

The purpose of this template is to abstract and format item costs.

Currently configured so no adjustments or conversions are applied.




A description of the template's parameters are listed below.

Field name Usage Example Description
country_code mandatory GBR The country code of the currency, see the examples to find out what is currently supported. EUR for Euro (inflation adjustment would require using a country-specific code).
value mandatory 10000.01 The value, in the country_code currency, that needs to be converted. The template will not accept pre-formatted values (i.e. 1,234).
currency_units optional m Used to represent smaller or larger numbers. Available options are as follows.
  • ct – to represent cent(s)
  • p – to represent penny (pence)
  • pa – to represent paisa (paise) (generalized to mean cents)
  • po – to represent poysha (generalized to mean cents)
  • ba – to represent baisa(s) (generalized to mean 1/1000)
  • k – to represent thousand(s)
  • m – to represent million(s)
  • b – to represent short scale billion(s)
  • t – to represent short scale trillion(s)
  • l – to represent lakh(s)
  • c – to represent crore(s)
  • lc – to represent lakh crore(s)
  • Brackets in the sense may be singular (or) plural.

The Indian units can be applied to any currency.

lk optional lk=on This parameter gives you the option of internally linking currency names (paise, which is generalized here to mean cents in the source currency) and/or number names (billion, trillion, lakh, crore). By default, the parameter is set to "off" (i.e. it is set not to link). Available options are as follows.
  • on – to link all units
  • source – to link the source value
  • original – to link the values in the original currency
  • inflated – to link the inflated value in the original currency
  • result – to link the inflated and converted vales
  • converted – to link the converted value
  • source-converted – to link the source and converted values
year optional year=2002 This parameter allows entering values from previous years. The year will be displayed and historic values will be inflated to the latest year available in {{Inflation}} if index is also provided then converted by {{ToUSD}}. If no index name is present, the conversion will be attempted for the year indicated (but see force). If year is not provided, just a conversion will be performed at the most current rate available.
origin optional origin=ESP The country code of the shipyard's location, by default that corresponding to the currency is assumed (no country assumed for Euro).
r optional r=3 Sets the digits to which the results must be rounded. A negative value indicates rounding to an upper significant digit, and a positive value indicates a fractional digit including trailing zeros. Defaults to 2.
force optional force=yes This parameter allows to force a conversion at the most current rate available when data is lacking for the provided year when its value is yes.
exact optional exact=source This provides some control over formatting. source requests to display the input value normally (in American fashion) after applying the units. on does this for both the input and result values. Otherwise all values will be displayed as per {{Format price}}.
qty optional qty=first This allows adding a phrase that indicates to how many or which units the cost applies to.
tot optional tot=yes yes indicates that the cost includes technology transfer.
suffix optional suffix=and training facilities This allows appending an arbitrary wikitext to the output.
est optional est=yes yes indicates that the cost is estimated.
ref optional ref=<ref>some wikitext ref</ref> This allows displaying one or more references. Each one must consist of a ref wikitext element. The placement of the references is normalized (currently after the year, but this might be changed in the future).
mode optional mode=historical This parameter allows to disable adjustment even if the template is configured to enable it.
convert optional convert=no This parameter controls the currency conversion. Setting it to blank or omitting it results in the default mode. Setting it to no disables it.


ItemCost syntax Results
{{ItemCost|ARG|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} ARS 3.6 million
{{ItemCost|ARG|3600000|year=1992|mode=historical|convert=no}} ARS 3.6 million (1992)
{{ItemCost|ARG|3600000|year=1991|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|AUS|3.6|m|mode=historical|convert=no}} A$3.6 million
{{ItemCost|AUS|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} A$3.6 million
{{ItemCost|AUS|3654000|year=2002|mode=historical|convert=no}} A$3.65 million (2002)
{{ItemCost|AUS|3654000|year=2002|mode=historical}} A$3.65 million (2002) (US$1.99 million)
{{ItemCost|AUS|3654000|year=2002}} A$3.65 million (2002) (equivalent to A$FXConvert/Wordify error: cannot parse value "NaN
                                                                                                              "   or US$FXConvert/Wordify error: cannot parse value "Ralat ungkapan: Aksara tanda baca "[" tidak dikenali" in 2010)[1]     
{{ItemCost|AUS|3654000|year=2002|convert=no}} A$3.65 million (2002) (equivalent to A$FXConvert/Wordify error: cannot parse value "NaN
                                                                                                              " in 2010)[1]     
{{ItemCost|AUS|3654000|year=2002|origin=AUS|mode=historical|convert=no}} A$3.65 million (2002)
{{ItemCost|AUS|3654000|year=2002|origin=ESP|mode=historical|convert=no}} A$3.65 million (2002)
{{ItemCost|AUS|3654000|year=2002|r=3|ref=<ref name="qv">something1</ref>|mode=historical|convert=no}} A$3.654 million (2002)[2]
{{ItemCost|AUS|3.6|m|qty=|mode=historical|convert=no}} A$3.6 million
{{ItemCost|AUS|3.6|m|qty=first|mode=historical|convert=no}} A$3.6 million for the first unit
{{ItemCost|AUS|3.6|m|qty=1|mode=historical|convert=no}} A$3.6 million per unit
{{ItemCost|AUS|3.6|m|qty=8|mode=historical|convert=no}} A$3.6 million untuk 8 units
{{ItemCost|AUS|3650000|year=2002|exact=on|ref=<ref name="qv">something1</ref><ref name="s">something2</ref>|mode=historical|convert=no}} A$3,650,000 (2002)[2][3]
{{ItemCost|AUS|3650000|year=2002|exact=on|qty=8|suffix= + [[Technology transfer|ToT]]|ref=<ref name="qv">something1</ref><ref name="s">something2</ref>|mode=historical|convert=no}} A$3,650,000 (2002)[2][3] untuk 8 units + ToT
{{ItemCost|AUS|3650000|year=2002|exact=on|qty=8|tot=yes|ref=<ref name="qv">something1</ref><ref name="s">something2</ref>|mode=historical|convert=no}} A$3,650,000 (2002)[2][3] untuk 8 units + ToT
{{ItemCost|AUS|3650000|year=2002|exact=on|qty=8|tot=yes|suffix=and training facilities|ref=<ref name="qv">something1</ref><ref name="s">something2</ref>|mode=historical|convert=no}} A$3,650,000 (2002)[2][3] untuk 8 units + ToT and training facilities
{{ItemCost|AUS|3650000|year=2002|exact=on|qty=8|tot=yes|est=yes|suffix=and training facilities|ref=<ref name="qv">something1</ref><ref name="s">something2</ref>|mode=historical|convert=no}} A$3,650,000 (2002)[2][3] untuk 8 units + ToT and training facilities (anggr.)
{{ItemCost|AUS|3650000|year=2002|exact=on|qty=8|tot=yes|est=yes|suffix=and training facilities|ref=<ref name="qv">something1</ref><ref name="s">something2</ref>|mode=historical}} A$3,650,000 (2002)[2][3] (US$1,983,089.41) untuk 8 units + ToT and training facilities (anggr.)
{{ItemCost|AUS|3650000|year=2002|exact=on|qty=8|tot=yes|est=yes|suffix=and training facilities|ref=<ref name="qv">something1</ref><ref name="s">something2</ref>}} A$3,650,000 (2002)[2][3] (equivalent to A$NaN   or US$Ralat ungkapan: Aksara tanda baca "[" tidak dikenali in 2010)[1] untuk 8 units + ToT and training facilities (anggr.)
{{ItemCost|AUS|3650000|year=2002|exact=on|qty=8|tot=yes|est=yes|suffix=and training facilities|ref=<ref name="qv">something1</ref><ref name="s">something2</ref>|convert=no}} A$3,650,000 (2002)[2][3] (equivalent to A$NaN in 2010)[1] untuk 8 units + ToT and training facilities (anggr.)
{{ItemCost|AUS|3650000|year=2002|qty=8|tot=yes|est=yes|suffix=and training facilities|ref=<ref name="qv">something1</ref><ref name="s">something2</ref>|mode=historical|convert=no}} A$3.65 million (2002)[2][3] untuk 8 units + ToT and training facilities (anggr.)
{{ItemCost|AUS|3650000|year=2002|qty=8|tot=yes|est=yes|suffix=and training facilities|ref=<ref name="qv">something1</ref><ref name="s">something2</ref>|mode=historical}} A$3.65 million (2002)[2][3] (US$1.98 million) untuk 8 units + ToT and training facilities (anggr.)
{{ItemCost|AUS|3650000|year=2002|qty=8|tot=yes|est=yes|suffix=and training facilities|ref=<ref name="qv">something1</ref><ref name="s">something2</ref>}} A$3.65 million (2002)[2][3] (equivalent to A$FXConvert/Wordify error: cannot parse value "NaN
                                                                                                              "   or US$FXConvert/Wordify error: cannot parse value "Ralat ungkapan: Aksara tanda baca "[" tidak dikenali" in 2010)[1] untuk 8 units + ToT and training facilities (anggr.) 
{{ItemCost|AUS|3650000|year=2002|qty=8|tot=yes|est=yes|suffix=and training facilities|ref=<ref name="qv">something1</ref><ref name="s">something2</ref>|convert=no}} A$3.65 million (2002)[2][3] (equivalent to A$FXConvert/Wordify error: cannot parse value "NaN
                                                                                                              " in 2010)[1] untuk 8 units + ToT and training facilities (anggr.) 
{{ItemCost|BEL|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million
{{ItemCost|BEL|3600000|year=1999|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million (1999)
{{ItemCost|BEL|3600000|year=1998|mode=historical|convert=no}} BEF 3.6 million (1998)
{{ItemCost|BEL|3600000|year=1947|mode=historical|convert=no}} BEF 3.6 million (1947)
{{ItemCost|BEL|3600000|year=1946|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|BRA|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} R$3.6 million
{{ItemCost|BRA|3600000|year=1995|mode=historical|convert=no}} R$3.6 million (1995)
{{ItemCost|BRA|3600000|year=1994|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|CAN|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} CA$3.6 million
{{ItemCost|CAN|3600000|year=1962|mode=historical|convert=no}} CA$3.6 million (1962)
{{ItemCost|CHN|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} CN¥3.6 million
{{ItemCost|CHN|3600000|year=1949|mode=historical|convert=no}} CN¥3.6 million (1949)
{{ItemCost|CHN|3600000|year=1948|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|GER|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} Use DEU
{{ItemCost|GER|3600000|year=1999|mode=historical|convert=no}} Use DEU
{{ItemCost|GER|3600000|year=1998|mode=historical|convert=no}} Use DEU
{{ItemCost|GER|3600000|year=1949|mode=historical|convert=no}} Use DEU
{{ItemCost|GER|3600000|year=1948|mode=historical|convert=no}} Use DEU
{{ItemCost|DEU|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million
{{ItemCost|DEU|3600000|year=1999|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million (1999)
{{ItemCost|DEU|3600000|year=1998|mode=historical|convert=no}} DM 3.6 million (1998)
{{ItemCost|DEU|3600000|year=1949|mode=historical|convert=no}} DM 3.6 million (1949)
{{ItemCost|DEU|3600000|year=1948|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|DNK|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} DKK 3.6 million
{{ItemCost|DNK|3600000|year=1874|mode=historical|convert=no}} DKK 3.6 million (1874)
{{ItemCost|DNK|3600000|year=1873|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|ESP|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million
{{ItemCost|ESP|3600000|year=1999|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million (1999)
{{ItemCost|ESP|3600000|year=1998|mode=historical|convert=no}}  3.6 million (1998)
{{ItemCost|ESP|3600000|year=1869|mode=historical|convert=no}}  3.6 million (1869)
{{ItemCost|ESP|3600000|year=1868|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|EUR|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million
{{ItemCost|EUR|3600000|year=1999|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million (1999)
{{ItemCost|FIN|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million
{{ItemCost|FIN|3600000|year=1999|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million (1999)
{{ItemCost|FIN|3600000|year=1998|mode=historical|convert=no}} FIM 3.6 million (1998)
{{ItemCost|FIN|3600000|year=1861|mode=historical|convert=no}} FIM 3.6 million (1861)
{{ItemCost|FIN|3600000|year=1860|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|FRA|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million
{{ItemCost|FRA|3600000|year=1999|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million (1999)
{{ItemCost|FRA|3600000|year=1998|mode=historical|convert=no}} FRF 3.6 million (1998)
{{ItemCost|FRA|3600000|year=1960|mode=historical|convert=no}} FRF 3.6 million (1960)
{{ItemCost|FRA|3600000|year=1959|mode=historical|convert=no}} FF 3.6 million (1959)
{{ItemCost|FRA|3600000|year=1796|mode=historical|convert=no}} FF 3.6 million (1796)
{{ItemCost|FRA|3600000|year=1795|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|GBR|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} GB£3.6 million Ralat ungkapan: Pengendali < tidak dijangka
{{ItemCost|GBR|3600000|year=1962|mode=historical|convert=no}} GB£3.6 million (1962) Ralat ungkapan: Pengendali < tidak dijangka
{{ItemCost|GRC|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million
{{ItemCost|GRC|3600000|year=2001|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million (2001)
{{ItemCost|GRC|3600000|year=2000|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million (2000)
{{ItemCost|GRC|3600000|year=1955|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million (1955)
{{ItemCost|GRC|3600000|year=1954|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|HRV|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} HRK 3.6 million
{{ItemCost|HRV|3600000|year=1995|mode=historical|convert=no}} HRK 3.6 million (1995)
{{ItemCost|HRV|3600000|year=1994|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|IRL|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million
{{ItemCost|IRL|3600000|year=1999|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million (1999)
{{ItemCost|IRL|3600000|year=1998|mode=historical|convert=no}} IR£3.6 million (1998)
{{ItemCost|IRL|3600000|year=1939|mode=historical|convert=no}} IR£3.6 million (1939)
{{ItemCost|IRL|3600000|year=1038|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|ITA|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million
{{ItemCost|ITA|3600000|year=1999|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million (1999)
{{ItemCost|ITA|3600000|year=1998|mode=historical|convert=no}} Lit. 3.6 million (1998)
{{ItemCost|ITA|3600000|year=1863|mode=historical|convert=no}} Lit. 3.6 million (1863)
{{ItemCost|ITA|3600000|year=1862|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|JPN|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} ¥3.6 million
{{ItemCost|JPN|3600000|year=1962|mode=historical|convert=no}} ¥3.6 million (1962)
{{ItemCost|KOR|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million Ralat ungkapan: Pengendali < tidak dijangka
{{ItemCost|KOR|3600000|year=1962|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million (1962) Ralat ungkapan: Pengendali < tidak dijangka
{{ItemCost|LUX|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million
{{ItemCost|LUX|3600000|year=1999|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million (1999)
{{ItemCost|LUX|3600000|year=1998|mode=historical|convert=no}} LUF 3.6 million (1998)
{{ItemCost|LUX|3600000|year=1945|mode=historical|convert=no}} LUF 3.6 million (1945)
{{ItemCost|LUX|3600000|year=1944|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|MLT|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million
{{ItemCost|MLT|3600000|year=2008|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million (2008)
{{ItemCost|MLT|3600000|year=2007|mode=historical|convert=no}} Lm 3.6 million (2007)
{{ItemCost|MLT|3600000|year=1973|mode=historical|convert=no}} Lm 3.6 million (1973)
{{ItemCost|MLT|3600000|year=1972|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|MYS|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} RM 3.6 million
{{ItemCost|MYS|3600000|year=1976|mode=historical|convert=no}} RM 3.6 million (1976)
{{ItemCost|MYS|3600000|year=1975|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|NLD|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million
{{ItemCost|NLD|3600000|year=1999|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million (1999)
{{ItemCost|NLD|3600000|year=1998|mode=historical|convert=no}} ƒ3.6 million (1998)
{{ItemCost|NLD|3600000|year=1815|mode=historical|convert=no}} ƒ3.6 million (1815)
{{ItemCost|NLD|3600000|year=1814|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|NOR|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} NOK 3.6 million
{{ItemCost|NOR|3600000|year=1876|mode=historical|convert=no}} NOK 3.6 million (1876)
{{ItemCost|NOR|3600000|year=1875|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|NZL|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} NZ$3.6 million
{{ItemCost|NZL|3600000|year=1968|mode=historical|convert=no}} NZ$3.6 million (1968)
{{ItemCost|NZL|3600000|year=1967|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|PHL|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million
{{ItemCost|PHL|3600000|year=1946|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million (1946)
{{ItemCost|PHL|3600000|year=1945|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|POL|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} PLN 3.6 million
{{ItemCost|POL|3600000|year=1995|mode=historical|convert=no}} PLN 3.6 million (1995)
{{ItemCost|POL|3600000|year=1994|mode=historical|convert=no}} PLZ 3.6 million (1994)
{{ItemCost|POL|3600000|year=1951|mode=historical|convert=no}} PLZ 3.6 million (1951)
{{ItemCost|POL|3600000|year=1950|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|PRT|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million
{{ItemCost|PRT|3600000|year=1999|mode=historical|convert=no}} 3.6 million (1999)
{{ItemCost|PRT|3600000|year=1998|mode=historical|convert=no}} PTE 3.6 million (1998)
{{ItemCost|PRT|3600000|year=1912|mode=historical|convert=no}} PTE 3.6 million (1912)
{{ItemCost|PRT|3600000|year=1911|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|ROU|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} RON 3.6 million
{{ItemCost|ROU|3600000|year=2006|mode=historical|convert=no}} RON 3.6 million (2006)
{{ItemCost|ROU|3600000|year=2005|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|ROU|3600000|year=2004|mode=historical|convert=no}} ROL 3.6 million (2004)
{{ItemCost|ROU|3600000|year=1953|mode=historical|convert=no}} ROL 3.6 million (1953)
{{ItemCost|ROU|3600000|year=1952|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|ROU|3600000|year=1951|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|SWE|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} SEK 3.6 million
{{ItemCost|SWE|3600000|year=1874|mode=historical|convert=no}} SEK 3.6 million (1874)
{{ItemCost|SWE|3600000|year=1873|mode=historical|convert=no}} Year not supported
{{ItemCost|USA|3600|mode=historical|convert=no}} AS$3,600 Ralat ungkapan: Pengendali < tidak dijangka
{{ItemCost|USA|3600|year=1790|mode=historical|convert=no}} AS$3,600 (1790) Ralat ungkapan: Pengendali < tidak dijangka
{{ItemCost|ZAF|3600000|mode=historical|convert=no}} R3.6 million
{{ItemCost|ZAF|3600000|year=1962|mode=historical|convert=no}} R3.6 million (1962)
  1. ^ a b c d e f 1850-1899: McLean, I.W. (1999), Consumer Prices and Expenditure Patterns in Australia 1850–1914. Australian Economic History Review, 39: 1-28. For later years, Australian Consumer Price Inflation figures follow the Long Term Linked Series provided in Australian Bureau of Statistics (2011) 6461.0 – Consumer Price Index: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2011 as explained at §§3.10–3.11; this series comprises "from 1901 to 1914, the A Series Retail Price Index; from 1914 to 1946–47, the C Series Retail Price Index; from 1946–47 to 1948–49, a combination of the C Series Index, excluding rent, and the housing group of the CPI; and from 1948–49 onwards, the CPI." (3.10). Retrieved May 4, 2015
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m something1
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l something2

See also

  • {{FXConvert}}: Inflates and converts a given currency to US dollars. It is used by {{ItemCost}}.



Template presents the cost of a ship.

Parameter templat

Currency country code1

ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code of the currency, see the examples to find out what is currently supported. EUR for Euro (inflation adjustment would require using a country-specific code).


The value, in the source, that needs to be converted. The template will not accept pre-formatted values (i.e. 1,234).

Currency units3

Use this to represent larger numbers such as crores, billions et al.

c, lc, b, m, k, cr, p, pa, po, ba

Gives option to whether link currency names (paise, etc.) or number names (crores, lakhs, billions, trillions)

on, off, source, original, inflated, result, converted, source-converted

This parameter allows for inflation. Historic values will be inflated to the most current values available then converted.


ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code of the shipyard's location, by default that corresponding to the currency is assumed (no country assumed for Euro).

Rounding digitsr

Used to round significant digits. A value of "0" will drop paise or cent values from the converted number. By default the conversion will be rounded to two significant figures.


This parameter allows to force a conversion at the most current rate available when data is lacking for the provided year when its value is "yes".


This provides some control over formatting. "source" requests to display the input value normally (in American fashion) after applying the units. "on" does this for both the input and result values. Otherwise all values will be displayed as per Format price.

source, on

This allows adding a phrase that indicates to how many or which units the cost applies to.

first, 1, 4
Technology transfertot

yes indicates that the cost includes technology transfer


This allows appending an arbitrary wikitext to the output.

and training facilities

yes indicates that the cost is estimated


This allows displaying one or more references. Each one must consist of a ref wikitext element. The placement of the references is normalized (currently after the year, but this might be changed in the future).

<ref>some wikitext ref</ref>

This parameter allows to disable the adjustment even if the template is enabling it.


This parameter controls the currency conversion. Setting it to blank or omitting it results in the default mode. Setting it to <code>no</code> disables it.
