Pendokumenan templat[lihat] [sunting] [sejarah] [nyahcache]

Fungsi sunting

Format release version and date for display in infoboxes and wikitables; intended to identify the latest stable release.

Penggunaan sunting

| article = 
| latest release version = 
| latest release date = <!-- {{Start date and age|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->

Contoh sunting

1.14.0  (22 Februari 2009; 15 tahun yang lalu (2009-02-22))

| article = MediaWiki
| latest release version = 1.14.0
| latest release date = {{Start date and age|2009|02|22}}

Parameters sunting

The article parameter will default to {{PAGENAME}} if left empty.

If the latest release version parameter is empty this template will not display anything.

The latest release date parameter is optional and if left empty no date will be shown.

Lihat juga sunting