Actus reus: Perbezaan antara semakan

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Fantastic4boy (bincang | sumb.)
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Baris 4:
'''''Actus reus''''' — kadang-kadang dipanggil '''elemen luar''' sebuah jenayah — adalah isitilah [[Bahasa Latin]] untuk "tindakan bersalah" yang, ketika dibuktikan [[beyond a reasonable doubt]] dalam kombinasi dengan in combination ''[[mens rea]]'', iaitu, "fikiran bersalah", menghasilkan criminal [[liability]] dalam asas-[[ommon law]] [[criminal law]] [[jurisdiction]] seperti [[Australia]], [[Canada]], [[New Zealand]], [[United Kingdom]] dan [[Amerika Syarikat]]. Dalam Amerika Syarikat, sesetengah jenayah juga memerlukan bukti pada seorang [[attendant circumstance]].
Ada juga sesetengah kekecualian kepada peraturan umum yang sebuah "fikiran bersalah" harus dibuktikan. MostBanyak legislaturespengundangan createmereka so-calledyang digelarkan kesalahan [[strict liability]] offences, whichyang criminalisemenjenayahkan thekelakuan behaviourtanpa withoutkeperluan theuntuk needmembuktikan to prove asebuah ''mens rea'' indengan relationhubungannya toke allsemua theelemen-elemen ''actus reus'' elements. TheKebanyakan majoritykesalahan ofini theseialah offencessama areada either quasijenayah-criminalkuasi oratau relatively low fault instances of behaviourkelakuan. EvenWalaupun indalam thesekes-kes casesini, liability maydapat sometimes still be negatedkadang-kadang ifdinegatekan automatismkalau isotomatisme presenthadir.
WhenKetika discussingmembicarakan the nature of ansifat ''actus reus'' oratau ''guiltytindakan actbersalah'', legalsarjana scholarshukum distinguishmembezakan betweenantara:
*''commissions'', "conduct" or affirmative and positive "acts"; and
*''omissions'' or failures to act.
Baris 12:
The first two are subject to a requirement of [[causation (law)|causation]] and the third may or may not require an element of voluntariness depending on the interpretation of the ''actus reus'' and the seriousness of the offence.
TheDefinisi definitionsetiap ofkesalahan, each offence,sama whetherada common law oratau [[statute|statutory]], willakan alwaysselalu includetermasuk thekomponen factualfaktual componentsyang necessarydiperlukan tountuk constitute themendirikan ''actus reus''. Some ofSesetengah thesefakta-fakta factsini willakan bemenjadi:
#Konteksual: ini menerangkan tempoh atau keadaan umum sewaktu mana komponen utama dikatakan dilakukan, contohnya, sebuah kenderaan dipandu pada ''waktu malam'' dengan lampu defektif atau kesakitan yang disebabkan ''sementara menentang tangkapan berhukum'';
#Contextual: this describes the time or general circumstances during which the key components were allegedly committed, e.g., that a vehicle was driven ''at night'' with defective lights or that injuries were caused ''while resisting lawful arrest'';
#The key elements considered sufficiently antisocial that they should be proscribed, e.g., ''driving'' a vehicle ''dangerously''. This will usually be based on one or more adverbs which qualify the conduct verbs to describe more clearly the way in which the accused must have acted (note that the majority of the adverbs relate to the ''mens rea'' requirement, e.g., dishonestly, maliciously, and wilfully; even the quality of "danger" is dependent on the ''mens rea'', say, because the defendant drove the vehicle knowing it to have defective brakes or recklessly at excessive speed, so great care must be taken in identifying such elements specific to the ''actus reus'').
#Consequential: this describes the result or outcome required to constitute the offence, e.g., that a victim was ''injured'', was deceived, or ''suffered loss'' in some material way or that the behaviour "annoyed", "offended", "outraged", "obstructed" or "endangered" one or more identifiable individuals (see [[criminal jurisdiction]] where the terminatory theory is based on the prohibited consequences occurring within the territory of the court).