Nik Ahmad Kamil bin Nik Mahmud: Perbezaan antara semakan

Kandungan dihapus Kandungan ditambah
Yosri (bincang | sumb.)
Tiada ringkasan suntingan
Yosri (bincang | sumb.)
Tiada ringkasan suntingan
Baris 31:
Nik Ahmad Kamil bersara dari perkhidmatan kerajaan pada 1955 dan bertanding sebagai calon Parti Negara pada tahun itu di Kelantan. Kegagalannya meyakinkannya bahawa Party Negara bukan lagi kuasa politik dan beliau kembali menyertai Umno.
Beliau juga merupakan salah seorang dari empat yang mewakili Sultan dalam jawatankuasa kecil perundangan, berdasarkan latar belakangnya dalam undang-undang. Beliau kemudiannya berkhidmat sebagai Majlis Perundangan dan Esekutif kedudukan Ahli bagi Tanah, Perlombnongan dan Komunikasi pada tahun 1953 dan kemudian Ahli bagi Kerajaan Tempatan, Perumahan dan Perancangan Bandar.
In the meantime, due to its rejection by the Malays the Malayan Union was replaced by the Federation of Malaya constitution. Before its introduction, a Constitutional Working Committee of 12 members was formed, consisting of representatives of the British government, the Malay sultans and Umno.
Nik Ahmad Kamil kemudian mewakili sebagai salah seorang dari empat wakil Sultan ke Persidangan Perlembagaan MMerdeka di London pada tahun 1956. Yang lai adalah Abdul Aziz Abdul Majid (Tun) dari Selangor, Datuk Panglima Bukit Gantang dari Perak dan Datuk Seth Mohd Said dari Johor.
Belaiu juga merupakan salah seorang dari empat yang mewakili Sultan dalam jawatankuasa kecil perundangan, berdasarkan latar belakangnya dalam undang-undang. Subsequently, under the government of the Federation of Malaya, he served on its Executive and Legislative Councils and held, firstly, the position of Member for Lands, Mines and Communications in 1953 and then Member for Local Government, Housing and Town Planning.
Negotiations for the independence of the country once again placed Nik Ahmad Kamil in centre stage when he was appointed one of four representatives of the Malay rulers to the Merdeka Constitutional Conference in London in 1956. The others were Abdul Aziz Abdul Majid (later Tun) of Selangor, Datuk
Panglima Bukit Gantang of Perak and Datuk Seth Mohd Said of Johor.
Although there were serious divergences of views between the Alliance Party and those representing the rulers, these were eventually sorted out so that there was a unified Malayan stand during negotiations with the British.
Diplomat and corporate leader
Baris 79 ⟶ 75:
He was deputy chairman of the Board of Governors of Lady Templer Hospital, served on the Council of University of Malaya and was a Pro-Chancellor of University Kebangsaan Malaysia.
But perhaps the most enduring legacy left by Nik Ahmad Kamil to future generations of Malaysians was his spirit.
He was a man who, at an important juncture in Malaysian history, was comfortable with the idea of a more inclusive arrangement insofar as ethnic relations were concerned.
Had there been more like him at that stage, Malaysia might well have gone down a different and, arguably, less risky political path.
Beliau meninggal pada 20 Dicember 1977.