Templat:Infobox militant organization


{{Infobox militant organization
|name     = 
|logo     = 
|caption  = 
|dates    = 
|leader   = 
|motives  = 
|area     = 
|ideology = 
|crimes   = 
|attacks  = 
|status   = 
|size     =
|revenue  =


Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
Simbol LTTE
Tarikh operasi1975 – sekarang
PemimpinVelupillai Prabhakaran
MotifPenciptaan negeri yang berasingan di utara dan timur Sri Lanka
Kawasan utamaSri Lanka, India
IdeologiNasionalisme Tamil
Tindakan utamaSerangan berani mati
Serangan terkenalPengeboman Bank
StatusDiharamkan sebagai organisasi pengganas oleh 32 buah negara
{{Infobox militant organization
|name     = Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
|logo     = Placeholder.png
|caption  = Simbol LTTE
|dates    = 1975 – sekarang
|leader   = [[Velupillai Prabhakaran]]
|motives  = Penciptaan negeri yang berasingan di utara dan timur Sri Lanka
|area     = [[Sri Lanka]], [[India]]
|ideology = [[Nasionalisme Tamil]]
|crimes   = [[Serangan berani mati]]
|attacks  = [[Pengeboman Bank]]
|status   = Diharamkan sebagai organisasi pengganas oleh 32 buah negara
|size     = 45,000


For all fields, no wikilinks are automatically incorporated into the infobox. Therefore, if you want anything to be linked to something else, they must be added when including the template.

  • name - The name of the organization; most likely this will match the article title, but you can change it to something slightly different if required. Compulsory; all others are optional.
  • logo - The main logo of the organization. Do not include the “Image:” prefix.
  • caption - A description of the logo or its use; will usually not be required.
  • leader – The normally recognized leader of the organization.
  • objectives – The ‘’’primary’’’ objectives of the organization. Do not elaborate in the infobox; give a basic outline only, and a detailed description in the article text.
  • area – The countries / areas in which the organization carries out its primary activities.
  • ideology - The ideology of the organization, if present.
  • crimes - The major kinds of crimes the organization commits; particular acts belong in the next fields.
  • attacks – A few notable attacks carried out by the organization.
  • status – The status of the organization. For example, list countries that have labeled it as a terrorist organization.
  • size - The number of members.
  • revenue - The annual income. State the currency!
  • financing - Breakdown of the revenue; how much is generated by what activity.
