Kritikan terhadap agama Kristian
Sepanjang sejarah Kristian, ramai telah mengkritik Kristian, gereja, dan Kristian s sendiri. Beberapa kritikan yang khusus menangani kepercayaan Kristian, ajaran-ajaran dan tafsiran kitab. Sambutan rasmi Kristian kepada kritikan itu digambarkan sebagai Kristian pembelaan suatu pendirian.
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Beberapa bidang kritikan termasuk beberapa tuntutan kitab itu sendiri, etika tafsiran Alkitab yang telah digunakan dalam sejarah untuk menjustifikasikan sikap dan tingkah laku yang dilihat oleh pengkritik sebagai jelas nyata, soalan keserasian dengan sains, dan doktrin Kristian tertentu bahawa beberapa mendapati tidak menyenangkan atau tidak munasabah.
Kitab Suci
suntingKritikan Bible
suntingKritikan Bible, kritikan tertentu yang lebih tinggi, meliputi pelbagai kaedah yang digunakan sejak Pencerahan di awal abad ke-18 sebagai ulama mula untuk memohon kepada dokumen alkitabiah kaedah dan perspektif yang sama yang telah digunakan untuk lain-lainteks sastera dan falsafah.[1] Ia adalah istilah payung yang merangkumi pelbagai teknik yang digunakan terutamanya oleh ahli-ahli teologi Kristian Tali tambahan gelung kekili dan liberal untuk mengkaji makna petikan Bible. Ia menggunakan prinsip-prinsip sejarah umum, dan berdasarkan kepada sebab dan bukannya wahyu atau kepercayaan. Terdapat empat jenis utama kritikan Bible: borang, tradisional, kritikan yang lebih tinggi dan lebih rendah.[2]
- Kritikan borang: "analisis dokumen sastera, terutamanya Bible, untuk mengetahui lebih awal lisan tradisi (kisah-kisah, legenda, mitos, dan lain-lain) yang telah mereka adalah berasaskan.
- Kritikan Tradisi: "analisis Alkitab, menumpukan perhatian kepada bagaimana tradisi agama telah berkembang dan berubah mengikut jangka masa di mana teks itu ditulis.
- Kritikan Tinggi: "kajian sumber-sumber dan kaedah sastera yang digunakan oleh pengarang alkitab.[3]
sunting- ^ Browning, W.R.F. "[/doc/1O94-biblicalcriticism.html Biblical criticism.]" A Dictionary of the Bible. 1997. 8 Apr. 2010 <>
- ^ Robinson, B.A. "Biblical Criticism, including Form Criticism, Tradition Criticism, Higher Criticism, etc." Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance, 2008. Web: 8 Apr 2010. Biblical Criticism, including Form Criticism, Tradition Criticism, Higher Criticism, etc.
- ^ Mather, G.A. & L.A. Nichols, "Dictionary of Cults, Sects, Religions and the Occult," Zondervan (1993) (quoted in Robinson, B.A. "Biblical Criticism, including Form Criticism, radition Criticism, Higher Criticism, etc." Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance, 2008. Web: 8 Apr 2010.
Further reading
suntingSkeptical of Christianity
sunting- Shourie, A. (1994). Missionaries in India: Continuities, changes, dilemmas. New Delhi: ASA Publications.
- Goel, S. R. (1996). History of Hindu-Christian encounters, AD 304 to 1996. ISBN 8185990352
- Madhya Pradesh. (1998). Vindicated by time: The Niyogi Committee report on Christian missionary activities. New Delhi: Voice of India.
- A Rationalist Encyclopaedia: A book of reference on religion, philosophy, ethics and science, Gryphon Books (1971).
- Breaking the Spell, by Daniel Dennett
- Civilization and its discontents, by Sigmund Freud
- Death and Afterlife, Perspectives of World Religions, by Hiroshi Obayashi
- Einstein and Religion, by Max Jammer
- From Jesus to Christianity, by L. Michael White
- Future of an illusion, by Sigmund Freud
- Letter to a Christian Nation, by Sam Harris
- Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why, by Bart Ehrman
- Out of my later years and the World as I see it, by Albert Einstein
- Russell on Religion, by Louis Greenspan (Includes most all of Russell's essays on religion)
- The Antichrist, by Friedrich Nietzsche
- The God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins
- The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God, by Carl Sagan
- Understanding the Bible, by Stephen L Harris
- Where God and Science Meet [Three Volumes]: How Brain and Evolutionary Studies Alter Our Understanding of Religion, by Patrick McNamara
- Why I am not a Christian and other essays, by Bertrand Russell
- Why I Became an Atheist: A Former Preacher Rejects Christianity, by John W. Loftus (Prometheus Books, 2008)
- The Christian Delusion,edited by John W. Loftus, foreword by Dan Barker (Prometheus Books, 2010)
- The End of Christianity,edited by John W. Loftus (Prometheus Books, 2011)
- The Historical Evidence for Jesus, by G.A.Wells (Prometheus Books, 1988)
- The Jesus Puzzle, by Earl Doherty (Age of Reason Publications, 1999)
- The encyclopedia of Biblical errancy, by C.Dennis McKinsey (Prometheus Books, 1995)
- godless, by Dan Barker (Ulysses Press 2008)
- The Jesus Mysteries by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy (Element 1999)
- The reason driven life by Robert M. Price (Prometheus Books, 2006)
- The case against the case for Christ by Robert M. Price (American atheist press 2010)
- God, the failed hypothesis by Victor J. Stenger (Prometheus Books, 2007)
- Jesus never existed by Kenneth Humphreys (Iconoclast Press, 2005)
Defending Christianity
sunting- Dethroning Jesus, by Darrell Bock, Daniel B. Wallace
- Jesus Among Other Gods, by Ravi Zacharias
- Mere Christianity, by C. S. Lewis
- Orthodoxy, by G. K. Chesterton
- Reasonable Faith, by William Lane Craig
- Reinventing Jesus, by J. Ed Komoszewski, M. James Sawyer, Daniel B. Wallace
- The Case for Christ, by Lee Strobel
- The Dawkins Letters, by David Robertson
External links
sunting- Professor James Tabor's educational site on the Jewish Roman world of Jesus
- Roman Sources on the Jews and Judaism, 1 BCE-110 CE
sunting- The Warfare of Science With Theology by Andrew White
- New Testament contradictions by Paul Carlson
- Christian Anti-Semitism
- PBS Special: Apocalypse! Contains Jesus' apocalyptic promises along with those of Saint Paul's.
From other religions
sunting- Chizzuk Emunah (Faith Strengthened): English translation of Isaac of Troki's 16th-century Jewish anti-Christian polemic
- Jewish Encyclopedia: New Testament: Unhistorical Character of the Gospels
sunting- Virtual Office Diarkibkan 2012-01-07 di Wayback Machine of William Lane Craig from Leadership University (web portal)
- Probe Ministries
sunting- The Great Debate: Does God Exist? Diarkibkan 2008-05-09 di Wayback Machine-transcript in PDF of a formal debate between presuppositionalist Christian Greg Bahnsen and atheist Gordon Stein.
- The Martin-Frame Debate Diarkibkan 2008-12-11 di Wayback Machine A written debate between skeptic Michael Martin and Christian John Frame about the transcendental argument for the existence of God.
- The Drange-Wilson Debate Diarkibkan 2008-12-11 di Wayback Machine A written debate between skeptic Theodore Drange and Christian Douglas Wilson.
- "Is Non-Christian Thought Futile?" A written debate between Christian Doug Jones and skeptics Keith Parsons and Michael Martin in Antithesis magazine (vol. 2, no. 4).
- "Is Christianity Good for the World?" A written debate between atheist Christopher Hitchens and theologian Douglas Wilson in Christianity Today magazine (web only, May 2007).
- God Debate: Sam Harris vs. Rick Warren Debate between Christian Rick Warren and atheist Sam Harris as reported by Newsweek (April 9, 2007).
- "Does God Exist? The Nightline Face-Off." A video debate between Christians Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron and atheists Brian Sapient and Kelly O'Connor of the Rational Response Squad. Report of the debate posted on the Nightline website. Video of the debate posted on The Way of the Master website.
- The Jesseph-Craig Debate: Does God Exist? (1996)-Transcripts of a debate between Christian William Lane Craig and atheist Douglas M. Jesseph.