Rukun Islam: Perbezaan antara semakan

Kandungan dihapus Kandungan ditambah
Baris 76:
Semasa haji, umat Muslim tiba di Pelabuhan [[Jeddah]], dan berjalan ke Makkah. Berdekatan dengan Makkah, umat Muslim menukar ke pakaian putih yang dipanggil [[Ihram]]. Kaya atau miskin, hitam atau putih, semuanya berdiri sama rata.
== Rukun Islam Syiah (Sesat) ==
Dalam Islam Syiah, lima rukunnya adalah lebih abstrak dan inward oriented, which are:
* [[Tauhid]] (monoteisme)
* [[Hari Kiamat|Qiyamah]] (Hari Pengadilan)
* [[Kenabian|Nubuwwah]] (Kenabian)
* [[Imamah]] (Kepimpinan 12 Imam)
* [[Keadilan|Adl]] (Keadilan).
Outward profession of religion, although significant and crucial, do not count as pillars of faith in Shia Islam. A believer in the mentioned five pillars of Islam would believe in God, reward and punishment in the afterlife, the teachings of Muhammad and the prophets before him, in the leadership of the Twelve Imams, and in being just in thought, word, and action, which would entail adherence to outward profession of religiosity as defined in the Sunni five pillars of Islam. However, in the case of contradiction of practice and belief, a believer must not think that the action of praying (salah) is the ultimate determinant, rather he must reflect on which action is closer to justice, for instance, which may in fact entail missing prayer for a grander cause.
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