Tidak setuju --- It's not that you have not done good job, the problem is you really need to understand Malay to be the penyelia here, same goes to other wikis. There's no point having a penyelia that does not understand a language of a wiki they represent. Maybe one day but not today. No hurt feelings ok.JerichoNation (bincang) 11:46, 20 Mei 2013 (UTC)[balas]
Don't worry, I understand your concerns, that's why I purposely tried to address it above. But if you oppose, then never mind, unless you really change your mind. Just FYI, I usually use Chrome's translator (use Google Chrome, right-click and click Translate to English) and sometimes, Google Translate. So far they have been working considerably well. Cheers. ArcticKangaroo (✉ • ✎) 14:42, 21 Mei 2013 (UTC)[balas]
Tidak setuju --- Sama seperti JerichoNation, saya undi untuk tak dahulu. Buat masa ini, lebih elok Artic biasakan dahulu dengan bahasa Melayu dan kuasainya secara perlahan-lahan. Memang penggunaan mesin penterjemahan banyak membantu tetapi untuk jangka masa panjang, sebagai penyelia, mempelajari sesuatu bahasa itu lebih elok. Apatah lagi dengan sistem penulisan SMS yang berleluasa digunakan oleh rakyat Malaysia. Untuk kerja melawan vandal masih boleh lagi dikawal oleh penyelia sedia ada. Lagipun boleh letak tag {{hapus|sebab}}. I choose no, for this moment, just to encourage Artic to learn more about new languages beside English. That's all. Cheers. -- 莫哈末 (Wong) 09:17, 22 Mei 2013 (UTC)[balas]
Tidak setuju Hi, I appreciate your enthusiasm. I'm sorry; I can't be on your side in this moment, unfortunately. I believe, sometime in the future, you could give this for another go, of course, equipped with better command in the Malay language, and also your very excellent record towards MS-Wiki in terms of contributions. In the meantime, keep up your very good work on MS-Wiki! So far, you're good! — عبد الله (Pesanan?)23:24, 22 Mei 2013 (UTC)[balas]
Tidak setuju I am very sorry because I can't give a full support to you. I am quite agree with the statements made by the users above. Language is a VERY IMPORTANT thing, especially when correcting grammatical mistakes in Malay. Translator machine might help you a little bit but it is not a good helper on identifying the correct grammar. There are thousands of articles in here that available in English. We are lack of translator who can afford to translate it in Malay. I know that you are commited to be a vandal fighter, but you can still place appropriate tag on the page or by asking a help from the administrator to block potential vandals account. Maybe you can request to be an administrator on English Wikipedia, but it is a tremendous competition among other users in there. Irfanshaharuddin (bincang) 08:22, 25 Mei 2013 (UTC)[balas]
Tidak setuju I'm so sorry for not supporting you to be an admin here, even though I highly appreciate your high enthusiasm to fight vandalism. Being an effective admin is not just about fighting vandalism. A good admin may also need to translate articles being imported from other languages (especially English) as well. If you can brush up your Malay skill until you've achieved at least advanced level mastery, then maybe I can consider supporting you in the future. - Hezery99 (bincang) 00:11, 30 Mei 2013 (UTC)[balas]
Abstain You will make a bagus admin on simple wiki or en wiki... But here, I think your grasp of the Malay language must be there. No hard feelings, I hope you understand. (Machine translations are not advised) Bonkers The Clown (bincang) 10:43, 29 Mei 2013 (UTC) Tidak memenuhi syarat mengundi. ...Aurora... (b) 15:29, 29 Mei 2013 (UTC)[balas]
Hi, actually you can vote if you have been here for at least one week and have a minimum of 15 edits and not a sockpuppet. You only had 2 edits on the sidelines of the drawings.Aplikasi05:55, 30 Mei 2013 (UTC)[balas]
Abstain Maaf saudaraku, saat ini saya neutral. Semoga pada masa hadapan anda boleh meningkatkan penguasaan bahasa Melayu anda. Salam, Naval Scene (bincang) 14:09, 3 Jun 2013 (UTC)[balas]