Tawanan perang
Tawanan perang atau Prisoner of war (Singkatan: POW) ataupun tawanan perang musuh (Singkatan: EPW) adalah seorang individu, samada orang awam atau tentera, yang ditahan dan dijaga secara berterusan oleh pihak musuh semasa atau sebaik sahaja meletusnya konflik bersenjata. Kegunaan berekod yang terawal direkodkan pada tahun 1660.

Lihat juga
sunting- Kasualti
- Cedera dalam pertempuran (WIA)
- Hilang dalam pertempuran (MIA)
- Terbunuh dalam pertempuran (KIA)
sunting- Nota
- Bibliografi
- Rule of Law in Armed Conflicts Project (RULAC)
- John Hickman, "What is a Prisoner of War For?" Scientia Militaria: South African Journal of Military Studies. Vol. 36, No. 2. 2008. pp. 19–35.
- Full text of Third Geneva Convention, 1949 revision
- "Prisoner of War". (ed. CD Edition). 2002. Unknown parameter
ignored (bantuan); Missing or empty|title=
has extra text (bantuan) - Gendercide site
- "Soviet Casualties and Combat Losses in the Twentieth Century", Greenhill Books, London, 1997, G. F. Krivosheev, editor.
- "Keine Kameraden. Die Wehrmacht und die sowjetischen Kriegsgefangenen 1941–1945", Dietz, Bonn 1997, ISBN 3-8012-5023-7
Bacaan lanjut
sunting- Roger DEVAUX : Treize Qu'ils Etaient: Life of the French prisoners of war at the peasants of low Bavaria (1939–1945) — Mémoires et Cultures—2007—ISBN 2-916062-51-3
- Robert C. Doyle. The Enemy in Our Hands: America's Treatment of Prisoners of War From the Revolution to the War on Terror (University Press of Kentucky, 2010); 468 pages; Sources include American soldiers' own narratives of their experiences guarding POWs.
- Pierre Gascar, Histoire de la captivité des Français en Allemagne (1939–1945), Éditions Gallimard, France, 1967.
- McGowran OBE, Tom, Beyond the Bamboo Screen: Scottish Prisoners of War under the Japanese. 1999. Cualann Press Ltd
- Arnold Krammer, ''Nazi Prisoners of War in America 1979 Stein & Day; 1991, 1996 Scarborough House. ISBN 0-8128-8561-9.
- Bob Moore,& Kent Fedorowich eds., Prisoners of War and Their Captors in World War II, Berg Press, Oxford, UK, 1997.
- David Rolf, Prisoners of the Reich, Germany's Captives, 1939–1945, 1998.
- Paul J. Springer. America's Captives: Treatment of POWs From the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror (University Press of Kansas; 2010); 278 pages; Argues that the US military has failed to incorporate lessons on POW policy from each successive conflict.
- Richard D. Wiggers, "The United States and the Denial of Prisoner of War (POW) Status at the End of the Second World War", Militargeschichtliche Mitteilungen 52 (1993) pp. 91–94.
- Winton, Andrew, Open Road to Faraway: Escapes from Nazi POW Camps 1941–1945. 2001. Cualann Press Ltd.
- Harris, Justin Michael. "American Soldiers and POW Killing in the European Theater of World War II" [1]
Sumber utama
sunting- The stories of several American fighter pilots, shot down over North Vietnam are the focus of American Film Foundation's 1999 documentary Return with Honor, presented by Tom Hanks.
- Lewis H. Carlson, WE WERE EACH OTHER'S PRISONERS: An Oral History of World War II American and German Prisoners of War, 1st Edition.; 1997, BasicBooks (HarperCollins, Inc).ISBN 0-465-09120-2.
- Alfred James Passfield, The Escape Artist: An WW2 Australian prisoner's chronicle of life in German POW camps and his eight escape attempts, 1984 Artlook Books Western Australia. ISBN 0-86445-047-8.
- Rivett, Rohan D. (1946). Behind Bamboo. Sydney: Angus & Robertson. Republished by Penguin, 1992; ISBN 0-14-014925-2.
- George G. Lewis and John Mewha, History of prisoner of war utilization by the United States Army, 1776–1945; Dept. of the Army, 1955.
- Vetter, Hal, Mutine at Koje Island; Charles Tuttle Company, Vermont, 1965.
- Jin, Ha, War Trash: A novel; Pantheon, 2004. ISBN 978-0-375-42276-8.
- Sean Longden, Hitler's British Slaves. First Published Arris Books, 2006. Second Edition, Constable Robinson, 2007.
Pautan luar
suntingWikimedia Commons mempunyai media berkaitan Tawanan perang |
- Prisoners of war and humanitarian law
- The National Archives 'Your Archives' Prisoners of War
- The National Archives ADM 103 Prisoners of War 1755–1831
- The National Archives 'Your Archives'—ADM 103 Prisoners of War 1755–1831
- Archive of WWII memories, gathered by BBC
- Soviet Prisoners of War: Forgotten Nazi Victims of World War II
- Reports made by WW1 prisoners of war on The UK National Archives' website.
- German POWs and the art of survival
- Current status of Vietnam War POW/MIA
- Clifford Reddish: War Memoirs of a British Army Signalman as a prisoner of the Japanese
- CBC Digital Archives—Canada's Forgotten PoW Camps
- German army list of Stalags
- German army list of Oflags
- Colditz Oflag IVC POW Camp
- Lamsdorf Reunited
- Website (official) on New Zealand PoWs[pautan mati kekal]
- New Zealand Official History, New Zealand PoWs of Germany, Italy & Japan
- Notes of Japanese soldier in a USSR prison camp after WWII
- ICRC in WW II: German prisoners of war in Allied hands