Burung Seliah: Perbezaan antara semakan

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Baris 24:
Sebagaimana shrikes yang lain, ia memiliki ciri jelas "Topeng Perompak" melalui matanya. dan terdapat kebiasaanya di habitat semak terbuka, di mana ia bertenggek di puncak semak berduri menunggu mangsa. Beberapa populasi spesies tersebar luas ini membentuk spesies kecil tersendiri yang membiak di Asia Serdahana dan berpindah pada musim sejuk ke Asia Tropika. Mereka kadang-kala dijumpai sesat di Europe dan Amerika Utara.
== Gambaran ==
[[FileFail:Brown Shrike (Lanius cristatus)- Immature in Kolkata I IMG 6072.jpg|thumb|leftkanan|upright|Burung muda di ([[Kolkata]], [[India]])]]
Shrike ini bisanya perang di bahagian atas dan ekor bulat. Topeng hitam mungkin pucat pada musim sejuk dan mempunyai garis putih atasnya. Bahagian perut putih dengan sisi dan perut rufous.
<!---- The wings are brown and lack any white "mirror" patches. Females tend to have fine scalloping on the underside and the mask is dark brown and not as well marked as in the male. The distinction is not easy to use in the field but has been tested with breeding birds in Japan where the female can be identified from the presence of a brood patch.<ref>{{cite journal|title=A sexual difference in plumage of Brown Shrike subspecies, Lanius cristatus superciliosus|author=Takagi, M|year=1996| journal=J. Yamashina Inst. Ornithol.| volume=28|pages=103–105}}</ref> The use of multiple measurements allows discrimination of the sex of about 90% of the birds.<ref>{{cite journal|journal=Jap. J. Ornithol.|volume=45|pages=187–190|year=1996|title=Sexual Size Dimorphism and Sex Determination of a Brown Shrike subspecies, Lanius cristatus superciliosus|author=Takagi, Masaoki|url=https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jjo1986/45/3/45_3_187/_pdf}}</ref> Subspecies ''lucionensis'' has a grey crown shading into the brown upperparts and the rump appears more rufous than the rest of the upperback.<ref name=pcr>{{cite book|author=Rasmussen, PC & JC Anderton|year=2005|title=Birds of South Asia: The Ripley Guide. Volume 2|publisher=Smithsonian Institution & Lynx Edicions|pages=349–350}}</ref> The tail is more brownish and not as reddish as in the [[Red-backed Shrike]].<ref name=hbk>{{cite book|author=Ali, S & SD Ripley| title= Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan. Volume 5|edition=2| pages=98–100|publisher=Oxford University Press|place=New Delhi}}</ref> Younger birds of ''lucionensis'' have brown crown and lacks the grey on the head. Supspecies ''superciliosus'' has a broad white supercilium and richer reddish crown. The tail is redder and tipped in white.<ref name=phil>{{cite book| title= A manual of Philippine birds. Part 1| author=McGregor, RC| year=1909| publisher= Bureau of Printing, Manila| pages= 596–599|url= http://www.archive.org/stream/manualofphilippi00mcgr#page/596/mode/1up}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal|author=Worfolk, Tim |year=2000|title= Identification of red-backed, isabelline and brown shrikes|journal=Dutch Birding|volume=22|issue=6|pages=323–362|url=http://www.dutchbirding.nl/content/journal/pdf/2000-6.pdf}}</ref>
Baris 47:
Mereka makan serangga, terutamanya lepidoptera.<ref>{{cite journal|author=Yosef, Reuven |year=2004 |title=Perch-site use and inter- and intraspecific aggression of migratory Brown Shrikes (''Lanius cristatus'') in Southern Taiwan|journal= Biol. Lett.|volume=41 |issue=2|pages=113–118|url=http://www.biollett.amu.edu.pl/biollett_41_2_8.pdf }}</ref> Sebagaimana shrikes yang lain, mereka menyula mangsa pada duri. Burung kecil dan biawak kecil turut dijadikan mangsa.<ref>{{cite journal| author= Ganguli, U |year=1962| title= The Redtailed Skink as a food for birds|journal=[[Newsletter for Birdwatchers]] | volume=2|issue= 5| pages= 4–5| url=http://www.archive.org/stream/NLBW2#page/n64/mode/1up}}</ref> <!----A white-eye (''Zosterops'') has been recorded in its larder.<ref name=hbk/> Mereka biasanya memburu dari tenggekan dan terbang ke tanah untuk menangkap mangsa.----><ref>{{cite book|author=Severinghaus, L. L. & C. T. Liang|year=1995 |chapter= Food and foraging of the Brown Shrike (Lanius cristatus) in Taiwan|pages=194–199|editor=Yosef, R. & F. E. Lohrer|title=Shrikes (Laniidae) of the world: biology and conservation. (Proc. of the First Int. Shrike Symposium&nbsp;– Proc. of the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, No. 6)|publisher=Archbold Biological Station, Lake Placid, Florida, USA}}</ref>
== Rujukan ==
== Sumber lain ==
* {{cite journal|author=Livesey,TR |year=1935|title= The status of the Brown Shrike ''Lanius c. cristatus'' (Linn.) in the S. S. States, Burma|journal=J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.|volume=38|issue=2|pages=397–398}}
* {{cite journal|author=Himmatsinhji MK|year=1995|title=''Lanius cristatus'' Linn. in Kutch, Gujarat&nbsp;— a westward extension|journal=J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.|volume=92|issue=1|page=123}}
== Pautan luar ==
{{commons category|Lanius cristatus}}
* [http://www.birdskorea.org/Birds/Identification/ID_Notes/BK-ID-Brown-Shrike.shtml Identification notes from Korea]