | last1 = Peterson | first1 = T.C. | last2 = Gallo | first2 = K.P. | last3 = Lawrimore | first3 = J. | last4 = Owen | first4 = T.W. | last5 = Huang | first5 = A. | last6 = McKittrick | first6 = D.A. | year = 1999 | title = Global rural temperature trends | url = | journal = Geophysical Research Letters | volume = 26 | issue = 3| pages = 329–332 | bibcode=1999GeoRL..26..329P}}</ref> Banyak kajian mendedahkan peningkatan dalam keterukan kesan dengan perkembangan perubahan iklim.<ref>Sachindra, D. A., Ng, A. W. M., Muthukumaran, S., & Perera, B. J. C. (2015). Impact of Climate Change on Urban Heat Island Effect and Extreme Temperatures: A Case Study. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society..</ref>
== Sejarah ==
[[File:newyork heat island.jpg|thumb|Lokasi haba (atas) dan tumbuh-tumbuhan (bawah) sekitar [[Bandar New York]] melalui imej satelit inframerah. Perbandingan imej menunjukkan bahawa di mana tumbuh-tumbuhan adalah padat, suhu adalah lebih sejuk.]]
Fenomena ini pertama kali disiasat dan digambarkan oleh [[Luke Howard]] dalam 1810-an, walaupun beliau bukan orang yang menamakan fenomena ini.<ref>[[Luke Howard]], ''The climate of London, deduced from Meteorological observations, made at different places in the neighbourhood of the metropolis'', 2 vol., London, 1818-20</ref>
== Rujukan ==
== Bacaan lanjut ==
* {{cite journal|last=Arnfield|first=A. John|title=Two decades of urban climate research: a review of turbulence, exchanges of energy and water, and the urban heat island|journal=International Journal of Climatology|date=1 January 2003|volume=23|issue=1|pages=1–26|doi=10.1002/joc.859|bibcode = 2003IJCli..23....1A }}
* {{cite book|last=Gartland|first=Lisa|title=Heat islands: understanding and mitigating heat in urban areas|year=2008|publisher=Earthscan|location=London|isbn=9781844072507}}
* {{cite journal|author1=P. D. Jones |author2=P.Y. Groisman |author3=M. Coughlan |author4=N. Plummer |author5=W.-C. Wang |author6=T.R. Karl |year=1990|title=Assessment of urbanization effects in time series of surface air temperature over land|journal=Nature|volume=347|pages=169–172 | doi = 10.1038/347169a0|issue=6289|bibcode = 1990Natur.347..169J }}
* {{cite book|author=Helmut E. Landsberg|title=The Urban Climate|location=New York | publisher=Academic Press|year=1981|isbn=0-12-435960-4|authorlink=Helmut Landsberg}}
* {{cite book|author1=J. Khodakarami |author2=M.Hatami |title= Heat Island: A New Variable In Architecture and Urbanism|location=Tehran, In Persian | publisher=Fekreno Book|year=2016|authorlink=Jamal Khodakarami and Mojtaba Hatami}}
== Pautan luar ==
* [http://www.grida.no/climate/ipcc_tar/wg1/052.htm#2221 Land-Surface Air Temperature] - from the [[Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change|IPCC]]
* [http://heatisland.lbl.gov/ Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Heat Island Group]
* [http://www.realclimate.org/index.php?p=43 The Surface Temperature Record and the Urban Heat Island] From RealClimate.org
* [http://isu1.indstate.edu/heatisland/ Urban Heat Island research group] - NSF project, Department of Geography, Indiana State University
* [http://www.urbanheatislands.com/ UrbanHeatIslands.com] - Urban Heat islands in Canada and the world
* [http://www.coolrooftoolkit.org Cool Roof and Pavement Toolkit]
* [http://www.globalcoolcities.org Global Cool Cities Alliance]
{{Global warming}}
{{Authority control}}
[[Kategori: sains perubahan iklim]]
[[Kategori: iklim paksa]]
[[Kategori: Urbanisasi]]