Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: Perbezaan antara semakan

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[[Fail:Erdogan Obama South Korea.JPG|thumb|Obama bersama Erdoğan di Sidang Kemuncak G-20 di Seoul, 2010]]
'''Recep Tayyip Erdoğan''' (<small>disebut sebagai</small> [ɾeˈd͡ʒep tɑjˈjip ˈæɾdo(ɰ)ɑn], <small>atau</small> [ré-jép tay-yip ér-do-an]; lahir 26 Februari 1954) adalah ahli politik [[Turki]] dan [[Senarai Presiden Turki|Presiden Turki]] ke-12 sejak [[2014]]. Beliau adalah pengerusi [[Parti Keadilan dan Pembangunan]] (AKP) telah memenangi [[pilihan raya umum Turki 2007]] dan [[pilihan raya umum Turki 2011|2011]]. Beliau sebelum itu merupakan Datuk Bandar Istanbul dari 1994 hingga 1998.
Uelkeler haklarienie ezmek yuezuenden ve sienierlarie ashmak ve askerleri koetueye kullanmak ve tehlikeye atmak ve tehlike yaratmak yuezuenden belki 30 seneye kadar hapis ! YPG hich kimseyi ilgilendirmiyor YPG nedir hich kimse o bakiemda duymadie bu ne partisi ve bashka bir uelkenin Partisi ve civil koruma oerguetue ve bir civil komando koruma komandosu hich bir uelkede kimse bu YPG bir terroer oerguetue diye duymadie hich bir yerde yazielie deghil ve bu YPG hich bir zaman tuerkiyeye chatmadie ve tehlike yaratmadie Tuerkiye bashka bir Uelkede laf atasalar ve chatsalar bile askerler haraket edemezler Syriaya konushup tartieshmak ve dueshuenceler serbest herkesin ama bir partiyi terroer oerguetue diye damgalayamazsien hich kimse hich bir yerde yazielie deghildir YPG bir terroer oergutue diye yada PKK irakien partisi tuerkiyede yasak ! Terroer Oerguetleri ISIS ve ISIL savashlarie kazanierlarsa yurt dieshiena achielacaklar okudum internette yani demektir ki Tuerkiyede yurt dieshie ve yakien uelkelere adiem atacaklar savashie kazanierlarsa demektir ki huekuemeti ellerine gechirirlerse ve kendileri sechilirlerse zaten bashtalar poltikte huekuemet ve digher partiler zan etmem ki tam tersine bunlar ISIS ve ISILe karshie savash devam ettirecekler sechilirse her hangi terroer oerguetue ISIS /ISIL > amachlarie savashlarie yurt dieshienda suerduermek ve tuem uelkeleri davet ediyorlar okudum internette ! ILk uelkeler tuerkiye yakien uelkelerden bir birine baghlie uelkelere adiem atarak savashlarie yurt dieshiena daghietmak ve digher uelkeleri davet ediyorlar okudum !
Bu dilekcheyi verdim BASHARSYRIA bir yanliesh anlashielma var YPGyi tuerkiyede terroer oerguetue zan ediyorlar diye adiem attielar izin olmadan olmuyor bu Syrianien Tuerkiye adiem atamaz ve sienierlarie gechemez hich bir hakka sahip deghildir Tuerkiye !
Ben bunu mahkemeye goenderdim gechen guenler hep her an anliema birisi bir damga yani muehuer gechirecekler bu adamie katil etmek uezeriler anliemien chatiena herkes parmaghie ile goeterecek bu adamie katil edecekler ve katil olduktan sonra herkes parmaghie ile goesterecek > sen goerduen mue bu adam bir katil !
Bashka bir dilekche verdim olup bitene kadar Syria Bashkaniena Tuerkiye Syriayie tehtid etmek ichin deghil savash ichin deghil Syriayie YPGden korumak ichin gechen sene Syrialielarien insanlarienie tuerkiye aldie yardiem ve korumak ichin ve zan ediyorlar ki tuerkiyede YPG SYRlAyie tehtid ediyor ve bir terroer oerguetue zan ediyorlar Tuerkiyede PKK gibi bu PKK Tuerkiyede yasak herkes terroer oerguetue zan ediyor PKKyie Tuerk lshci Partisi Tip ama tip yani PKK tuerk ishci partisi deghildir ve lRAKien partisi tuerkiyede yasak tuerkiyenin partisi deghil yasak tuerkiyede ve RecepTayyipErdogan YPG yi PKK gibi bir terroer oerguetue zan ediyor ve SYRlAyie ve YPG PKK gibi terroer oerguetue diye Syriayie korumaya askerler geldiler YPGden kormak ichin tuerk askerleri SYRlAdalar ama tabiki SYRianien isin olmadan bizim yardiema ihtiyaciemiez var Tuerkiyenin ve RecepTayyipErdogan bize yardiem et diye izin olmadan Syria topraklariena adiem atamazlar askerler tuerkiyenin ve Tuerklerin Syrianien amachlarie nedie Savash ichinde bir yeni savash mie bashlatmak istiyorlar diye kendisi bi konushma yapsien diye Bashar tuerk askerleri Syriada ne arieyorlar Syriaya bash vurmadie tuerkiyeye bize yardiem edin diye > bakaliem Syria Bashakn Bashar Al-Assad kararie nedir dilekcheden sonra SAVASHLAR kanun yasak !
Bashar Al-Assad !
Bashar could you ask Turkey as the President what do they want in Syria during a senseless WAR because of sick people lSlS lSlL forces trying to to stop the WAR everybody knows WARs are against the law and forbidden who i supporting a WAR will be in COURT and in ARREST > could you as the President what does he want in SYRlA during a WAR does he want help to stop the WAR or do they trying to begin a new WAR during a WAR in SYRlA and what is their target and what do they trying to show what does the President of Turkuey trying to show what is his TARGET > Bashar > he thinks YPG is a terror organization like the PKK in TURKEY that PKK in TURKEY is illegal and nobody can support and forbidden in TURKEY the reason is that PKK is the party of lRAK and the kurdish people movies moved because of WAR and threatens for their lives to TURKEY like last year SYRlA welcome to TURKEY and TURKEY did take all the people from SYRlA to be safed and protected in TURKEY > the president thinks that YPG is a terror organization like the PKK but the that PKK is not a turkish PARTY is the PARTY of lRAK PKK and is forbidden in TURKEY because can not exist in TURKEY is the party of another Country and that is the party of lRAK in TURKEY forbidden > you can not build or found a Party of another Country in different other Countries > PKK is not a PARTY in TURKEY and forbidden > Tuerk lshci Partisi means not PKK TiP you do see nothing to do with PKK and the tip is not PKK they in TURKEY think PKK is a terror organization and he thinks that YPG is like the PKK a terror organization he does not understand the meanings that YPG is a protection civil organization that means a protection commando is protecting the SYRlA and a PARTY in SYRlA is that right ? but the problem is YPG is not in TURKEY and without the agreement of SYRlA impossible TURKEY can enter the SYRlA and SYRlA did not ask here TURKEY RTE RECEPTEYYlPERDOGAN can you help us we need your help and the YPG is threaten our COUNTRY seperate to the terror organizations lSlS and lSlL ! Could you talk about that and there is not beginning a new new WAR during a WAR TURKEY with SYRlA they did step SYRlA because they think YPG is threaten the SYRlA and you all they are they trying to protect SYRlA and you all from YPG to stop YPG the problem is can you talk YPG is a ClVlL PROTECTlON COMMANDO is protecting the SYRlA and TURKEY can not enter the SYRlA to protect SYRlA YPG is not threaten the SYRlA ! COULD YOU TALK ABOUT THAT Here is a misundestanding ! YPG is threaten SYRlA turkish forces did enter without the agreement of SYRlA the SYRlA ground ! They are there to protect Syria from YPG they think or the president thinks YPG is a terror organization and threaten SYRlA !
== Kehidupan Awal ==