Templat:Infobox Hill of Rome

sebuah bukit Rom
Dalam Bahasa Latin / Bahasa Itali {{{Latin name}}} /
{{{Italian name}}}
Rione {{{rione}}}
Bangunan {{{buildings}}}
Palazzi {{{palazzi}}}
Gereja-gereja {{{churches}}}
Orang {{{people}}}
Peristiwa {{{events}}}
Agama Rom kuno {{{religion}}}
Watak mitos {{{mythology}}}
Ukiran Rom {{{sculptures}}}

Usage sunting

{{Infobox Hill of Rome 2
| name            =Nama
| Latin name      =eg Aventinus mons
| Italian name    =eg Colle Aventino
| rione           =present day Rione
| buildings       =buildings on or adjoining it (ancient '''and'''  later)
| palazzi         =palazzi di bukit ini
| churches        =gereja di bukit ini
| people          =orang yang berkaitan dengan bukit ini
| events          =peristiwa bersejarah yang berkaitan dengan bukit in
| religion        =religious events and structures linked to this hill
| mythology       =mythological figures linked to this hill
| sculptures      =sculptures found and/or displayed on this hill
