Greetings. My name is Asmah Federico. I am an active member of the Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia. My background mainly focuses on International Business and Data Analytics studies. I originated from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia but due to migration for study, Kuala Lumpur is now the place I call home.

Currently, I am also contributing to the WCUGM as their deputy secretary and became the Ambassador of Pilipinas Panorama Community in February 2024.

My contribution to Wikimedia focuses mainly on Wikipedia and WikiCommons platforms. However, now I am diving into the world of Wiktionary! As an individual, I am passionate about sharing and creating new ideas and knowledge with as many people as I can reach out to. For me, Wikimedia is a place that I can safely utilize to deliver my passion and pass on free yet accurate information to everyone worldwide, especially to my niche society. I am excited to contribute further to Wikimedia and hope that what I share here will benefit everyone who uses this amazing platform.
