Budaya popular: Perbezaan antara semakan

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'''Budaya popular''' atau '''budaya pop''' merupakan keseluruhan sikap, buah fikiran, bayangan, sudut pandang, dan peristiwa yang berada dalam lingkungan budaya arus perdana, terutamanya budaya Barat pada pertengahan abad ke-20 dan kemunculan arus perdana globalisasi pada akhir abad ke-20 dan abad ke-21. Banyak dipengaruhi oleh media massa, koleksi buah fikiran ini meresap ke dalam kehidupan harian masyarakat. Kategori budaya pop yang paling biasa ialah: hiburan (filem, muzik, televisyen, permainan), sukan, berita (orang/tempat dalam berita), politik, fesyen/pakaian, teknologi, dan slanga.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://mrpopculture.com/what-is-pop-culture |title=What Is Pop Culture? By Gary West}}</ref> Budaya popular ternyata suatu cara untuk mempengaruhi sikap seseorang terhadap topik tertentu.<ref>McGaha, Julie. "Popular Culture & Globalization." ''Multicultural Education'' 23.1 (2015): 32-37. ''SocINDEX with Full Text''. Web. 5 Aug. 2016.</ref>
'''Budaya pop''' merupakan budaya vernakular yang diamalkan oleh masyarakat moden. Kebanyakannya isi budaya pop ditentukan oleh industri-industri yang menyebarkan bahan-bahan kebudayaan, umpamanya [[filem]], [[televisyen]] dan industri-industri [[penerbitan]], termasuk media berita. Walau bagaimanapun, budaya pop tidak boleh hanya dianggap sebagai produk aggregat industri-industri sahaja; sebaliknya, ia merupakan hasil daripada interaksi yang berlangsung antara industri-industri tersebut dan orang-orang di dalam masyarakat yang menggunakan produk-produk itu.
Budaya popular sering dilihat sebagai menjadi remeh-temeh dan pembodohan demi mencari penerimaan umum arus perdana. Hasilnya, budaya pop dilemparkan dengan kritikan berat daripada pelbagai sumber bukan arus perdana (terutamanya daripada kumpulan agamawan dan budaya saingan) yang menganggap budaya pop itu dangkal, memperalatkan pengguna, menggemparkan, dan/atau mencemarkan.<ref>{{cite web|author=Darrell L. Bock and Daniel B. Wallace |url=http://www.rebeccasreads.com/Reviews/ReviewBockDethroningJesus.html |title=Rebecca's Reads - Darrell L. Bock & Daniel B. Wallace - Dethroning Jesus: Exposing Popular Culture's Quest to Unseat the Biblical Christ |publisher=Rebeccasreads.com |date= |accessdate=2009-06-21}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.calvin.edu/news/2000-01/eyes.htm |title=Calvin College: Calvin News |publisher=Calvin.edu |date=2001-03-15 |accessdate=2009-06-21}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.cracked.com/article_16619_7-things-from-pop-culture-that-apparently-piss-jesus-off.html |title=7 Things From Pop Culture That Apparently Piss Jesus Off |publisher=Cracked.com |date= |accessdate=2009-06-21}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.irishcalvinist.com/?p=1841 |title=Book Review- Jesus Made in America – Irish Calvinist |publisher=Irishcalvinist.com |date=2008-10-14 |accessdate=2009-06-21}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://bateszi.animeuknews.net/2007/01/18/japans-increasingly-superficial-pop-culture/ |title=Japan’s increasingly superficial pop culture? &#124; Bateszi Anime Blog |publisher=Bateszi.animeuknews.net |date=2007-01-18 |accessdate=2009-06-21}}</ref>
Walaupun pengkritik-[[pengkritik]] kekadang mengatakan bahawa budaya pop adalah terlalu cetek kerana ia merupakan [[fesyen]] dan rekaan sementara; gembar-gembur yang berkaitan dengan perkara-perkara budaya pop sering merupakan pendahuluan yang kemudiannya menjadi sebahagian daripada budaya harian masyarakat ataupun subbudaya, umpamanya [[televisyen]] dan [[internet]].
==Sejarah dan pengertian==
Terma "budaya popular" mula tercipta seawal abad ke-19.<ref>Although the ''Oxford English Dictionary'' lists the first use as 1854, it appears in an address by [[Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi]] in 1818: {{cite book|title=The Address of Pestalozzi to the British Public|year=1818|url=https://books.google.com/?id=i6BDAAAAcAAJ&lpg=PT10&pg=PT10#v=onepage&q&f=false|quote=I see that it is impossible to attain this end without founding the means of popular culture and instruction upon a basis which cannot be got at otherwise than in a profound examination of Man himself; without such an investigation and such a basis all is darkness.|author1=Pestalozzi|first1=Johann Heinrich}}</ref> Secara tradisinya, budaya popular dikaitkan dengan pendidikan rendah dan kelas sosial bawahan,<ref>Per Adam Siljeström, ''The educational institutions of the United States, their character and organization'', J. Chapman, 1853, p. 243: "Influence of European emigration on the state of civilization in the United States: Statistics of popular culture in America". [[John Morley]] presented an address ''On Popular Culture'' at the [[Birmingham Town Hall]] in 1876, dealing with the education of the lower classes.</ref> jauh berlawanan dengan "budaya rasmi" dan pendidikan tinggi yang diperoleh kelas sosial atasan.<ref>[https://books.google.com/books?id=DOoe_MqMQe4C&pg=PA13 ''Rabelais and Bakhtin: Popular Culture in "Gargantua and Pantagruel"''] p.13</ref><ref>[https://books.google.com/books?id=d6jtq0LglIAC&pg=PA9 ''Rabelais's Radical Farce''] p.9</ref>
Penekanan perbezaan "budaya rasmi" semakin ketara pada akhir abad ke-19,<ref>"Learning is dishonored when she stoops to attract," cited in a section "Popular Culture and True Education" in University extension, Issue 4, The American society for the extension of university teaching, 1894.</ref> penggunaan yang mula berkembang pada era interbellum.<ref>
e.g. "the making of popular culture plays [in post-revolutionary Russian theater]", Huntly Carter, ''The new spirit in the Russian theatre, 1917-28: And a sketch of the Russian kinema and radio, 1919-28, showing the new communal relationship between the three'', Ayer Publishing, 1929, p. 166.</ref>
Sejak akhir Perang Dunia Kedua, perubahan budaya dan sosial secara besar-besaran berlaku dengan adanya inovasi media massa, makna budaya popular mula bertembung dengan budaya massa, budaya media, budaya bayangan, budaya pengguna, dan budaya untuk penggunaan massa.<ref>"one look at the sheer mass and volume of what we euphemistically call our popular culture suffices", from Winthrop Sargeant, 'In Defense of the High-Brow', an article from ''LIFE'' magazine, 11 April 1949, p. 102.</ref> Perubahan budaya dan sosial di Amerika Syarikat menjadi peneraju budaya popular mendahului negara-negara Barat lain.
Singkatan terma "pop" untuk popular, sebagaimana bagi muzik pop, dapat dijejak mulai akhir 1950-an.<ref name="NewGrovev15p85">''[[The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians]]'', volume 15, p.85 entry ''Pop music''</ref> Walaupun terma" pop" dan "popular" digunakan secara bersilangan, dan maksudnya bertembung, namun terma "pop" lebih sempit. Pop hanya spesifik kepada sesuatu yang mengundungi ciri-ciri tarikan massa, manakala "popular" merujuk kepada sesuatu yang telah meraih populariti, tanpa mengira gayanya.<ref name="Steinem1965p73">Steinem, Gloria [https://books.google.com/books?id=XFMEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA73 ''Outs of pop culture''], in ''LIFE'' magazine, 20 August 1965, p. 73 quotation: {{quotation|Pop Culture-although big, mercurial, and slippery to define-is really an umbrella term that covers anything currently in fashion, all or most of whose ingredients are familiar to the public-at-large. The new dances are a perfect example... Pop Art itself may mean little to the average man, but its vocabulary...is always familiar.}}</ref><ref name="top40.about.com">Bill Lamb, [http://top40.about.com/od/popmusic101/a/popmusic.htm "What Is Pop Music? A Definition"], ''About.com'', retrieved 8 March 2012 quotation: {{quotation|It is tempting to confuse pop music with popular music. The ''New Grove Dictionary Of Music and Musicians'', the musicologist's ultimate reference resource, identifies popular music as the music since industrialization in the 1800s that is most in line with the tastes and interests of the urban middle class. This would include an extremely wide range of music from vaudeville and minstrel shows to heavy metal. Pop music, on the other hand, has primarily come into usage to describe music that evolved out of the rock 'n roll revolution of the mid-1950s and continues in a definable path to today.}}</ref>
Mengikut pengarang John Storey, terdapat enam pengertian bagi budaya popular.<ref>[[John Storey (author)|John Storey]] [https://books.google.com/books?id=SRN59zg9t9AC ''Cultural Theory and Popular Culture''], pp.4-8</ref> Pengertian kuantitatif bagi budaya popular menghadapi cabaran daripada budaya kelas atasan (novel [[Jane Austen]] yang telah didramatasikan) juga dianggap "popular." "Budaya popular" juga merujuk kepada budaya baki lebihan setelah ditentukan apakah itu budaya kelas atasan. Walau bagaimanapun, banyak karya yang merentangi sempadan tersebut, contohnya [[William Shakespeare]] dan [[Charles Dickens]].
Pengertian ketiga menyamakan budaya pop dengan "budaya massa" dan sudut pandang massa. Ia dilihat dalam bentuk budaya komersial, dihasilkan secara besar-besaran untuk ditawarkan kepada media massa.<ref>Sérgio Campos Gonçalves, “[http://www.researchgate.net/publication/216881597_Cultura_e_Sociedade_de_Consumo_um_olhar_em_retrospecto/file/6f288d60667a164854d4258d97a2a8b9.pdf?ev=pub_int_doc_dl Cultura e Sociedade de Consumo: um olhar em retrospecto]”, InRevista - Núcleo de Produção Científica em Comunicação – UNAERP (Ribeirão Preto), v. 3, pp. 18-28, 2008, ISSN 1980-6418.</ref> Dari sudut pandang Eropah Barat, ia boleh dibandingkan dengan budaya Amerika. Sebagai pilihan, "budaya pop" bolehlah dirujuk sebagai budaya tulen "rakyat", namun ini meragukan kerana banyak cara boleh digunakan untuk mentakrifkan "rakyat". Storey berhujah bahawa terdapat dimensi politik kepada budaya popular; teori hegemoni neo-Gramscian"... melihat budaya popular sebagai wadah perjuangan antara 'rintangan' kumpulan bawahan dalam masyarakat dan tenaga 'perbadanan' yang beroperasi demi kepentingan kumpulan berpengaruh dalam masyarakat." Pendekatan pasca moden yang diambil ke atas budaya popular tidak lagi mengiktiraf perbezaan antara budaya kelas atasan dan budaya popular."
Storey mendakwa budaya popular muncul daripada urbanisasi Revolusi Perindustrian. Kajian [[Shakespeare]] (oleh Weimann, Barber, atau Bristol, contohnya) meletakkan ciri-ciri kesegaran dalam penglibatan budaya popular Renaissance, manakala pengamal kontemporari seperti [[Dario Fo]] dan [[John McGrath (playwright)|John McGrath]] menerapkan unsur [[Antonio Gramsci|Gramscian]] termasuklah tradisi cerita penglipur lara purba (contohnya [[commedia dell'arte]]).<ref>Robert Weimann, ''Shakespeare and the Popular Tradition'' (1967)</ref><ref>Robert Shaughnessy, ''The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare and popular culture'' (2007) p. 24</ref>
Budaya popular mula berkembang mengikut tempat dan masa. Ia membentuk arus dan olakan, dan mewakili sudut pandang saling bergantung dan nilai yang mempengaruhi masyarakat dan institusinya dalam pelbagai cara. Sebagai contoh, beberapa arus budaya pop mungkin berasal dari, (atau mencapah kepada) budaya saingan, mewakili sudut pandang dengan maksud budaya popular arus popular hanya memiliki kemesraan terbatas. Isi budaya popular biasanya menarik lingkungan masyarakat awam yang luas. Sumbangan kontemporari penting untuk memahami budaya popular telah dipelopori oleh penyelidik Jerman, Ronald Daus yang telah mengkaji kesan budaya Eropah di Amerika Utara, Asia, dan terutamanya Amerika Latin.
===Cerita penglipur lara===
Adaptasi daripada cerita penglipur lara tradisi menyediakan sumber kepada budaya popular.<ref>On the Ambiguity of the Three Wise Monkeys A. W. Smith ''Folklore'', Vol. 104, No. 1/2 (1993), pp. 144-150</ref> Lapisan awal budaya arus perdana masih wujud sekarang, dalam bentuk terpisah daripada budaya popular yang dihasilkan secara massa, disampaikan dari mulut ke mulut berbanding melalui media massa, sebagai contoh lawak jenaka atau kisah dongeng. Dengan berleluasanya penggunaan Internet mulai tahun 1990-an, perbezaan antara media masa dan buah mulut semakin kabur.
Walaupun elemen cerita penglipur lara dalam budaya popular berkait rapat dengan elemen komersial, masyarakat awam masih memiliki selera tersendiri dan tidak terpesona dengan setiap item budaya yang dijual. Lebih-lebih lagi, kepercayaan dan pandangan terhadap produk budaya komersial yang tersebar dari mulut ke mulut, dan diubahsuai dalam proses sepertimana cerita penglipur lara berevolusi.
* Ashby, LeRoy. "The Rising of Popular Culture: A Historiographical Sketch," ''[[OAH]] Magazine of History,'' 24 (April 2010), 11–14.
* Ashby, LeRoy. ''With Amusement for All: A History of American Popular Culture since 1830'' (2006).
* {{Interlanguage link multi|Moritz Baßler|de}}: ''Der deutsche Pop-Roman. Die neuen Archivisten'' (''The German Pop-Novel. The new archivists''), C.H. Beck, München 2002, ISBN 3-406-47614-7.
* [[Bakhtin|Bakhtin, M. M.]] and Michael Holquist, Vadim Liapunov, Kenneth Brostrom (1981). ''The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays'' (University of Texas Press Slavic Series). Ed. Michael Holquist. Trans. Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist. Austin and London: [[University of Texas Press]].
* [[Browne, Ray B.]] and Pat Browne, eds. ''The Guide to U.S. Popular Culture'' (2001), 1010 pages; essays by experts on many topics.
* Burke, Peter. "Popular Culture Reconsidered," ''Storia della Storiografia'' 1990, Issue 17, pp 40–49''.
* Freitag, Sandria B. "Popular Culture in the Rewriting of History: An Essay in Comparative History and Historiography," ''[[Journal of Peasant Studies]],'' 1989, Vol. 16 Issue 3, pp 169–198.
* [[Gans, Herbert J.]] ''Popular Culture and High Culture: an Analysis and Evaluation of Taste''. New York: Basic Books, 1974. xii, 179 p. ISBN 0-465-06021-8
* Gerson, Stéphane. "'A World of Their Own': Searching for Popular Culture in the French Countryside," ''[[French Politics, Culture and Society]],'' Summer 2009, Vol. 27 Issue 2, pp 94–110
* Griffin, Emma. "Popular Culture in Industrializing England," ''Historical Journal,'' Sept 2002, Vol. 45 Issue 3, pp 619–35.
* Hassabian, Anahid (1999). "Popular", ''Key Terms in Popular Music and Culture'', eds.: Horner, Bruce and Swiss, Thomas. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers. ISBN 0-631-21263-9.
* Knight, Robert H. ''The Age of Consent: the Rise of Relativism and the Corruption of Popular Culture''. Dallas, Tex.: Spence Publishing Co., 1998. xxiv, 253, [1] p. ISBN 1-890626-05-8
* Ross, Andrew. ''No Respect: Intellectuals & Popular Culture''. New York: Routledge, 1989. ix, 269 p. ISBN 0-415-90037-9 (pbk.)
* [[John Seabrook|Seabrook, John]]. ''NoBrow : the culture of marketing the marketing of culture'', New York: A.A. Knopf, 2000. ISBN 0-375-40504-6.
* Storey, John (2006). ''Cultural theory and popular culture''. Pearson Education. ISBN 978-0-13-197068-7.
* [[Peter Swirski|Swirski, Peter]] (2010). ''Ars Americana Ars Politica: Partisan Expression in Contemporary American Literature and Culture''. Montreal, London: McGill-Queen's University Press. ISBN 978-0-7735-3766-8.
* [[Peter Swirski|Swirski, Peter]] (2005). ''From Lowbrow to Nobrow''. Montreal, London: McGill-Queen's University Press. ISBN 978-0-7735-3019-5.
* [http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2046498 On Religion and Popular Culture]
==Bacaan lanjut==
* Duncan, Barry (1988). ''Mass Media and Popular Culture''. Toronto, Ont.: Harcourt, Brace & Co. Canada. ISBN 0-7747-1262-7
* Rosenberg, Bernard, and David Manning White, joint. eds. ''Mass Culture: the Popular Arts in America''. [New York]: Free Press of Glencoe, 1957.
* Cowen, Tyler, “For Some Developing Countries, America’s Popular Culture Is Resistible.” New York Times, 22 February 2007, sec. C, p.&nbsp;3.
* Furio, Joanne, “The Significance of MTV and Rap Music in Popular Culture.” The New York Times, 29 December 1991, sec. VI, p.&nbsp;2.
[[Kategori:Budaya pop| ]]
[[Kategori:Pengajian media]]