Joachim von Ribbentrop

Ulrich Friedrich Wilhelm Joachim von Ribbentrop (30 April 1893 – 16 Oktober 1946) ialah Menteri Luar Negeri Jerman pada tahun 1938 dan merundingkan Perjanjian Tidak Menyerang Nazi-Soviet pada Ogos 1939. Pengaruhnya menurun semasa Perang Dunia Kedua. Dia dibicarakan di Nuremberg, dan digantung pada tahun 1946.

Joachim von Ribbentrop
Portrait of a middle-aged man with short grey hair and a stern expression. He wears a dark military uniform, with a swastika on one arm. He is seated with his hands on a table with several papers on it, holding a pen.
Ribbentrop berpakaian SS, April 1938
Dalam jawatan
4 Februari 1938 – 30 April 1945
PresidenAdolf Hitler
CanselorAdolf Hitler
Didahului olehKonstantin von Neurath
Digantikan olehArthur Seyss-Inquart
Dalam jawatan
Dilantik olehAdolf Hitler
Didahului olehLeopold von Hoesch
Digantikan olehHerbert von Dirksen
Maklumat peribadi
Ulrich Friedrich Wilhelm Joachim Ribbentrop

(1893-04-30)30 April 1893
Wesel, Negeri Rhine, Kerajaan Prusia, Empayar Jerman
Meninggal dunia16 Oktober 1946(1946-10-16) (umur 53)
Nuremberg, Jerman
Parti politikParti Buruh Jerman Sosialis Nasional (Parti Nazi)
PasanganAnna Elisabeth Henkell (m. 1920)
PertalianRudolf von Ribbentrop (anak)
Bidang pengkhususanAhli perniagaan, diplomat
KabinetKabinet Hitler
Ribbentrop bersama Ante Pavelić di Salzburg tahun 1941

Tarikh kenaikkan pangkat


Anugerah kebesaran


Lihat juga



  • Bloch, Michael. Ribbentrop. New York: Crown Publishing, 1992. ISBN 0-517-59310-6.
  • Browning, Christopher R. The Final Solution and the German Foreign Office: A Study of Referat D III of Abteilung Deutschland, 194–43. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1978. ISBN 0-8419-0403-0.
  • Craig, Gordon. "The German Foreign Office from Neurath to Ribbentrop" in Gordon A. Craig and Felix Gilbert (eds.) The Diplomats 1919–39. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1953, pp. 406–436.
  • Hildebrand, Klaus. The Foreign Policy of the Third Reich, Anthony Fothergill (trans.). London: Batsford, 1973. ISBN 0-520-02528-8.
  • Hillgruber, Andreas. Germany and the Two World Wars, William C. Kirby (trans.). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1981. ISBN 0-674-35321-8.
  • Kaillis, Aristotle. Fascist Ideology, London: Routledge, 2000 ISBN 0415216117.
  • Messerschmidt, Manfred "Foreign Policy and Preparation for War" from Germany and the Second World War, Wilhelm Deist, Hans-Erich Vokmann & Wolfram Wette (eds.), Vol. I, Clarendon Press: Oxford, United Kingdom, 1990.
  • Michalka, Wolfgang. "From Anti-Comintern Pact to the Euro-Asiatic Bloc: Ribbentrop's Alternative Concept to Hitler's Foreign Policy Programme". In H.W. Koch (ed.), Aspects of the Third Reich. London: Macmillan 1985, pp. 267–284. ISBN 0-333-35272-6.
  • Michalka, Wolfgang. "Joachim von Ribbentrop: From Wine Merchant to Foreign Minister". In Ronald Smelser and Rainer Zitelmann (eds.), The Nazi Elite. London: Macmillan, 1993. ISBN 0-333-56950-4.
  • Oursler Jr., Fulton. "Secret Treason", American Heritage, 42 (8) (1991).
  • Snyder, Louis. Encyclopedia of the Third Reich. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976. ISBN 0-07-059525-9.
  • Lukes, Igor, and Erik Goldstein (eds.). The Munich Crisis, 1938: Prelude to World War II. London: Frank Cass Inc, 1999. ISBN 0-7146-8056-7.
  • Rees, Laurence The Nazis: A Warning from History, New York: New Press, 1997 ISBN 056349333X.
  • Rothwell, Victor. The Origins of the Second World War, Manchester University Press: Manchester, United Kingdom, 2001 ISBN 0719059585.
  • The Third Reich. Leitz, Christian (ed.), Oxford: Blackwell, 1999, ISBN 0-631-20700-7. Articles:
    • Jacobsen, Hans-Adolf. "The Structure of Nazi Foreign Policy, 1933–45" pp. 49–94.
    • Overy, Richard "Germany, 'Domestic Crisis" and the War in 1939" pp. 97–128
  • Turner, Henry Ashby. Hitler's Thirty Days To Power: January 1933. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1996. ISBN 0-201-40714-0.
  • Waddington, Geoffrey. "'An Idyllic and Unruffled Atmosphere of Complete Anglo–German Misunderstanding': Aspects of the Operation of the Dienststelle Ribbentrop in Great Britain 1934–1939". History, Volume 82, 1997, pp. 44–74.
  • Watt, D.C. How War Came: The Immediate Origins of the Second World War, 1938–1939. London: Heinemann, 1989. ISBN 0-394-57916-X.
  • Weinberg, Gerhard. The Foreign Policy of Hitler's Germany Diplomatic Revolution in Europe 1933–36. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1970. ISBN 0-226-88509-7.
  • Weinberg, Gerhard. The Foreign Policy of Hitler's Germany Starting World War II 1937–39. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980. ISBN 0-226-88511-9.
  • Weinberg, Gerhard A World At Arms, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994 ISBN 0521618266.
  • Weitz, John. Hitler's Diplomat: The Life And Times Of Joachim von Ribbentrop. New York: Ticknor & Fields, 1992. ISBN 0-395-62152-6.
  • Wheeler-Bennett, John The Nemesis of Power, London: Macmillan, 1967.
  • Windsor, Wallis. The Heart has its Reasons: The Memoirs of the Duchess of Windsor. Bath: Chivers Press, 1956.

Pautan luar

Jawatan diplomatik
Didahului oleh
Leopold von Hoesch
Duta Besar Jerman ke United Kingdom
Diikuti oleh:
Herbert von Dirksen
Jawatan politik
Didahului oleh
Konstantin von Neurath
Menteri Luar Negeri Jerman
Diikuti oleh:
Arthur Seyss-Inquart