Yasser Arafat: Perbezaan antara semakan

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Dari 1952 ke 1956, Arafat telah menuntut di [[Universiti Kairo]] dan lulus dengan ijazah dalam kejureteraan awam. Semasa di universiti, beliau telah menganggotai gerakan [[Ikhwan al Muslimun]] (Muslim Brotherhood) dan juga menjadi presiden Persatuan Pelajar-Pelajar Palestin. Dikerahkan ke dalam tentera Mesir, Arafat telah mengambil bahagian dalam [[Perang Suez 1956]]. Kemudiannya, beliau berpindah ke [[Kuwait]] untuk bekerja sebagai seorang jurutera. Pada lewat tahun 50an, Arafat menubuhkan gerakan nasionalis Palestin, "[[Fatah]]" yang kemudiannya akan muncul sebagai sebuah cabang terpenting dalam pertubuhan [[Pertubuhan Pembebasan Palestin|PLO]]. PLO ditubuhkan pada 1964, dan mendapat sokongan kuat daripada negara-negara seperti [[Syria]], [[Lubnan]], [[Mesir]] dan [[Jordan]]. PLO berhasrat untuk menjadi wakil utama rakyat [[Palestin]] (penduduk Arab yang tinggal di daerah yang dikenali sebagai Palestin sebelum tubuhnya negara [[Israel]] pada tahun 1948) dalam memeperjuangkan hak-hak mereka.
InPada tahun 1967, Israel defeatedmengalahkan thenegara Arab statesdalam inpertelingkahan ayang conflictdikenali knownsebagai asPerang theEnam Hari ( ''Six-Day War'' ), thusdengan gainingitu controlmengawal ofdua twobahagian majorPalestine sectionsyang of historic Palestinebersejarah: the WestTebing BankBarat anddan theSemenanjung Gaza Strip. InEkoran the wake of thekekalahan Arab defeat, the militantserpihan Fatah factionmilitan wasberjaya ablemengambil to take over control of thealih PLO. SubsequentlyDengan itu, inpada tahun 1969 Arafat was elected chairmandipilih ofsebagai thepengerusi organization’s executive committee.
TheKerjaya earlyArafat yearspada ofawal Arafat’stahun careersebagai at the head of theketua PLO weredipenuhi markeddengan by violencekekejaman, beginningbermula inpada “Black“September September”Hitam” oftahun 1970, whenapabila Jordan’sRaja KingHussein Husseindari Jordan, then at odds with the PLO, ordered his army to act against Palestinian guerrilla camps positioned along the border between Jordan and Israel, killing many Palestinians. Even more shocking was the murder of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics in Munich, Germany, by Palestinian terrorists.
IncreasinglySecara beransur-ansur, howeverbagaimanapun, Arafat directedmengarahkan hisusahanya efforts with thedengan PLO towardskearah politicalusaha ratherpolitik thanmenggantikan militaryusaha persuasionmilitan anddan diplomacyusaha ratherdiplomatik thanmenggantikan terrorismkeganasan. InMenyusuri the wake of thePerang Yom Kippur Warpada in OctoberOktober 1973, duringketika whichmana EgyptMesir anddan Syria attemptedcuba tomendapatkan regainkembali landtanah fromdari Israel, the UnitedAmerika StatesSyarikat beganmula interventioncampur effortstangan tountuk negotiateberbincang amengenai settlementpenyelesaian inbagi thekawasan areatersebut. The Palestine National Council (PNC), the governing body of the PLO, sought inclusion in the settlement, calling for the creation of a Palestinian national authority in the West Bank and Gaza. In November 1974, with the support of the Arab states, Arafat became the first representative of a non-governmental agency to address a plenary session of the United Nations (U.N.) General Assembly.
“I have come bearing an olive branch and a freedom fighter’s gun,” Arafat memorably stated. “Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand.” Undoubtedly under pressure from Palestinian hard-liners, Arafat stood fast to his refusal to acknowledge Israel’s right to exist, thus ignoring two specific U.N. Security Council resolutions. For this inflexibility, the U.S. began a ban on speaking to the PLO in 1975.
InPada tahun 1977, Egypt’s PresidentPresiden Anwar Sadat begandari hisMesir ownmemulakan peaceperjanjian processperdamaiannya withsendiri dengan Israel. AlongBersama withPresiden U.S.Amerika PresidentSyarikat, Jimmy Carter anddan IsraeliPerdana PrimeMenteri MinisterIsraeli, Menachem Begin, Sadat signedmenandatangani thepersefahaman Camp David accordspada intahun 1978, whichyang calledmenjanjikan forkuasa Palestinianautonomi autonomyPalestin indi theTebing WestBarat Bankdan andSemenanjung Gaza, but never went into effect. Arafat and the PLO opposed the Camp David accords. Believing that “autonomy” would translate into continued Israeli control, he continued steadfastly to call for an independent Palestinian state.
In the early 1980s, Arafat’s power among Palestinians was temporarily weakened as factions divided the movement. In 1982, he was bitterly criticized by Syria and Syrian-controlled factions within the PLO for his perceived weakness during Israel’s invasion and occupation of the conflict-ridden region of south Lebanon. Israeli armies encircled the headquarters of the PLO at Beirut and forced Arafat to move them to Tunisia. The headquarters were relocated yet again in 1987, this time to Baghdad, Iraq.