Pembunuhan beramai-ramai di Nanking: Perbezaan antara semakan

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Laman baru: '''Pembunuhan Beramai-ramai Nanking''', juga dfikenali sebagai '''''the Rape of Nanking''''', ialah satu perisitwa jenayah perang berbentuk genosid yang [[jenayah perang Jepun|di...
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Ketika pendudukan Nanjing, tentera Jepun melakukan banyak kezaliman, seperti me[[rogol]], men[[jarah]], [[membakar dengan sengaja]] dan menghukum mati [[tahanan perang]] dan [[orang awam]]. Walaupun hukuman mati dimulakan atas dalih menghapuskan askar-askar Cina yang menyamar sebagai orang awam, sebilangan besar yang tidak bersalah dikenal pasti sebagai penjuang musuh secara sengaja lalu dihukum mati—atau dibunuh serta-merta—apabila pembunuhan beramai-ramai makin menjadi-jadi. Sebilangan besar wanita dan kaank-kanak juga dibunuh apabila perbuatan merogol dan membunuh kian meluas.
Menurut '''Tribunal Ketenteraan Antarabangsa Kehakiman untuk Timur Jauh''', "Estimates made at a later date indicate that the total number of civilians and prisoners of war murdered in Nanking and its vicinity during the first six weeks of the Japanese occupation was over 200,000. That these estimates are not exaggerated is borne out by the fact that burial societies and other organizations counted more than 155,000 bodies which they buried. They also reported that most of those were bound with their hands tied behind their backs. These figures do not take into account those persons whose bodies were destroyed by burning, or by throwing them into the Yangtze River, or otherwise disposed of by Japanese." [](Paragraph 2, Page 1015, Judgment International Military Tribunal for the Far East)
The extent of the atrocities is debated between China and Japan, with numbers<ref>A more complete account of what numbers are claimed by who, can be found in self described "moderate" HATA Ikuhiko's article ''The Nanking Atrocities: Fact and Fable'' found here</ref> ranging from some Japanese claims of several hundred,<ref>TANAKA Masaaki claims that very few citizens were killed, and that the massacre is in fact a fabrication in his book ''"Nankin gyakusatsu” no kyokÙ (The "Nanking Massacre" as Fabrication)''</ref> to the Chinese claim of a non-combatant death toll of 300,000<ref>[ "Why the past still separates China and Japan] Robert Marquand (August 20, 2001) Christian Science Monitor. States an estimate of 300,000 dead</ref>. A number of Japanese researchers consider 100,000 – 200,000 to be an approximate value.<ref>KASAHARA Tokushi states "more than 100,000 and close to 200,000, or maybe more", referring to his own book ''Nankin jiken'' Iwanami shinsho (FUJIWARA Akira (editor) ''Nankin jiken o dou miruka'' 1998 Aoki shoten, ISBN 4-250-98016-2, p.18). This estimation includes the surrounding area outside of the city of Nanking, which is objected by a Chinese researcher (the same book, p.146). HORA Tomio concludes "more than 200,000" in his book (''Nankin jiken o dou miruka'' p.123, YOSHIDA Hiroshi ''Tennou no guntai to Nankin jiken'' 1998 Aoki shoten, ISBN 4-250-98019-7, p.160). HORA Tomio writes 50,000 – 100,000 (TANAKA Masaaki ''What Really Happened in Nanking'' 2000 Sekai Shuppan, Inc. ISBN 4-916079-07-8, p.5).</ref> Other nations usually believe the death toll to be between 150,000 – 300,000.<ref>Based on the Nanking war crimes trial verdict (incl. 190,000 mass slaughter deaths and 150,000 individual killings) March 10, 1947</ref> This number was first promulgated in January of 1938 by [[Harold Timperly]], a journalist in China during the Japanese invasion, based on reports from contemporary eyewitnesses. Other sources, including [[Iris Chang]]'s ''[[The Rape of Nanking (book)|The Rape of Nanking]]'', also promote 300,000 as the death toll. In addition, on December 12, 2007, newly declassified U.S. government documents revealed an even higher additional toll in the 500,000 range, in the area surrounding Nanking before it was occupied. <ref> U.S. archives reveal war massacre of 500,000 Chinese by Japanese army</ref>
Menurut '''Tribunal Tentera Antarabangsa Kehakiman untuk Timur Jauh''', "Anggaran-anggara yang dibuat pada satu tarikh yang kemudian menunjukkan bahawa jumlah bilangan orang awam dan tahanan perang yang dibunuh di Nanking dan kawasan sekitaranya ketika enam minggu pertama pendudukan Jepun melebihi 200,000 orang. Bahawa anggaran-anggaran ini tidak ditokok tambah adalah disebabkan kenyataan bahawa persatuan-persatuan pengebumian dan pertubuhan-pertubuhan lain mengira lebih 155,000 mayat yang dikebumikan mereka. Mereka juga melaporkan bahawa kebanyakan mayat itu terikat dengan tangannya diikat di belakang. Perangkaan ini tidak mengambil kira sesiapa yang mayatnya musnah kerana dijilat api, atau dicampak ke dalam Sungai Yangtze, atau selainnya dibuang oleh pihak Jepun." [](Perenggan 2, ms 1015, Judgment International Military Tribunal for the Far East)
In addition to the number of victims, some Japanese critics have even disputed whether the atrocity ever happened. While the [[Japanese government]] has acknowledged the incident did occur{{Fact|date=August 2007}}, some Japanese nationalists have argued, partly using the Imperial Japanese Army's claims at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, that the death toll was military in nature and that no such civilian atrocities ever occurred. This claim has been criticised by various figures, citing statements of non-Chinese at the Tribunal, other eyewitnesses and by photographic and archaeological evidence that civilian deaths did occur.
TheTakat extentkezaliman ofitu themasih atrocitiesdiperdebat isantara debated betweenpihak China anddan JapanJepun, withdengan numbersbilangannya<ref>A more complete account of what numbers are claimed by who, can be found in self described "moderate" HATA Ikuhiko's article ''The Nanking Atrocities: Fact and Fable'' found here</ref> rangingdaripada fromberatus-ratus someyang Japanesediakui claims ofsesetengah severalpihak hundredJepun,<ref>TANAKA Masaaki claims that very few citizens were killed, and that the massacre is in fact a fabrication in his book ''"Nankin gyakusatsu” no kyokÙ (The "Nanking Massacre" as Fabrication)''</ref> tohingga the300,000 Chineseyang claimmati ofbukan adi non-combatantperang deathyang tolldiakui ofpihak 300,000China<ref>[ "Why the past still separates China and Japan] Robert Marquand (August 20, 2001) Christian Science Monitor. States an estimate of 300,000 dead</ref>. A number ofSebilangan Japanesepenyelidik researchersJepun considermengira 100,000 – 200,000 to be an approximatesebagai valueanggaran.<ref>KASAHARA Tokushi states "more than 100,000 and close to 200,000, or maybe more", referring to his own book ''Nankin jiken'' Iwanami shinsho (FUJIWARA Akira (editor) ''Nankin jiken o dou miruka'' 1998 Aoki shoten, ISBN 4-250-98016-2, p.18). This estimation includes the surrounding area outside of the city of Nanking, which is objected by a Chinese researcher (the same book, p.146). HORA Tomio concludes "more than 200,000" in his book (''Nankin jiken o dou miruka'' p.123, YOSHIDA Hiroshi ''Tennou no guntai to Nankin jiken'' 1998 Aoki shoten, ISBN 4-250-98019-7, p.160). HORA Tomio writes 50,000 – 100,000 (TANAKA Masaaki ''What Really Happened in Nanking'' 2000 Sekai Shuppan, Inc. ISBN 4-916079-07-8, p.5).</ref> OtherNegara-negara nationslain usuallypula believepercaya thebilangan deathkorban toll to beadalah betweenantara 150,000 – 300,000.<ref>Based on the Nanking war crimes trial verdict (incl. 190,000 mass slaughter deaths and 150,000 individual killings) March 10, 1947</ref> ThisBilangan numberini wasmula-mula firstdiiktiraf promulgatedpada in January ofJanuari 1938 byoleh [[Harold Timperly]], aseorang journalistwartawan indi China duringketika thepencerobohan Japanese invasionJepun, basedberdasarkan onlaporan reportsdari fromsaksi-saksi contemporarymasa eyewitnessesitu. OtherSumber-sumber sourceslain, includingtermasuk [[Iris Chang]]'sbuku ''[[The Rape of Nanking (bookbuku)|The Rape of Nanking]]'' oleh [[Iris Chang]], alsojuga promotemenghebohkan 300,000 assebagai the deathbilangan tollkorban. InTambahan additionpula, onpada December12 12,Disember 2007, newlydokumen-dokumen declassifiedkerajaan U.S.AS governmentyang documentsbaru revealeddiubah anstatus evenmendedakan higherbilangan additionalkorban tollyang injauh thelebih tinggi dalam lingkungan 500,000 range, indi thekawasan area surroundingsekitar Nanking before it wassebelum occupieddiduduki. <ref> U.S. archives reveal war massacre of 500,000 Chinese by Japanese army</ref>
Selain bilangan mangsa, beberapa pengkritik dari Jepun juga meragui kewujudan kezaliman itu pun. Sungguhpun [[kerajaan Jepun]] telah mengakui terjadinya insiden itu{{Fact|date=August 2007}}, sesetengah nasionalis Jepun mendakwa, menggunakan sebahagian dakwaan Tentera Diraja Imperial Jepun di Tribunal Tentera Antarabangsa untuk Timur Jauh, bahawa bilangan korban itu hanya melibatkan tentera dan tiada berlakunya kezaliman terhadap orang awam pun. Dakwaam ini turut dikritik oleh ramai tokoh, dengan memetik kenyataan pihak bukan China di Tribunal, saksi-saksi lain dan melalui bukti fotografi dan arkeologi bahawa pembunuhan orang awam pernah berlaku.
Condemnation of the massacre is a major focal point of [[Chinese nationalism]]. In Japan, however, public opinion over the severity of the massacre remains widely divided - this is evidenced by the fact that whereas some Japanese commentators refer to it as the {{nihongo|'Nanking massacre'|[[:ja:南京大虐殺論争|南京大虐殺]]|Nankin daigyakusatsu}}, others use the more ambivalent term {{nihongo|'Nanking Incident'|[[:ja:南京事件 (1937年)|南京事件]]|Nankin jiken}}. However, this term can also refer to a separate [[Nanjing Incident]] that occurred during the 1927 Nationalist seizure of the city as a part of the Northern Expedition, in which foreigners in the city were attacked. The 1937 massacre and the extent of its coverage in school textbooks continues to be a point of contention and controversy in [[Sino-Japanese relations]].-->
Pengecaman pembunuhan beramai-ramai ini ialah satu titik tengah [[nasionalisme China]]. Bagaimanapun, di Jepun, pendapat orang ramai mengenai kekeruhan pembunuhan beramai-ramai ini masih banyak berbelah bagi - ini terbukti oleh kenyataan bahawa sementara sesetengah komentar Jepun memanggilnya sebagai {{nihongo|'Pembunuhan beramai-ramai Nanking'|[[:ja:南京大虐殺論争|南京大虐殺]]|Nankin daigyakusatsu}}, yang lain pula memakai istilah {{nihongo|'Insiden Nanking'|[[:ja:南京事件 (1937年)|南京事件]]|Nankin jiken}} yang lebih samar-samar. namun, istilah ini boleh memaksudkan satu [[Insiden Nanjing]] berasingan yang berlaku ketika rampasan bandar ini oleh pihak Nasionalis pada tahun 1927 sebagai sebahagian Ekspedisi Utara, yang mana warga asing di bandar ini diserang. Pembunuhan beramai-ramai tahun 1937 ini serta takat liputannya dalam buku teks sekolah masih menjadi titik perdebatan dan kontroversi dalam [[hubungan China-Jepun]].
[[Kategori:Sejarah China]]