BP: Perbezaan antara semakan

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Baris 35:
BP telah terlibat secara langsung dalam beberapa kejadian alam sekitar dan keselamatan utama. Antaranya adalah letupan Penyejuk Bandar Texas 2005, yang mengakibatkan kematian 15 orang pekerja dan mengakibatkan penipuan OSHA; Tumpahan minyak terbesar Britain, bangkai Ngarai Torrey pada tahun 1967; dan tumpahan minyak Teluk Prudhoe 2006, tumpahan minyak terbesar di Lereng Utara Alaska, yang menyebabkan penalti sivil AS $ 25 juta, penalti per-tong terbesar pada masa itu untuk tumpahan minyak.<ref name="Roach2006">{{Cite news |url=http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/03/0320_060320_alaska_oil.html |title=Alaska Oil Spill Fuels Concerns Over Arctic Wildlife, Future Drilling |newspaper = [[National Geographic (majalah)|National Geographic]] |first = John| last = Roach | date = 20 March 2006 |accessdate=5 June 2010}}</ref>
Insiden tumpahan minyak ''[[Deepwater Horizon]]'' pada 2010, pelepasan minyak terbesar yang tidak disengajakan ke dalam perairan marin dalam sejarah, menyebabkan kesan alam sekitar, kesihatan dan ekonomi yang teruk,<ref name=AccidentalRelease>{{cite news|title=Gulf Spill Is the Largest of Its Kind, Scientists Say|url=https://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/03/us/03spill.html |newspaper= The New York Times| first1 = Campbell | last1 = Robertson | first2 = Clifford | last2 = Krauss |date= 2 August 2010|accessdate = 17 November 2012}}</ref> dan kesan undang-undang dan perhubungan awam yang serius untuk BP. 1.8 juta galon AS (43,000 bbl; 6,800 m3) penyeberang minyak Corexit digunakan dalam respon pembersihan, menjadi aplikasi terbesar bahan kimia seperti dalam sejarah AS.<ref name=SciAmCorexit>{{cite web|title=Is Using Dispersants on the BP Gulf Oil Spill Fighting Pollution with Pollution?|url=http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-using-dispersants-fighting-pollution-with-pollution/|work=Scientific American|accessdate=22 April 2014}}</ref> Syarikat itu mengaku bersalah terhadap 11 tuduhan pembunuhan kejahatan, dua kesalahan yang salah, satu kaitan felon yang berbohong kepada Kongres, dan bersetuju untuk membayar lebih daripada $ 4.5 bilion denda, resolusi jenayah terbesar dalam sejarah AS.<ref name=guardian151112>{{Cite news | url = https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2012/nov/15/bp-deepwater-horizon-gulf-oil-spill |title= BP to pay $4.5bn penalty over Deepwater Horizon disaster | first1 = Suzanne | last1 = Goldenberg | first2 = Dominic | last2 = Rushe |date= 15 November 2012 | newspaper =[[The Guardian]] |accessdate=17 November 2012 | location=London}}</ref><ref name="NYTimes2012-11">{{Cite news | url = https://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/16/business/global/16iht-bp16.html |title= BP Will Plead Guilty and Pay Over $4 Billion | first1 = Clifford | last1 = Krauss | first2 = John | last2 = Schwartz|date= 15 November 2012 | newspaper =[[The New York Times]] |accessdate=17 November 2012}}</ref><ref name="BP fined, profit over prudence">{{cite news |first1=Michael |last1=Muskal |first2=Ronald D. |last2=White |title=BP fined, charged in oil spill that showed 'profit over prudence' |newspaper=Los Angeles Times |url=http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-holder-bp-oil-spill-settlement-20121115%2c0%2c335475.story |accessdate=11 December 2012 |date=15 November 2012}}</ref> Pada 2 Julai 2015, BP dan lima negeri mengumumkan penyelesaian $ 18.5 bilion yang akan digunakan untuk penalti Akta Air Bersih dan pelbagai tuntutan.<ref name=abc020715>{{cite news|url= https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jul/2/gulf-states-reach-187b-settlement-with-bp-over-oil/ |title=Gulf States Reach $18.7B Settlement With BP Over Oil Spill|last=McGill|first=Kevin|agency=Associated Press| newspaper =[[Washington Times]]|date=2 July 2015|accessdate=2 July 2015}}</ref>