Lembaga pengarah: Perbezaan antara semakan

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Baris 1:
[[Image:Conferenceroom2.JPG|thumb|right|frame|Mesyuarat lembaga pengarah sering diadakan di dalam [[bilik persidangan]].]]
A '''board of directors''' is a body of elected or appointed members who jointly oversee the activities of a [[company (law)|company]] or [[organization]]. The body sometimes has a different name, such as board of trustees, board of governors, board of managers, or executive board. It is often simply referred to as "the board."
'''Lembaga pengarah''' ialah badan yang terdiri daripada anggota yang dipilih atau dilantik untuk menyelia kegiatan sesebuah [[Syarikat (undang-undang)|syarikat]] atau [[pertubuhan]] secara bersama-sama. Badan ini kekadang nama yang lain seperti lembaga pemegang amanah, lembaga gabenor, lembaga pengurus, atau lembaga eksekutif. Bagaimanapun, ia sering dirujuk secara mudah sebagai "lembaga".
A board's activities are determined by the powers, duties, and responsibilities delegated to it or conferred on it by an authority outside itself. These matters are typically detailed in the organization's [[bylaws]]. The bylaws commonly also specify the number of members of the board, how they are to be chosen, and when they are to meet.
Kegiatan lembaga ditentukan oleh kuasa, tugas, dan tanggungjawab yang ditugasinya atau diberikannya oleh pihak berkuasa di luar bidang kuasanya. Perkara ini biasanya diperincikan dalam [[undang-undang kecil]] pertubuhan. Undang-undang itu biasa juga menetapkan bilangan anggota lembaga, bagaimana mereka dipilih dan bila mereka perlu bermesyuarat.
In an organization with voting members, ''e.g.'', a professional society, the board acts on behalf of, and is subordinate to, the organization's full assembly, which usually chooses the members of the board. In a stock corporation, the board is elected by the stockholders and is the highest authority in the management of the corporation. In a nonstock corporation with no general voting membership, ''e.g.'', a university, the board is the supreme governing body of the institution.<ref>{{cite book | last = Robert III | first = Henry M. | authorlink = | coauthors = William J. Evans, Daniel H. Honemann, Thomas J. Balch | title = Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised | publisher = Da Capo Press | date = 2000-10-01 | location = Cambridge, MA | pages = | url = | doi = | id = | isbn = 0-7382-0307-6 }}</ref>
InDi andalam organizationsesebuah withorganisasi votingyang members,mempunyai ''e.g.''anggot pengundi, a professional societymisalnya, thesebuah boardpersatuan acts on behalf ofprofesional, andlembaganya isbertindak subordinatebagi to,pihak theperhimpunan organization'spenuh fullpertubuhan assembly,dan whichdikuasainya. usuallyPerhimpunan choosestersebut thebiasanya membersmemilih ofanggota the boardlembaga. InDi dalam aperbadanan stocksaham corporationpula, thelembaga boarddipilih isoleh electedpemegang bysaham thedan stockholdersmerupakan andpihak isberkuasa thetertinggi highestdalam authoritypengurusan inperbadanan. theSebaliknya, managementsebuah ofperbadanan thebukan corporation.saham Inyang atidak nonstockmempunyai corporationanggota withpengundi no general voting membershipam, ''e.g.''misalnya, asebuah university[[universiti]], the boardlembaganya isialah thebadan supremepentadbiran governingyang bodytertinggi ofdi thedalam institutioninstitusi.<ref>{{cite book | last = Robert III | first = Henry M. | authorlink = | coauthors = William J. Evans, Daniel H. Honemann, Thomas J. Balch | title = Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised | publisher = Da Capo Press | date = 2000-10-01 | location = Cambridge, MA | pages = | url = | doi = | id = | isbn = 0-7382-0307-6 }}</ref>
TypicalTugas dutieslembaga ofpengarah boardsyang ofbiasa directors includetermasuk:<ref> {{cite web|url=http://www.managementhelp.org/boards/brdrspon.htm |title=Overview of Roles and Responsibilities of Corporate Board of Directors |accessdate=2008-01-26 |last=McNamara |first=Carter |work=Free Management Library |publisher=Authenticity Consulting, LLC }}</ref><ref> {{cite web|url=http://www.iog.ca/boardgovernance/html/gov_the.html |title=Basic Role of the Board |accessdate=2008-01-27 |work=Governance Basics |publisher=Institute on Governance (Canada) }}</ref>
* governing the organization by establishing broad policies and objectives;
Baris 12 ⟶ 13:
* approving annual budgets;
* accounting to the stakeholders for the organization's performance.
* Mentadbirkan pertubuhan dengan mengasaskan dasar dan matlamat yang umum;
* Memilih, melantik, menyokong dan mengkaji semula prestasi ketua eksekutif;
* Memastikan ketersediaan sumber kewangan yang mencukupi;
* Meluluskan [[belanjawan]] tahunan;
* Bertanggungjawab kepada [[pemegang amanah harta]] untuk prestasi pertubuhan.
The legal responsibilities of boards and board members vary with the nature of the organization, and with the jurisdiction within which it operates. For public corporations, these responsibilities are typically much more rigorous and complex than for those of other types.
Typically the board chooses one of its members to be the ''[[chairman]]''.
Tanggungjawab lembaga dan anggota lembaga di sisi undang-undang berbeza-beza dengan sifat pertubuhanan, serta juga dengan kawasan [[bidang kuasa]] di mana ia beroperasi. Untuk [[Syarikat awam|perbadanan awam]], tanggungjawab itu jauh lebih ketat dan rumit, berbanding dengan pertubuhan jenis yang lain.
Lembaga biasanya memilih salah satu anggotanya menjadi "[[pengerusi]]".
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