Karburetor: Perbezaan antara semakan

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[ [Image : CarbNomenclature.jpg | thumb | right | 300px |Karburetor takunganCarburetor tunggalsingle luruanreservoir kesurges bawahdown the Bendix - Technico ( Stromberg ) model BXUV - 3 ] ]
''' Carburetor ''' is a device used for mixing [ [ oil fuel | fuel ] ] [ [ gasoline ] ] by [ [ air ] ] with the right amount for the use of [ [ internal combustion engine ] ] . It was used extensively in the [ [ car ] ] until 1990s when it was replaced by [ [ fuel injection ] ] is more efficient . Now , almost all of the latest model car and motorcycle models most likely to use fuel injection and the carburettor is now only used in small engines such as [ [ Sure ] ] and on a small motorcycle .
'''Karburetor''' adalah sejenis alat yang digunakan bagi mencampurkan [[minyak bahan api|bahan api]] [[petrol]] dengan [[udara]] dengan kadar yang betul bagi kegunaan [[enjin pembakaran dalaman]]. Ia pernah digunakan secara meluas pada [[kereta]] sehingga dekad 1990-an apabila ia digantikan dengan sistem [[suntikan bahan api]] yang lebih cekap. Kini, hampir kesemua kereta model terkini serta kebanyakan model motosikal besar menggunakan suntikan bahan api manakala karburetor kini hanya digunakan pada enjin-enjin kecil seperti [[pemotong rumput]] serta pada motosikal kecil.
The word " carburettor " is derived from the [ [ French language | French ] ] '' which carbure '' meaning ' carbide ' or ' combined with the [ [ carbon ] ] ' .
Perkatan "karburetor" berasal daripada perkataan [[Bahasa Perancis|Perancis]] iaitu ''carbure'' yang bermaksud 'karbida' ataupun 'menggabungkan dengan [[karbon]]'.
== PrinsipPrinciples ==
Carburetor runs on [ [ Bernoulli's principle ] ] which depends on the [ [ pressure ] ] lower than the speed of the carburettor air surges into the input cavity to pull the engine to fuel mixed with air . Faster air surges in, the lower the air pressure in the carburettor , and more fuel can be removed to be mixed with air , and engine speed will increase the addition of air - fuel mixture .
Karburetor berfungsi menggunakan [[Prinsip Bernoulli]] iaitu bergantung kepada [[tekanan udara]] rendah dalam karburetor hasil daripada kelajuan luruan udara ke rongga masukan enjin untuk menarik bahan api untuk dicampurkan bersama-sama udara. Lebih laju luruan udara masuk, lebih rendah tekanan udara di dalam karburetor serta lebih banyak bahan api dapat ditarik untuk dicampurkan dengan udara, dan seterusnya kelajuan enjin akan bertambah hasil penambahan campuran udara-bahan api.
Most of the engines [ [ car ] ] berkarburetor only use a single carburettor , but [ [ motorcycle ] ] and uses a multi- car racing carburettor according to the number of cylinders . However, in a [ [ fuel injection ] ] , most vehicles have multiple fuel injectors according to the number of cylinders .
Kebanyakan enjin [[kereta]] berkarburetor hanya menggunakan satu sahaja karburetor tetapi [[motosikal]] serta kereta lumba pula menggunakan berbilang karburetor mengikut bilangan silinder. Namun begitu, di dalam sistem [[suntikan bahan api]] pula, kebanyakan kenderaan mempunyai berbilang pemancit bahan api mengikut bilangan silinder.
== Types == carburettor
== Jenis-jenis karburetor ==
[ [Image : HighPerformanceCarburetor.jpg | thumb | 250px | right |Karburetor 4Carburetor takunganfour berprestasireservoirs with high performance tinggi. ] ]
* ''' Venturi tetapwill ''' - mempunyai saiza venturi yangsize is fixed and depends tetapon sertathe bergantungspeed kepadaof kelajuanthe luruanair udarato bagiattract menariksurges bahanof apifuel keinto venturi untukto dicampurkanmix denganwith udaraair.
* ''' Venturi bolehadjustable laras''' - jugaalso dikenaliknown sebagaias karburetorconstant kelajuanvelocity malarcarburettor '' ( constant velocity ) or '' ataupungelungsur karburetorvalve injapcarburettor gelungsur, karburetorcarburettor jenistype inihas mempunyaia satuneedle injapvalve that controls gelungsur denganwith jarumboth yangthe mengawalventuri kedua-duaand bukaanopening venturithe danmain jet utama. DiIn dalamthis karburetortype jenisof carburettor ini, bukaanadjustable venturi dilaraskanopening bagito mengawalcontrol kelajuanair udaravelocity padaat bahagianthe venturi sahajaalone .
== == The carburettor
== Bahagian karburetor ==
[ [Image : Carburetor.svg | thumb | left | 300px |Gambar rajahbottom bahagiandiagram asascarburettor karburetor] ]
A basic carburettor consists of several parts of the following : -
Sebuah karburetor asas terdiri daripada beberapa bahagian berikut:-
* '''Takungan bahanReservoir fuel api''' - menerimato receive bahanfuel apifrom darithe tangkifuel minyaktank
'' * ' Venturi ''' - the most constricted air flow surges aims to increase the speed of air to produce the lowest air pressure on the respect for the interests of fuel out through the main jet . venturi size is usually fixed , but will kerburetor gelungsur valve has a valve that controls gelungsur adjustable venturi size .
* '''Venturi''' - bahagian aliran udara paling sempit bertujuan meningkatkan kelajuan luruan udara bagi menghasilkan tekanan udara paling rendah pada bahagian berkenaan bagi menarik bahan api keluar melalui jet utama. Biasanya saiz venturi adalah tetap, tetapi kerburetor injap gelungsur pula mempunyai satu injap gelungsur boleh laras yang mengawal saiz venturi.
* '''Jet utamamain jet ''' - laluanthe keluarmain utamaroute bahanout apiof kefuel to the venturi ; alirannyathe dikawalflow olehof tekananlow rendahpressure padacontrolled by the venturi , tetapibut padato sesetengahsome karburetorparticular terutamanyatype jenisof injapcarburettor gelungsurneedle pulavalve jarumwhile padathe injapvalve gelungsur turutgelungsur also control the opening of mengawalthe bukaanmain jet utama.
* ''' Jet melahuidle ''' - salurana narrow channel sempitto bagideliver menyalurkanair udaraand danfuel bahanduring apiidle semasaspeed kelajuanwhen melahuthe iaituthrottle semasavalve injapis pendikitclosed tertutup.
* ''' throttle valve ''' - located at the end of the carburettor air channels , controlling the throttle valve opening airways after venturi to control the flow of air - fuel mixture to the engine ; with the throttle valve also controls the speed of the engine directly. throttle valve is connected to the throttle pedal or throttle grasp to allow the driver [ [ car ] ] or rider [ [ motorcycle ] ] control of engine speed . throttle valve usually consists of valve , but in some carburettor rerama gelungsur valves , valve gelungsur itself also acts as a throttle valve .
* '''Injap pendikit''' - terletak di bahagian hujung saluran udara karburetor, injap pendikit mengawal bukaan saluran udara selepas venturi bagi mengawal aliran campuran udara-bahan api ke enjin; dengan itu injap pendikit turut mengawal kelajuan enjin secara langsung. Injap pendikit disambungkan ke injak pendikit ataupun genggam pendikit bagi membolehkan pemandu [[kereta]] atau penunggang [[motosikal]] mengawal kelajuan enjin. Biasanya injap pendikit terdiri daripada injap rerama tetapi dalam sesetengah karburetor injap gelungsur, injap gelungsur itu sendiri turut bertindak sebagai injap pendikit.
* ''' strangler valve ''' - located at the base of the airway before the venturi carburettor , valves strangler menyekat air flow to produce the air - fuel mixture richer so much easier on the engine when cold . strangler valves controlled either manually or dial strangler using an automatic mechanism . Some carburettors have no oppressor , but to use air heated by the exhaust channel to facilitate the engine is turned on when cold .
* '''Injap pencekik''' - terletak di bahagian pangkal saluran udara karburetor sebelum venturi, injap pencekik menyekat aliran udara bagi menghasilkan campuran udara-bahan api yang lebih kaya agar enjin lebih mudah dihidupkan semasa sejuk. Injap pencekik dikawal sama ada menggunakan tombol pencekik secara manual ataupun dengan menggunakan mekanisme automatik. Sesetengah karburetor tidak mempunyai pencekik tetapi menggunakan udara yang dipanaskan oleh saluran ekzos untuk memudahkan enjin dihidupkan semasa sejuk.
== Operation == carburettor
== Pengendalian karburetor ==
Typically , the operation of carburettor consists of four major state : -
Biasanya, pengendalian karburetor terdiri daripada empat keadaan utama:-
* ''' idle speed ''' - throttle valve fully closed , but a little air openings to allow some air through it . carburettor fuel flowing in through the idle jet . The quantity of air - fuel mixture that is causing the engine is only slightly rotated at idle speed (about 850 rpm to the car and around 1.400 rpm for motorcycles ) .
* '''Kelajuan melahu''' - Injap pendikit tertutup sepenuhnya, tetapi mempunyai sedikit bukaan udara bagi membolehkan sedikit udara melaluinya. Petrol mengalir di dalam karburetor melalui jet melahu. Kuantiti campuran udara-bahan api yang sedikit ini menyebabkan enjin hanya berputar pada kelajuan melahu (sekitar 850 rpm bagi kereta dan sekitar 1,400 rpm bagi motosikal).
* '''Kelajuan rendahlow- speed ''' - injapthrottle pendikitvalve terbukaslightly open sedikit, membolehkanallowing udaralow berkelajuan-speed air rendahthrough melaluia venturi danand seterusnyathen menarikattract sedikitsome bahan api melaluimajor jet utamafuel kethrough the venturi . SementaraMeanwhile itu, bahanfuel apialso turutflows mengalirthrough melaluithe idle jet melahufor keranaa kelajuanspeed luruansurge bahanin apijet melaluifuel jetis utamastill masihlow lagikey rendah.
* ''' high- speed ''' - a large open- throttle valves , or almost fully open when approaching the maximum speed . large throttle valve opening allows air rushed in with a fast and extensive , lowering the air pressure in the venturi and to attract more fuel through the main jet . This time , fuel is no longer the idle jet is more likely that the main Jer where air pressure is lower.
* '''Kelajuan tinggi''' - injap pendikit terbuka besar, ataupun hampir terbuka sepenuhnya semasa menghampiri kelajuan maksimum. Bukaan injap pendikit yang besar membolehkan udara meluru masuk dengan laju dan banyak, merendahkan lagi tekanan udara pada venturi dan seterusnya menarik lebih banyak bahan api melalui jet utama. Kali ini, bahan api tidak lagi melalui jet melahu kerana lebih cenderung melalui jer utama di mana tekanan udara lebih rendah.
* ''' When the knob is pulled strangler ''' - throttle valve to block air flow into the air to the carburettor until the carburettor air intake to less than the idle speed , causing the air - fuel mixture is rich, resulting in easier ignition during the winter .
* '''Semasa tombol pencekik ditarik''' - injap pendikit menyekat aliran udara masuk udara ke karburetor sehingga udara masuk ke karburetor kurang daripada semasa kelajuan melahu, menyebabkan campuran udara-bahan api yang kaya terhasil bagi memudahkan enjin dihidupkan semasa sejuk.
== == carburettor adjustment
== Pelarasan karburetor ==
Typically , the ratio of air - fuel mixture [ [ petroleum ] ] called stoikiometrik ratio is 14.7:1 , which is 7.14 units plus the weight of air per unit weight of fuel. Mixing ratio is higher than the ratio stoikiometrik produce ''' mix of thin ''' while the mixing ratio is lower than the ratio will produce stoikiometrik ''' '' rich mixture . The mixture is too rich stain [ [ spark plug ] ] , and combustion chamber and cause high fuel consumption while the mixture is too thin is hard on the cold , and more gas to produce [ [ nitrogen oxide ] ] that pollute the air . However, modern car engine is designed to allow the air - fuel mixture that is used to thin the fuel savings better .
Lazimnya, nisbah campuran udara-bahan api [[petrol]] yang dipanggil sebagai nisbah stoikiometrik ialah 14.7:1, iaitu 14.7 unit berat udara dicampurkan pada setiap unit berat bahan api. Nisbah campuran yang lebih tinggi daripada nisbah stoikiometrik menghasilkan '''campuran nipis''' manakala nisbah campuran yang lebih rendah daripada nisbah stoikiometrik pula menghasilkan '''campuran kaya'''. Campuran yang terlalu kaya akan mengotorkan [[palam pencucuh]] dan kebuk pembakaran serta menyebabkan penggunaan bahan api yang tinggi manakala campuran yang terlalu nipis pula sukar dihidupkan semasa sejuk serta lebih banyak menghasilkan gas [[nitrogen oksida]] yang mencemarkan udara. Namun demikian, enjin kereta moden kini direka bagi membolehkan campuran udara-bahan api yang lebih nipis digunakan untuk penjimatan bahan api yang lebih baik.
Usually, the carburettor is adjusted by two screw adjustment of throttle valve adjuster screws that control the throttle valve opening during idle speed and idle adjustment screws that control the flow of [ [ petroleum ] ] during idle speed . carburettor adjustment that will allow both easy on the engine cool, and save fuel at the same time .
Biasanya, karburetor dilaras melalui dua skru pelaras iaitu skru pelaras injap pendikit yang mengawal bukaan injap pendikit semasa kelajuan melahu, serta skru pelaras melahu yang mengawal aliran [[petrol]] semasa kelajuan melahu. Pelarasan karburetor yang baik akan membolehkan enjin mudah dihidupkan semasa sejuk serta menjimatkan bahan api dalam masa yang sama.
== LihatSee jugaalso ==
* [ [Suntikan bahanFuel Injection api] ]
== PautanExternal luarLinks ==
* [ http://www.fireballroberts.com/Fish_Patents.htm KarburetorCarburetor "ikan fish " ]
* [ http://fish.jan-wulf.de Koleksicollection gambarof danphotos maklumatand mengenaiinformation karburetorabout the carburettor "ikan fish " ]
'''Paten Patent '''
* [ http://v3.espacenet.com/origdoc?DB=EPODOC&IDX=GB189411119&F=0&QPN=GB189411119 G.B.GB Рatent 1111911 119 ] - ''Kebuk campuranmixed '' Chambers - [ [Donát donuts Bánki ] ]
* { {US U.S. patent | 610040 } } - ''Karburetor Carburetor '' - [ [ Henry Ford ] ]
* { {US U.S. patent | 1750354 } } - ''Karburetor '' Carburetor - Charles Nelson Pogue
* { {US U.S. patent | 1938497 } } - ''Karburetor '' Carburetor - Charles Nelson Pogue
* { {US U.S. patent | 1997497 } } - ''Karburetor '' Carburetor - Charles Nelson Pogue
* { {US U.S. patent | 2026798 } } - ''Karburetor '' Carburetor - Charles Nelson Pogue
* { {US U.S. patent | 2982528 } } - ''Sistem bahan api wap'' vapor fuel system - Robert S. Shelton
* { {US U.S. patent | 4177779 } } - ''Sistem penjimatanfuel bahan-saving apisystem untukfor enjininternal pembakarancombustion engines dalaman'' — Thomas- H. Thomas W.
[ [ Category : Vehicle System ] ]
[[Kategori:Sistem kenderaan]]
[ [ af : Vergasser ] ]
[ [ ar : مازج ] ]
[ [ az : Karbürator ] ]
[ [iden: Karburator ] ]
[ [ bo : སྣུམ་སྒྱུར་ཆས། ] ]
[ [bg : Карбуратор ] ]
[ [ ca : Carburador ] ]
[ [ cs : Karburátor ] ]
[ [ da : Karburator ] ]
[ [ de : Vergaser ] ]
[ [ el: Εξαερωτήρας ] ]
[ [ en :Carburetor blackjack ] ]
[ [ es : Carburador ] ]
[ [ eo : Karburilo ] ]
[ [ fa : کاربراتور ] ]
[ [ fr : Carburateur ] ]
[ [ gu : કાર્બ્યુરેટર ] ]
[ [ hi : कार्ब्युरेटर ] ]
[ [ io : Karburatoro ] ]
[ [ it: Carburatore ] ]
[ [ he: מאייד ] ]
[ [ kn : ಕಾರ್ಬ್ಯುರೇಟರ್ ] ]
[ [ ka : კარბიურატორი ] ]
[ [ hu : Porlasztó ] ]
[ [ nl : Carburateur ] ]
[ [ ja :キャブレター] ]
[ [ no: Forgasser ] ]
[ [ pl : Gaźnik ] ]
[ [ pt : Carburador ] ]
[ [ ro : Carburator ] ]
[ [ ru : Карбюратор ] ]
[ [ sk : Karburátor ] ]
[ [ sl : Uplinjač ] ]
[ [ sr : Карбуратор ] ]
[ [fi Fi : Kaasutin ] ]
[ [ sv : Förgasare ] ]
[ [ te : కార్బ్యురేటర్ ] ]
[ [ vi :Bộ chếChi hòaHoa Bo che khí] ]
[ [ tr : Karbüratör ] ]
[ [ uk : Карбюратор ] ]
[ [ ur : مفحم ] ]
[ [ zh :化油器] ]